How To Beat Body “Standards”



I have never been a fan of weight goals and standards set by the society we live in, I believe in being healthy and happy with our bodies. On a day to day basis, I make choices to keep my body healthy by putting good food in it that gives me energy and protein. There is no need for dieting or working out in excess if you are always putting your health first.


There will always be those around that will tell you their opinions about your body and what it looks like. To be truthful, for a long time I was insecure about my body and was constantly weighing myself. In my mind, living in the moment is better than stressing about what you look like and how you present yourself. Recently, I went for a hike and when I went for a swim, I had my bathing suit on and was not hung up on what I looked like. Happiness is your best asset anywhere you go. If you are upset with the way you look, chances are you’re not going to have a good time. Who would? If you are worried about your thighs or your stomach, you will miss out on what your life has to offer around you.


The three things I think about to keep my body healthy, but also happy are:

1. Putting good food into your system and never letting yourself get hungry.


2. Be active and exercise your body in ways that challenge you but also improve your quality of life. I used to run a lot and hated it. Working out started becoming something I dreaded rather than enjoyed. I took up boxing for my cardio and honestly LOVE it. Its fun, it allows me to blow off steam, it works your body in many different ways (cardio and strength), and I look forward to it every time.


3. If it tastes good and you love to eat it, then indulge! There’s no need to stop yourself from eating your favorite dessert or getting your favorite Starbucks drink on your way to work. Treat yourself. Eat food that makes your senses come alive and don’t stop to count the calories. I am not saying that you should be putting bad food into your body everyday and every meal, but I do believe in treating yourself. I try to eat 90% healthy and 10% unhealthy, I think that gives me a pretty good balance. 

As long as you are happy and healthy, the way you look should not be impacting your life.


xo, Sarah