Everyone Could Use Some Therapy


The battle between the advocates for mental health awareness and the prevalent stigma surrounding the issue has become clearer than ever. I’d just like to take a moment and ask – why the stigma in the first place? While the habit to classify and categorize things is helpful in understanding them… taking the next step means acknowledging the fact that NOBODY IS PROBLEM-FREE! We could all benefit from some healthy therapeutic treatment now and then, even when things are going amazingly well in our lives. Just having the de-stressing opportunity to discuss, analyze, and reflect on yourself – in healthy doses – could unearth incredible discoveries! Becoming acquainted with oneself is an essential ingredient to true happiness and success… why else do you think we waste so much time (at least I do,) on BuzzFeed taking “if you were a superhero, who would you be?” type quizzes? Of course, regular therapy sessions are quite the wallet drainer, so it may not be ideal. Nonetheless, simply being open to talking things out, and to the idea of therapy would do wonders in the struggle against social stigma, whether you suffer from a widely recognized illness or not.

Ask yourself: “If there were no financial or scheduling burdens involved, would I be willing to have a conversation with a psychologist about my life? Even if I’m as happy as a bee right now? “

Often, we reject it for the wrong reasons, such as fearing the implications it has on our own “ability to deal with things”. But it’s never that simple, because therapy is NOT a magic potion. It’s more like a pair of flippers that help you swim faster to the shore. In the end, you’re still fighting the waves with your own strength, even if you’ve got some gear on your feet.

Other times, it’s fear for what others will think of us. But if they question your motives, just direct them back to this blog post!

If you’re still reading, thanks for sticking around! I’d like to express my gratitude with a few fun online quizzes, linked below for your convenience! 

Personality trait:

The first impression you make:

How much do you like chocolate?

Which Fast & Furious film are you?

Which 90’s Sitcom character are you?

Which breakfast food are you?

Which tiny little animal are you?

What comforting thing do you need to hear?


  1. What is your personal therapy? Why do you choose it? For me, yoga always helps me to reflect on my life and personality. Scuba diving is great too but I can’t do it everyday.

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