5k “Walk So Kids Can Talk” Walk/Run – May 3


1 out of every 5 Canadians will personally experience a mental health illness in their lifetime. That amounts to 20% of the population – a whole lot of people! Stigma or discrimination attached to mental illnesses presents a serious barrier, not only to diagnosis and treatment but also to acceptance in the community. 

There’s stigma surrounding mental health, here’s your chance to break those barriers down!

Kids Help Phone – presented by BMO: Walk So Kids Can Talk! This is a 5k walk/run dedicated to just that, giving the opportunity for those adolescents to reach out and get the well deserving help they need. Come out and support this nation wide cause for the better! 🙂

CALGARY, MAY 3RD, 2015 (aka this coming Sunday), register HERE and find details HERE. Get everyone involved! It’s for a good cause, folks, so get educated, come out and be a part of the solution!

*While this isn’t a part of Youth Week, but it definitely caters to the needs of youth, so come support!*