Free Your Mind: Mindfulness


Mindfulness means being in the moment, and not being on what what would be called an “automatic pilot” mode. Since we are all so busy with our lives, we are not fully conscious or aware of what we are essentially doing. By being a mindful person, it would mean that you would be present in the moment and would not think about the past nor the future. In addition, you are fully aware of yourself. Being mindful can really transform our lives, because we are constantly being bombarded by information everyday in our life. People are always talking about detoxing the body, but what about detoxing the mind? When you begin to practice mindfulness you will notice that your stress levels will reduce, positive changes will emerge, and you will feel wonderful.


The first step to the whole mindful practice would be to search for a space. It is important to have a place where you can sit down, and practice mindfulness. However, you can do this anywhere when you feel the need to become more centred. You could lay down on to your bed, or sit in your chair and raise your legs or simply go traditional and cross your legs. It is your decision. If you are at work you could find a quiet place and sit there for 10 minutes, without any distractions.


This is something we do everyday. It’s an involuntary response that we do no think about much. However, this is something that we are not very conscious of. When you concentrate on your breathing, what you want to do is close your eyes. Next you would want to focus on your breathing pattern. When you are breathing in, try to visualize the air entering your body. Then when you exhale visualize the air exiting your body. Taking deep breaths will help calm that racing mind. If you feel the need to count to three, then do that also.


You should listen to the sounds that surround you. Use all your five senses: hear, touch, smell, see, and listen. Don’t confuse mindfulness with blocking things out. It is not about that. You are not trying to get your head to be empty. Instead, you are trying to embed yourself into the present moment. Try to be non-judgemental and pay attention to your surroundings. Build a connection with all your senses, and welcome them.


This may be uncomfortable. Many of us don’t even know what our bodies truly look like. Start from the top of your head and work your way down to your toes, scanning evey part. Notice any discomfort or tension that you feel. It’s about the present moment and understanding your body. This is a great way to accept yourself, and know yourself better than anyone else.


It’s inevitable that your mind will wander. You will being thinking about what so and so said, or the million things you have in your to do list. This happens to everyone, so don’t worry. When this does occur what you should do is focus all your energy on your sitting or standing. Then repeat “sitting” or “standing” to yourself several times to help you feel present in the moment again. Then also try to bring your mind back to your breath.


Being aware is very important in everyday life. You shouldn’t go on living a fast paced life, knowing that at the end of the day your wouldn’t be able to recite what just happened. You could try to notice how the chair feels against your body. Become aware of your posture, and how you feel in that present moment.


You cannot just become a mindful person by sitting for 10 minutes cross legged in a chair. You have to enjoy everything that you do. This can be achieved when you concentrate on your food when you are eating. Try to pay attention to the foods taste and texture rather than just gobbling it down. For example, the next time when you unload the dishwasher you could concentrate on unloading the dishes, rather than thinking about what you will do next.

Mindfulness is all about an activity, a state in which you are being present, rather than it being a conscious activity. Some great free apps include: Mindfulness Daily and Omvana, which will aid in the mindfulness that you should take part in daily.