Self-Care Guide


Taking care of your body and your mental health should be set a priority. Especially with school, it is easy to get stressed and this can affect your health in negative ways. The lack of maintaining your health can lead to reduced performance, unhappiness, and a lack of focus.

Find ways to relax and detox. Self-care should be and is something incredibly personal and unique to every individual. There are things that might work better or worse for some people, but do what makes you happy. If excising makes you happy, then exercise but don’t force yourself to do something that you don’t want to do.

Take care of body

Refresh your body, soothe any pain and aches in your body to help you to feel relaxed. Do something good for your body, it is scientifically proven to work.

  • Take baths
  • Use face masks
  • Exercise (Go on a run or a walk)
  • Take a nap                                                                  Source
  • Do your nails
  • Eat food
  • Drink something hot

Take care of your mind

Get you mind off things that make you stressed and focus on yourself. This can be anything that makes you feel good but here are a list of things I like to do.


  • Gratitude list (Write things down that you are grateful for)
  • Journal (Write about what your feeling or what you’re going through)
  • Meditate (Do yoga)
  • Read books (Specifically self-help books)
  • Write goals you want to achieve
  • Colour
  • Clean your room
  • Spend time with people who make you happy (Family, friends)
  • Spend time with your pets
  • Play an instrument
  • Listen to music
  • Cook/bake
  • Garden
  • Enjoy the outdoors

Reconstruct your digital life

There are many benefits from disconnecting from the virtual world especially if it is affecting you negativity. Do things that serve you positivity. If you’re following social media accounts that makes you feel sad, depressed and not love and light, unfollow them. If they are not serving you good, then eliminate them from your life. Reevaluate the people you’re following because this plays a major role on how you feel and the ability for you to take care of yourself. 

Remember to have fun with this, chose what you like to do and take it easy. 

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