What to see in YYC: Weekend Preview June 26-28, 2015



Bored of routine? Want to explore and shake it up a bit? Here are a few “hot and happening” (sorry I’ve always wanted to use that phrase) events in Calgary this weekend, be sure to check them out and join in on a new adventure.


1. YYC’s Block Party

YYC’s Block Party is this Saturday at 1pm – 10pm at Eau Claire Market! It is an event to kick off summer the right way with some sick DJs, street dance battles, games, vendors, workshops and more. It’s goal is to unify and inspire youth in becoming leaders of their communities while leaving an impact and making a difference. For more details check out the YYC’s Block Party Facebook page.




2. Color Me Rad

Color Me Rad, a 5k colour run based on a Hindu tradition called Holi (meaning a festival of colours), is calling anyone who wishes to add some vibrance into his/her life. The run is coming to Calgary this Saturday from 9 am – 12pm and is supposedly an excuse to let loose and just have an awesome time. Initially everyone starts out as a blank canvas however throughout the run turns into an exquisite art piece of uniqueness built by colour and happiness. If this is something that interests you do sign up today!

color run



3. YYC Food Trucks Summer Frenzy

YYC Food Trucks Summer Frenzy: What’s better than food in this world? I say at times it can be a man’s best companion, if you’re a foodie this is the place to be and if you’re not it’s still quite the experience to take part in. Live music, beer (if you’re over 18), giveaways, entertainment, and a multitude of things to see and do. Today with a high of 29 is a perfect day for you to stop by East Village and check out 20 local food trucks , however the frenzy continues throughout the weekend waiting for you to take part in. Don’t miss out!





TEDxYYC is presenting speakers of excellence in areas such as technology, entertainment, and design this Friday from 1pm-5:30pm at the Jack Singer Concert Hall, Art Commons, Calgary. Tickets range from $47.39-$87.39 for more information check out: http://tedxyyc.ca If you are looking for something brain stimulating or inspiring this is your go-to call from up above; grab these opportunities while they are here and don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow never comes. Stay tuned for coverage from bloggers Ailin and Hui Wen.




5. Sheer Madness

Sheer Madness, is a play about mystery and madcap improv that takes place in a hair salon, throughout the play the mystery of a murder committed is unraveled in front of the audience allowing them to suspect, question, and solve a hilarious mystery in the “annals of crime.” If you want to spend a weekend immersed in art, this is a must see show, running till the 28th at the Vertigo Theatre. Added are all the details needed to make this happen!


 Step out of your box and try something new this weekend; shake up your routine and cross something off your bucket list. You only live once so spend it doing something worthwhile we people you love. Enjoy life, we all deserve to, we just forget how to sometimes, so here is a little reminder!