The future of scorekeeping


For all those parents involved in their child’s sports- we know it can be tough. 

Having the hassle of operating the time clock for your children’s games can sometimes lead to frustration. 

Dallas West is a dad to a 14-year-old daughter who plays ringette and an 11-year-old son who plays hockey. 

West has said that trying to operate the “old console” during the middle of a game, has proved to be ineffective and inefficient. Trying to delete or add a penalty while pushing buttons and while having barely any idea of what you’re doing at the same time can be both frustrating and time-consuming. 

Because operating a complicated time clock during a child’s game has shown to be a stressful task, West decided to come up with a solution. 

“It was really born of people’s frustrations, including my own,” West said. “I thought, hey, I could probably solve this problem.”

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“Blitz Sports” is an app that connects a Bluetooth device to the scorekeeping box. Then, through the app, the user can access the scoreboard. This gives the user the option to control the time, shots on the net, and penalties. 

“Nobody likes being in a stressful situation, I just thought I’d make it easy. Now within the app, if you want to delete a penalty, you just push the trashcan. That’s it,” he said.

This hardware can also work on work on scoreboards at schools, for sports such as volleyball and basketball too- which would be very helpful for those scorekeepers out there.

So for all you hockey parents out there, make sure to check out this link:

Or to check out our beloved AppStore.

Go Flames!!

Information found from: CTV

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