The Benefits Of Music


Whether it’s listening to music or making music, everyone experiences it on a daily basis. There have been numerous studies on how the human mind reacts when music is played so here are some of the benefits.

1. Music Makes You Happier


When you listen to music that you like, the brain releases a
neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine controls several functions including emotion, cognition and behavior. It even motivates you to work towards achieving a reward. When large amounts of dopamine are released, it results in you feeling happier.

2. Lowers Stress


Listening to music can cause decreases in levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. High levels of cortisol can result in physical and psychological stress and can lead to anxiety and depression. 60% of all illnesses and diseases are caused by stress so by listening to music it can reduce the risk.

3. Reduces Pain


Music actually has a unique ability to aid with pain management. After several studies, it was shown that people who listened to music experienced less pain than people who didn’t. It is highly unlikely that it is a placebo since scientists did try to see if it worked with people who are skeptical and it worked.

4. Improves Memory


Research has shown that due to the repetitive structures in melody and rhythm actually helps the brain form patterns that enhance the memory. Some studies involving stroke survivors, who listen to music during their recovery time has helped them experience better verbal memory and a more focused mindset.

5. Improves Excerise


Creating and listening to music can boost mental and physical stimulation and enhance aerobic exercise. An example is when a person is listening to a faster-paced song and so they do a faster-paced workout. 

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