Wake Me Up


Have you ever woken up from a full night of sleep only to crawl through the day feeling tired and spent? What happened to all that energy eight hours of rest had promise? If you’ve ever felt this way, then you should probably look to your daily routine, there’s more to feeling rested then getting enough sleep.tired_of_searching_for_quality_link_partners


The word routine is very important here. Many of us go through almost the exact same footsteps every single day. We wake up, eat three meals a day, go to school, loiter on the internet, force ourselves to finish homework, and then go straight back to sleep. We repeat this every day until our brains practically run on autopilot. Routines are brain-deadening, and when our brains are hovering in a null state, it’s easy to feel fatigued and bored. The solution to this is simply to break that routine. Sign-up for a sports club, learn an instrument, and maybe find a new hobby. Do something new every day to wake up your brain.

Another way to wake up refreshed every morning is to introduce yourself to new scents. Eat some oranges for breakfast, or drink some mint tea, citrus and mint will sharpen that mind and get you ready for the day. You can also play around with car fresheners; change them up on a daily basis.


I always find that if I spend the day staring at my laptop with a bag of Cheetos in hand, I tend to get tired really easily. Whereas if I wake up early, go out for a jog, practice piano for an hour or so, then head on to the gym, I usually come back awake and relaxed. Many people avoid working out by saying they’re way too tired, but exercising actually gives you more energy. So next time you get the urge to sink into your sofa, maybe try doing some jumping jacks instead.5-brain-design-by-cogs-and-gears-setsiri-silapasuwanchai

The key to staying awake throughout the day is to keep your brain from falling asleep. Although school might not always be the most exciting thing, there are always ways to keep your mind focused. For example, doodling on your notebook while listening to a lecture has been proven to help improve your attention span. Eat a snack between classes, or take a walk during lunch, little things can make a big difference. But most important of all, you have to get an adequate amount of sleep each night.