Weekly Pinterest Top 10 (#7)


Pinterest 7

{Original Image}

This weekly post has started to turn into the occasional bi-weekly post, but I’m sure that none of you would have noticed if I didn’t point it out. Life has been pretty busy lately (in a good way) so I haven’t been on Pinterest too much. But I digress, you came here for cool pictures and I shall give them to you! For all the previous posts in this series, you can visit the links provided: Weekly Pinterest Top 10 #1#2#3#4, #5, and #6.



This isn’t the type of art that I usually share, but sculpting sis still a type of art. I think it’s cool what some people can do with snow. Me? I can’t even get a snowball to stick together decently. My childhood attempts at snowmen more so resembled something along the lines of a snow alien. Although, I could build a pretty decent snow dome and hide in it for a couple minutes. When you’ve lived somewhere that snows all your life, and constantly think of it as annoying, it’s easy to forget the beauty in the cold. Visit the original source for more cool snow sculptures!



There are so many DIYs and tips out there for beauty, so it’s hard to know who or what you should listen to. Due to misinformation, the general public is often unaware of the dos and don’ts. This photo debunks some of the myth surrounding skincare tips. As with all tips, you don’t necessarily have to follow them and you may even disagree depending on what works for you.



Since I’ve gotten into my top choice university, I can start planning out all of my residence details. A lot of these things may be provided in your dorm so you may not need them (and I don’t recommend any of the food items they suggested), but this is a good list to cover all your bases.



When you first wake up in the morning, picking out an outfit can be one of the last things on your mind. Throw in colour-coordinating your outfit and you might be tempted to just go to school or work in your pyjamas. This chart is a great print-out poster cheat sheet for you to quickly glance at and then piece together a solid outfit. It’s also a great reference if you have a lot of one colour in your closet and want to incorporate some more.



I like to save these fitness photos for the day that I decide to actually be physically active. When do go for a run, I need to have food beforehand because if I wait until afterwards I’ll end up eating too much. Before, I never knew what I should be eating and what foods to absolutely avoid before exercise, so this simple list helped a lot.



If you can’t tell what’s happening in this photo, it’s a trick to get rid of split ends. All you need is to get a chopstick, straw, or pen, and some scissors. Wrap small sections of hair around your stick-object (as pictured above) and then snip off all the ends to your heart’s desire. There’s the option of just going to the hair salon but who has the time or money for that?



There are some people who have too much time on their hands and some pretty cool Photoshop skills, and we are very glad that these people exist. These “dirds” (a combination of a dog and various types of birds) are some of the cutest creatures I’ve ever seen. They may be even cuter than just a dog or a bird alone. My favourite is the Rottweiler and and crow mixture. In reality, if I were to actually happen on one of these dirds I would probably run away.



I think that this is a great analogy to use when describing why you shouldn’t compare yourself to the people around you. When we look at other people, their lives may always seem better than ours in comparison but we don’t know what these other people are going through behind closed doors. It’s easy to get caught up in the superficial aspects of life and constantly define success objectively, but at the end of the day this is your life and only you are in charge of your own happiness.



I love all the new the live-action remakes of the old fairytales that have been coming out over the years, but once in a while I question the casting choices. Obviously, Hollywood can’t find actors and actresses who look exactly like the characters they’re portraying, but modern technology could make the hunt easier. Here are some of the people I can see in these roles: Julian Morris as Prince Eric, Ian Somerhalder as Prince Phillip, Anna Kendrick as Jane, Tina Fey as Mother Gothel, and I think Adam Levine could pull off Tarzan.



Before seeing it on Pinterest, I would have never considered using tape for nail art. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty ingenious. These lines can be extended into aztec or tribal designs, geometric styles, or anything else your heart desires. It’s much safer than trying to paint a design on your nails and having to wipe it off in repeated failed attempts. If your tape and nail polish are good quality, I think that this DIY is foolproof.

Hopefully you were able to find something in this post that made you laugh, inspired you, or just wasted a good few minutes of your time!

FTC: This is not a sponsored post, and all opinions are completely genuine. ♥