5 school hacks to make life simpler


It hasn’t even been a month since school started, and I am waiting for summer already.

School life is not easy – you know it, i know it, we all know it.

So, just to make life a little easier, I have compiled five tips to make life go easy on you! 😛


1. Don’t cram!

too much studying


School is stressful, but don’t pull all nighters trying to cram everything all at once.

(I tried it, and failed… miserably)

Instead, study for 35-40 mins, then take a five minute break. Grab a snack, go to the washroom, listen to a song, check your phone, etc. It is that tiny moment of satisfaction that would motivate you to study for the next 35 minutes or so.

(P.S., keep your phone away. I usually keep it under my pillow in an attempt to not look at it. Those addictive devices!)


2. Drink H2O

As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of water. Not only would it boost your metabolism, it would help you wake up as well.

If you’re not as lazy as I am, do a five minute workout to increase the effects of your increased metabolism. AND it would help you to start your day on a happier note.

Now that’s what I call multitasking.


drink water


3. Keep your alarm clock away from your reach

If there is one thing I absolutely despise, it is my alarm clock (aka, my phone). So to ensure that I wake up and don’t hit “snooze” again and again (and again), I keep it at a distance from my bed, for which I’d have to get up to switch it off.

And, I keep need six alarms to wake up. Every morning.

You’re not alone.



4. Make a homework to-do list

I cannot stress on how important it is for me to organize my homework to not forget something. I usually scribble down a list of things I have to do (on a whiteboard marker) and cross them off as I finish them. It makes life so much easier as I know how much work I have left (and how much I can procrastinate! 😛 ).

Bu seriously, don’t procrastinate.

home work


5. Choose clothes the night before

If you’re like me, and have difficulty waking up in the morning, it is definitely better for you to pick out your clothes the night before. I sleep in very often, and the stress of choosing an outfit spontaneously is too much for me when I’m running late. I cannot tell you how many times I just grabbed anything I could find and ran into the shower because I was late. As difficult as it may seem, it is a lifesaver.

picking clothes

*picks pajamas from the week before*



Did my tips help? Do you guys have any more tips? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter, or in the comments below! 🙂