Marketing Genius: IKEA’s bookbook™


Sleek lines in front of an intently lit grey backdrop, the 2015 IKEA Catalogue is coming to your stands soon. Wait, what was that? What people would normally expect to be the milieu for an Apple product, IKEA parodies Apple’s advertising scheme to create an ingenious marketing scheme of their own. The bookbook™ mocks the highly valued Mac book through displaying its own features. See the video here:

Everyone is used to the modern video features of the common Apple commercial, great editing combined with a clean aura. Apple has always ruled their marketing campaigns. Hence, the frenzy of people awaiting to buy the new iPhone each year, or perhaps, even the iWatch (Apple Watch) debuting later this year. Consumerism of products from companies, such as Apple, becomes this ridiculous cycle of renewing a perfectly functional device for the new model. But people give in; they always give in. It is simply because of clever marketing strategies. Apple is selling sophistication, with a modern flair. Everyone wants to live the Apple lifestyle.

IKEA’s commercial for the bookbook™ satirizes this marketing cycle by introducing the new features and design of their 2015 catalogue. The Swedish company brings a modern element to the archaic idea of a book. Catalogues have become an outdated idea on its own. But IKEA refreshes the poor catalogue and salvages it from dumpsters across the globe. Their commercial has brought over 10 million views on YouTube. It has become a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter. IKEA takes the stylish advertisements of Apple and dominates it with their own twist. Who knew a book could be this sleek?