How to cheat the A.M. hours



A bouquet next to the bed

You know that feeling you get when you come home to a bouquet of flowers? Well, this is a similar situation. If you place a fresh bouquet of flowers next to your bed, it can make you feel great. I would say that you should buy fake flowers if you cannot buy fresh flowers, or even a small daisy, because they are sure to make you feel happier. Plus it will make your room look so much cuter.

Enjoy the light

Of course, natural light is a great alarm clock because light waves stimulate you brain, thus you should be leaving the curtains and blinds open to allow all the sunlight to come through. On dark, groggy mornings, you may not feel this way, but at least you will be able to see trees in your yard or the bouquet of flowers of flowers beside your bed. Don’t forget to keep all the windows bare because it is sure to wake you up and out a smile on your face.

Sound a different alarm

It’s a huge struggle waking up in the morning, but when you alarm clock sounds like a fire alarm it’s not the most pleasant. Therefore you should try making a rise and shine playlist that your body and mind will love. I’m sure you can find some playlists on the internet that would help you feel more energized. Your favourite song at the moment can also be a good choice. Or favourite album = instant energy. Escape grogginess.

Drink some water

Water is nature’s gift to the mind because it allows your body to become hydrated after sleeping for many hours. So take out your beloved mug and drink some water. The water helps to increase your metabolism upon waking. The water also increases the amount of oxygen flow in your body, renews energy levels, increases alertness, and stimulates the digestive system. It sound almost like an energy drink, yet it is so simple.

Smell the citrus

In the morning, Tim Horton’s or Starbucks may seem like the ideal scent, but citrus smells are actually more lively. Aromas from organizes, lemons, and grapefruit can be a great energy boost wake-up call. Again, just like water, just having a whiff of this scent can boost your alertness and over all mood. How you can incorporate this into your morning routine is quite simple try a juicy body wash, lotion, face wash, or even an actual citrus fruit for breakfast!

Psych up

Instead of filling up your mind with negative thoughts try to replace them with positive thoughts. Don’t think about what you want to wear by picking it out the night before. Also, don’t dread about a math test by practicing some questions the night before, and quickly review your notes. By getting whatever you can get done the night before it will make the next day 10x easier for you. Also, try to write a list on what you have to do the next day. Envision positive outcomes for the next day is going to out you in a good mood for sure. Lists and goals are what will keep you going.