Letting pre-exam stress get to you? Maybe you’re stuck in a job you can’t stand when you’d rather be out enjoying the sunshine. Perhaps you’re missing the cold, snowy, winter days (*cough*, that was a joke).
Or maybe you’re like me and are starting out the summer season with the flu. On one hand, you can probably relate to the adorable Winnie the Pooh character Eeyore. Whatever it is that has got you down, you can probably also relate to this:
When I wake up with the morning dull and grey,
The river a sheet of slippery shimmery ice
And I can’t see out my window because it’s all frosted up
And the piano sits and mocks me to come and coax the notes out of it.
When it knows I’m to tired to even lift an eyebrow,
And the songs on the radio are not the ones I like
Even if you do.
But I cannot change the station for I’ve already forgotten,
I hear the bass drum out of time by a second – what a grievance.
I hate it when I can’t hear myself think,
Just because everyone else wants to think aloud.
Why would you want to hear the sound of your own voice
Unless it’s as melodious as the whispering leaves in autumn?
I hate how I love autumn which leads to something I despise more
Than life itself – winter
Back to those shiny black and white keys that
Laugh because I cannot play them.