Fitness for Students


Being an IB student with a crazy cramped schedule, I know firsthand how hard it can be to keep a regimented exercise routine, especially when phys ed is not a course I am taking. However, after enjoying both mental and physical benefits from working out at my local Y last summer, exercise has become invaluable to me. Since being active on a regular basis, I’ve become more alert in school, been more successful in many aspects of my life, and am overall happier. The problem is both about motivation and about finding the time to exercise now that school is in full-swing. After periods of starting and stopping my exercise regime, I feel that I’ve finally been able to stay consistent with it thanks to these tips for staying fit whilst still maintaining my grades.


Create an inspiration board

Inspiration Board
Your Tea’s Fitness Inspiration board on Pinterest

Inspiration can be hard to come by, but by having a place where you can showcase the pictures or quotes that inspire you will make it so much easier to become and stay inspired to be healthy and fit. Inspiration boards can be online or physical.


Do short high-intensity workouts

wake-up workout

Last semester during a science class, I found myself discussing the issue of finding the time to workout with my teacher, who attended boot camp classes in the mornings before work. Being a mother and busy teacher, she totally understood the trials and tribulations of students wanting to make time for exercise. She suggested to try small but intensive cardio workouts that you can find by a simple Google or YouTube search. Pinterest and Blogilaties on YouTube are good sources!


Taking the stairs, walking to places

I’m the type of person who likes to walk fast. Being blessed with longer-than-average legs and a mind that can’t seem to lose sight of its destination, I’ve often had friends complain about my fast gait. Even when I go for a walk, I just end up speeding through it all. Though there is a time and place for walking fast or slow, speed-walking, as well as taking the stairs (there’s a reason why they have Stairmasters at gyms – it’s effective!), is a great way to raise your heart rate and is super easy to incorporate into your daily routine.


Utilize weekends and breaks

Though I try my best to workout every weekday, sometimes time is tight and priporities may be set elsewhere. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I skip days if my school workload is particularly stressful, but thankfully, weekends and breaks are a thing and are great make-up days! They are great for doing the longer and more strenous excerises that weekdays don’t neccesarily allow for. It’s also a great time to hit up the gym!


Plan ahead

work out plan

One of the biggest fitness hinderances I have to come realize is the lack of a fitness plan. I’m sure we have all written enough essays about the importance of goals on a individual, but it’s true. By setting fitness goals and having a pre-planned routine, you will feel much more organized and will be more motivated to keep it up.

annnd finally… Have a healthy diet

Crunchy, Spicy Hummus Wrap

The final and most important tip of them all. No one really wants to hear it, but having and maintaining a healthy diet is the most influential thing on your body. If you’ve ever worked out for an extended period of time and seen no significant difference in your body, chances are its time to change up your diet. Eating healthy doesn’t mean becoming a raw vegan, nor does it mean dieting. It is a lifestyle change and you can start just by cutting out processed foods and refined sugar, all the while eating balanced meals that provides all your required nutrients.


Disclaimer: I am in no way a health expert, but these are the tips and tricks I have found to be helpful in my personal fitness journey and I hope they will be for you too!

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