Sunday, January 19, 2025
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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.

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How to Practice Self-Appreciation


Hello! Today I’ll be writing about self-appreciation and self-love. For myself and I’m assuming others, we struggle to love ourselves. Oftentimes, because of the lack of self-love, we look for validation from outside ourselves. This can look like accolades, accomplishments, friends, relationships, appearance, etc. We unconsciously tie our self-worth to the things that we pursue outside of us. It explains why when we lose friends, get a bad grade, fail to achieve something, our self-worth plummets to a nauseating low. Moreover, this feeling is exacerbated by the internet, where the image of glamorized lifestyles are rampant. Seeing ourselves failing and others succeeding causes comparison and results in self-loathing. Furthermore, it makes us feel competitive with others to an unhealthy amount; when someone else experiences success it must mean we have failed. It feels like a zero-sum game– if someone wins, the other loses. 

In the pursuit of external accolades, we may begin to realize that we do not feel any different. If you still hate yourself, no amount of praise, money, or love will change that. It will provide temporary solace, an illusion of value and self-worth. The root of the problem lies within, and the lack of love we have for ourselves. We have to learn to love ourselves unconditionally and change our perspective of ourselves. We have to accept the less glamorous areas of ourselves.

Here is how we can cultivate self-love:
  • Acknowledge your reality: 
    • Think about your situation and circumstance in an uncritical manner (try to not scold yourself)
    • Look at both sides equally: what did you do well and what could you have done better
    • Accept what has happened and forgive yourself
  • Acknowledge yourself:
    • Nobody is you, and there will never be another you in this life
    • Challenge negative thoughts about yourself, think about these thought logically and question them
  • Treat yourself as valuable person:
    • Make yourself a priority through the food you eat, exercise, taking time for yourself to relax
    • This will cause a ripple effect to the your career, your eating habit, exercise


How to Love Yourself in a World That Says You’re Not Enough | Branden Collinsworth | TEDxUNLV

Emotions Evoked through Art – A Poem

I run my fingertips across the blank surface

It’s cold, and bare and I know that I must do it justice

To the naked eye, it may look empty, but instead it’s a cup yearning to be filled with something 

Something to quench its thirst of being filled with nothing

Like a plant that hasn’t been watered, I take it upon me put this canvas out of agony

I smear a drop of paint, but unsure of what to do next, it glides down forming a river of uncertainty

Its flowing and flowing and flowing, till it reaches the end of the canvas and becomes one with the floor

And just like that, the journey of this canvas was set ashore

I had set high hopes when I dipped my paintbrush into that pigmented liquid

As I thought what happens next on a painter’s journey would just be scripted

But all I could plea was, “ I don’t know what to do next”

And all my eyes could perceive was a drop of paint in front of me with zero context

Seconds turned into minutes and the clock struck “3”

I was sitting on my wooden stool for hours, waiting patiently for an idea to set me free

The soft-bristled paintbrush still lay in hand

And it has finally come to my attention that this whole painting thing had not gone how I planned

As my nemesis, a fly, flew near my ear

I was jolted upright and swatted it away, letting out a cheer internally

But during my celebration of defeating a minuscule insect, 

The stool teetered around and dashed to the ground, thanks to my pure neglect

As my head dashed towards the amber tiles below,

It hit me! No not the floor, but instead a ravishing idea that I could not let go

I grabbed my brush and my palette of paint with emotion flowing through my veins

And now finally after waiting for so long, I can let my idea and passion for painting take the reigns

The Ground – A Poem


Nervousness is an emotion that is not new to any of us. Whether it be before a major test, on the first day of school, or in a public setting, our throats start to dry, our palms sweat, or heart beat gets faster, and we feel unstable. When feeling that way, think about this poem I wrote recently:

The Ground

Beads of sweat drip

Down, down, and down my hands

It’s like a cascading waterfall

With no pool to collect in

It just keeps on dripping down

And down and






This never-ending waterfall makes me wonder,

Which way is down

Google says down is towards the ground

Down is towards the nurturing soil

Where the plants look up

With ever growing youthfulness

Down is the way where the rain drips

Plop, Plop, Plop


And then I wonder again

This time, I think…

What if there is no ground?

No ground means that there is no down

Then where do my beads of sweat drip?

No ground means that there is no down

So then where will the rain drip?

No ground means that there is no down

So then where will I stand?

Where will I stand in this never ending universe of ours?

And with this never ending waterfall of mine?


I will be like a lost grain of pollen,

Tossed and turned, pushed, and pulled by the wind

Meandering my way to the ground

Where I can rest, and rejuvenate

The ground which is down.

Down beneath my feet.


The ground, there it is!

Right where stand

Is my ground

The Essence of Seasonal Change – A Poem


The bright, piercing snow glares into my eye

I feel the air touch my skin. It’s uninviting, yet an atmosphere of tranquility fills the sky 

The trees lose their precious strength, yet remain resilient in the face of adversity

And once again, it comes to my attention that there is absolutely no plant diversity 


And when that “slush” “slush” sound reappears once again, it symbolizes the end of the freeze 

Not an icy cold or scorching wind flows through my hair, but instead a crisp and beautiful breeze

I see the dandelions peak above the grass with their little yellow heads, like a mini sun you could say

And speaking of the sun, it looks like its generosity seems to have become a dismay. 


It shares more of itself with us, making the earth become one with the warmth

And we start to celebrate with fireworks, either on the first of July or the fourth

The rays glare down onto me, changing my milk chocolate skin to a more radiant dark chocolate 

We then adventure on beach days and picnics, where we feast on treats and cutlet


A breeze takes flight again. Not one that Goldilocks would describe as just right, but one that makes shivers crawl down your spine

Schools are initiated once again, commencing a choir of children’s whines

The leaves turn from green, to orange, and then crash to the ground. 

Making some smile with glee, while others frown 


Days and weeks pass, but once again the snow makes sure to trespass


I stare into the deep abyss, where the sky and ground merge into the same grey-ish white hue. 

It’s hard, but you can still admire the snow and the trees and the somewhat bare view 

You can still see the flurries rush down past your eye

You can still see how hopefully and gracefully they reach their demise, as they hope for something greater than what they found up in the sky


I find it peculiar how seasons change just before my eyes. 

How each and every one creates a new and fresh page of life. Like bringing in new people who we hold dear

The different colour palettes, and feelings, and events that occur in each, make up the course of our year. 

The flurries of winter, the dandelions of spring, the sweat of summer, and the “crunch” of autumn. 

Be thankful for the seasons, and how as they change, we change alongside them. 

A year of change, remembrance, and adventure.


Animal Abuse and the Calgary Stampede

The Calgary Stampede is no small event. In 2024, it experienced record-breaking admissions. People come from all around the world, crowding the streets of Downtown Calgary, in order to enter the famous event. You could even say that Calgary’s culture owns the week.

There’s strangely flavoured foods, wild rides, concerts, and shows, but the Calgary Stampede is best known for its chuck wagon and horse racing. These rodeo events always act as the pinnacle of Stampede Week. However, a lesser known fact is that these events have become increasingly controversial because of their use of animals.

What Happened?

Just this year, 3 horses died at Stampede rodeo events. One of the horses was a steerer, and while experts say that it was an unusual death because of the high amount of training that steerers usually receive, many others believe that it is a proof of the long-term animal abuse that rodeos create.

We can compare rodeos to circuses, where it was historically common to torture and distress animals into behaving for entertainment purposes. While circuses have generally had a lot more attention regarding the aspect of animal abuse, many animal advocates argue that it is now time to turn our attention to rodeos.

How is it Being Supported?

Organizations such as PETA and the Vancouver Humane Society have fought to spread awareness about the relatively common frequencies of animal deaths during the Calgary Stampede. However, they struggle to receive a positive response for their efforts because of the popularity of the events.

If you’d like to support the cause, visit or to learn more about the different ways you can help advocate.

Reasons for Inaction

Since 1986, when the Calgary Stampede Rodeo first began to record animal deaths, 105 animals have died at the Stampede. Animal abuse organizations have been battling the Stampede over animal rights. It recently involved the Calgary Humane Society.

Many others share CHS’s (Calgary Humane Society’s) view on the deaths of animals during rodeo events and refuse to take action against it. Some reasons include:

  • Chuckwagon racing and rodeo is a key component of Calgarian and general Western Canada culture
  • The animals undergo thourough training in order to mitigate the risk of injury and death
  • It’s natural for animals to die from injury
  • The Stampede is distinct from other circuses, carnivals, and generally large events primarily because of the rodeo
  • Rodeo events of the Stampede have been a long-standing tradition and it is a unifying symbol of Calgarians

What’s your opinion on the use of animals in entertainment?

Sources: 1, 2

Finding Flow: A Guide to Focused Work



What is the key to happiness? What is the purpose of someone’s life? What makes life meaningful?

These universal questions are apparent in everyone’s lives. As psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi answered, “The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… the best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” He keyed this idea as a flow state. Flow state is the feeling of being entirely engaged and immersed in the task you are doing. While in the depth of flow state, it is intense focus coupled with clarity and happiness. In the flow state, an individual knows exactly what they are doing and what they want to do, and feelings of discomfort, fatigue, and hunger seem to go away and you are absorbed in the task at hand. Time seems to feel arbitrary, as a few hours seem to feel like a few minutes. 

So how do we achieve flow? 

How to Achieve Flow State: Flow Triggers

Currently, there are 22 flow triggers, which as the name suggests, help initiate flow state. Here are a couple of useful ones: 

  • Challenge-Skills Balance: We are most attentive to a task when it is a little bit harder than our current skill set, making the task challenging and worthwhile when we do achieve it. This graph describes the feelings that arise when taking on a task with varying levels of challenge and skill. 
Case, A. C. (2011, March). Challenge vs. skill, showing “flow” region. Flickr.
  • Waking up at the best time for you: when is your brain most awake? Do you feel best waking up early or later? Depending on this, block out time to focus singularly on whatever task. 
  • Block out distractions. Leave your phone in another room, turn out notifications, and declutter your room. Give yourself the space necessary to focus on the task at hand. 
  • Feedback loop: Find ways to assess your progress continually; this can help you feel like you’re getting closer to your goal, motivating you.
  • Passion, curiosity, and purpose: Engaging in tasks that you find meaningful and worthwhile triggers the dopamine in your brain, which translates to happiness.  Purpose aligns your actions with your values and aspirations, prompting you to become more focused. Curiosity and passion fuel a drive that prompts you to learn more and immerse yourself in your task. 
  • Risk: Engaging in activities that are risky and exciting enhances your flow state, allowing you to experience something new and become more alert. 

Flow state can happen to anyone at any time, but I think it does take some experimenting to learn how to initiate it for yourself. Ironically, you can try too hard to get into flow state, distracting yourself from the task at hand. However, give it a try and you might find that the flow state works for you. 



3 things you probably didn’t know about the Calgary Stampede

Now that summer is here, the sun is shining, and the month of July is approaching, Calgarians are looking forward to the Calgary Stampede! While most of us are familiar with the Stampede, we might not know the interesting history behind this popular event. A recent study by CBC Calgary revealed some rarely known, intriguing facts about the Stampede.

  1. The founder was an American vaudeville performer.

You would assume that the Calgary Stampede, being the world’s largest rodeo, would be started by an individual of prairie origin. However, Guy Weadick, the founder of the Stampede was from Rochester, New York. In 1885, Rochester was a bustling urban centre.

However, even in Rochester, cowboys in pop culture, were extremely popular. Although the Old West culture was fading, the tales of it were still alive. This way, Weadick headed west to the Great Plains to catch a glimpse of this cowboy culture for himself. Here, he found himself ranch work, and developed skills, performing rope tricks.

Having immersed himself in the West’s cowboy culture, Weadick moved to Calgary with a big dream.

2. Weadick’s pitch was initially rejected

Weadick’s big plan was to put on an international rodeo featuring the best! With huge cash prizes! And crowds from all over the world! Weadick wanted the fading Old West culture on display. Weadick also believed that such an event would be a good boost for the community’s profile.

However, the local business community was reluctant to sponsor this event. Weadick chronicler Donna Livingstone in her book, The Cowboy Spirit, wrote “Most of the business community though that the idea was too big for Calgary.” As well, they felt that the idea of a rodeo, and bringing back the days of the Old West would be hindering Alberta’s progress into a urbanizing city. During that time, Calgary had been the first city in Alberta to get a public library, and plans were being made to start a subway.

A rodeo was not the way to go.

Soon, however, word of Weadick’s plan got to four influential ranchers who were willing to chip in $25,000. They wanted one last cheer for the fading pioneer age.

3. The cheer wasn’t ‘Yeehaw!’

Whenever we think of a Stampede cheer, we think of either ‘Yeehaw’ or ‘Yahoo.’ Back in the day, however, it was neither of those. An early promotion for the Stampede, however, featured a very different cheer.

The cheer was “Whoop-eee-eee-eee.”

This year, if you go to the Stampede, you will be aware of its rather peculiar history.

Also, don’t forget to say “Whoop-eee-eee-eee!”


How to Build Your Skincare Routine! (Summer Glowup!)  

As someone who has had acne since they were young, going to my family doctor and dermatologist is nothing new, and I am greatly appreciative of my doctor and dermatologist, as It is because of them that I was able to work through my skin problems without making it worse. Acne, and other kinds of skin issues, can have an enormous impact on our self-esteem, which makes us more inclined to believe in false marketing of products or buy products we do not need simply due to the influence of social media. Many of us can also become confused because we can choose from a large array of products, so we may not even know where to start. As someone interested in skincare for quite a few years, here are my steps to get started.


*Important Side Note: I am not a dermatologist nor have any credentials to be a skin expert. I am giving advice based on my own experiences over the years. If you have any specific skin concerns, it is best to ask your family doctor, who may refer you to a dermatologist, about your specific concerns, as they can sometimes stem from underlying health problems or specific aspects of your diet and lifestyle. Thank you for your understanding.


Step 1: Find the Right Cleanser

Do you have normal skin? Sensitive skin? Oily skin? Dry skin? Or perhaps a combination of oily and dry skin? It is best to find a cleanser, ideally without fragrance (as fragrance in skin products can irritate the skin), that suits your skin type. Usually for normal and sensitive skin, à simple gentle cleanser or a gel cleanser, can go a long way. On the other hand, for oily skin, you might want to look into more foaming cleansers or salicylic acid cleansers, to help control the oil production on your skin. As for dry skin, a gel cleanser or à hydrating cleanser can also be very helpful. I usually recommend finding the best cleanser for you, by trying them out and finding which one your skin likes best (as we all have different types of skin or live in different living conditions or weather that may affect our skin), and usually finding one from trusted brands like Cetaphil, CeraVe, or Aveeno.


Step 2: Identify your Skin Concern

If there are no specific skin concerns you may skip this step. However, if you are struggling with something specific such as rosacea, eczema, hyperpigmentation, or acne, it is best to find products that treat those conditions specifically and are considered skin ‘friendly’ for that condition. Again, to do so, make sure to ask your family doctor or dermatologist for either a prescription or product recommendations for that condition. As I have only struggled with acne and a bit of pigmentation, I can recommend a few kinds of products that have helped my skin (keep in mind, everyone’s skin is different, so what might work for me, may not work for you); Firstly, a salicylic acid cleanser or any gentle salicylic acid treatment can be very helpful for acne. Salicylic acid is a chemical exfoliant, that can help clear out the dead skin cells And debris that is clogging up your pores, which can then reduce the pimples on your face. Secondly Pimple Patches. If you are prone to picking your face (which can make your skin more prone to scarring in that area), Pimple patches are not only a good way to protect your skin from yourself, but also a way to help get rid of your pimples faster. I have found success with the Pimple patches from the ‘Mighty Patch’ brand, which can be found at many drug stores and sometimes grocery stores. Thirdly, retinoids such as ‘adapalene’ gel from the brand ‘Differin’. This one is tricky, as using retinol or retinoids wrongly can have adverse effects. Hence, it is strongly advised to ask your doctor or dermatologist if you should start. From my experience and advice, I have been told by my dermatologist when starting retinoids, to use only a pea-sized amount, and apply it on a dry (not wet after washing your face) face. Make sure to avoid sensitive areas such as around your eyes, more prone to irritation, such as around your eyes and the corners of your nose and mouth. Start doing this in your night routine for 2-3 nights a week, and slowly increase the number of times a week you do it depending on how well your skin tolerates it. Make sure to apply moisturizer after and avoid treatments from active ingredients, such as salicylic acid, right before or after applying. Finally, as for hyperpigmentation, particularly on the spot of your face right after your Pimple heals, niacinamide, which is sometimes present in moisturizers (such as certain CeraVe moisturizers- check their ingredient lists-), is known to help with hyperpigmentation and calming down the redness on the face. That being said, usually you only use one of these kinds of products on your face per night routine or performing routine to avoid irritation. Ask your doctor or dermatologist what part of your skincare routine is best to apply to your product. Usually, from my experience, I find it best to apply it after washing my face, and then apply moisturizer right after.


Step 3: Find the Right Moisturizer

Do you have normal skin? Sensitive skin? Oily skin? Dry skin? Or perhaps a combination of oily and dry skin? Again, it is best to find a moisturizer, also without fragrance, that suits your skin type as well as the weather. Usually, People with oily skin do better with lighter or more water-based moisturizers, like lotions, rather than heavier or oil-based moisturizers, which may suit dry skin more. Also in more hot and humid weather, usually in the summer, lighter moisturizers may feel better as we can sweat more easily in the summer, whereas, in more dry weather, like in winter, heavier moisturizers may help our skin more since our skin would be drier.  Side note: oftentimes, body moisturizers can also be used on the face! So don’t waste your money buying an overpriced ‘face’ moisturizer. Again, I recommend finding one from trusted brands like Cetaphil, CeraVe, or Aveeno, that suits your skin the best.


Step 4: Lips

Honestly, just using a lip balm of your choice, again, ideally without fragrance, is best. The good ‘old Vaseline or Aquaphor, really anything with something heavy, like purified petroleum jelly, will help. It can also be helpful to apply Vaseline and Aquaphor on dry spots or patches on your skin. Fun fact: Vaseline has also helped my wounds, such as Scrape marks, heal faster or be protected while it’s healing, in the past!



You have probably heard this a dozen times now, and yes, I am going to say it again, applying sunscreen is important, especially when dealing with skin conditions such as acne and hyperpigmentation. The sun can aggravate these conditions further, so it is important to wear sunscreen in the morning (ideally about a 1⁄4 to cover your face and neck, about two fingers worth) and reapply it throughout the day or as advised on the back of the sunscreen (where the directions of use are written). Again, find one without fragrance to reduce the possibility of skin irritation. That said, contrary to popular belief on social media like tik tok, Sunscreen does not stop your skin from receiving Vitamin D, the only thing it stops or protects your skin from is the harmful UVA and UVB rays emitted by the sun which can irritate your skin, make you more prone to wrinkles faster and skin cancer in the future. There are two types of sunscreens, minéral and chemical. Minéral sunscreens tend to be a bit more gentler however not that it may leave white casts for people with darker skin tones. Chemical sunscreens do not usually give a white cast! Look for sunscreens that are at least SPF 30 to provide adequate skin protection throughout the day. I found kid-targeted sunscreens, such as the ‘Black Girl Sunscreen KIDS’, have been less irritating and easier to wear. Yes I am almost a legal adult and I wear kids sunscreen, but from my experience, it doesn’t matter whether the sunscreen is for kids or not. Try out different sunscreens, including ones for your lips, such as the ‘Sun Bum’ lips SPF (Sunscreen), to find the one best for you.


Anyway, thank you for your time! I hope you found this article helpful and steer you away from buying any overpriced and unnecessary products due to social media! Have a good summer! 


From The Graduates: Thank You Teachers

“Thank you” are two words that you don’t hear enough. However, after 12 years of schooling, I think some thanks are due.

Dear Teachers,

I’d to take a second to acknowledge all the time and effort that goes into teaching. Up until last week, I never really considered the fact that the majority of your job is unpaid; the time devoted to grading, lesson-planning, and individual support, is truly your time. This level of commitment is amicable, bearing in mind that it’s really not necessary…you go out of your way to do this. Of course, you could get your work done within the confines of your paid time (although I don’t think its possible), but that would be at the expense of us, the students. It’s important that we acknowledge your contribution to society, raising the future generation and those that follow suit.

Thank you to the teachers, coaches, and staff who inspire us to do better and set us up for success, seeing the potential in us even when we don’t see it in ourselves. Your dedication pushes us to do better both academically and personally, motivating us to achieve excellence in all aspects of our lives.

Thank you for everything that you do. Your impact is immeasurable, whether it be negative or positive.
Warmest Regards,
Class of 2024

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  ✧・゚: *✧・゚ :*  *:・゚✧  *:・゚✧✧ ・゚: *✧・゚ :*    *:・゚✧*: ・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚

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7 things to do this summer.


Do you ever have one of those days when you’re bored and doing absolutely nothing. It’s the summer and the sun is shining in the tranquil sky. You have the urge to get up and do something, but… you keep scrolling through your phone and just like that another hour passes by. Everyone seems to be having the best time of their lives, traveling somewhere fancy and enjoying their summer break. But guess what? You don’t need to travel to the other end of the world to have an aesthetic, Pinterest style summer. So without further delay, here are 7 awesome, simple things you can do to make this summer more enjoyable.

1. See the sunrise (or the sunset if you’re too lazy to wake up that early)

Photo by OC Gonzalez on Unsplash.

Summer is a great time to watch the sunrise or the sunset as you’re not super busy and end up missing these magical times of the day! Maybe get some pictures for social media as well… but most importantly, just enjoy nature!

2. Craft something!

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Make bracelets, maybe try some art, or learn origami! Free from school, and other activities, now is the perfect time for you to try a new hobby. You can use social media to inspire you as well.

3. Decorate your space.

Photo by Seiji Seiji on Unsplash

Make a new piece of decor or just give your room a whole new look! This is an activity that you may not have had time for before, but if you feel like your space needs a transformation, this is your sign to do it!

4. Bake! (or cook)

Photo by Cristina Matos-Albers on Unsplash

If you don’t usually bake or cook, this is your opportunity to learn the skill, and if you already do, explore a new recipe. It’s fun, and may also benefit you in the future, and most importantly, you get to eat something delicious in the end! Even if your baking endeavor ends up a bit of a disaster, its still a learning experience.

5. Gardening

Photo by Crystal Jo on Unsplash

It’s finally summer and that thick blanket of snow no longer covers your yard, perfect timing to pick up some gardening skills and grow new plants.

6. Reconnect with an old hobby

Photo by Rebecca Grant on Unsplash

Another thing to try this summer would be reconnecting with an old hobby that you may have stopped doing in the past. If you can’t think of anything then find a new hobby, anything that you think seems really fun to do.

7. Study…

Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

Now, you may be wondering why studying is in this list of FUN activities to do during the summer and I get it, you may not want to spend all of your free time studying when you just got out of school and want a break from work. Dedicating some of your extra time to studying this summer could be really beneficial to you. Studying some of the concepts you will be learning next year ahead of time can save you a lot of time and effort during the year, so this could be something to consider.

Stepping Into Your Role In The Fight Against Climate Change

Introduction: What are the effects of Climate Change?

Climate Change is a global issue that affects everyone and everything. Because of human activity over the past century, our planet’s average temperatures and weather patterns have shifted to more dangerous levels. Signs of climate change are continuing to arise everywhere. Examples include increased sea levels, sea acidity, and atmospheric greenhouse gases, which all have dangerous effects on all species on Earth. Some species, including the Golden Toad, Chinook Salmon, and Polar Bears are dangerously impacted to the point where they are facing extinction and endangerment, or have already become extinct. On a similar note, humans are also receiving dangerous consequences, including droughts, heat waves, and intense short-term precipitation. Without the recognition of these dangerous consequences, then the fast pace of climate change would have done much more damage to our planet.

Hands holding trees. One hand is holding a burning Earth instead
Image by syaifulptak57 from Pixabay
Why do we have a role in the fight against climate change?

Climate change is driven by human activity, which means that we also have the ability to fight against it and minimize the consequences. Together, as a society, we have to work collectively and take care of our planet before it is too late. Now more than ever, our role in the fight against climate change is crucial before we jeopardize our situation further. Although reversing climate change can seem to be a slow process, our role matters for the future of our planet and future generations. Throughout this blog post is a list that consists of 5 ways that you can help from your home, 5 ways from your community, and 5 benefits that you can get from the fight against climate change.

Hands holding a globe protecting a tree
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


5 ways you can help from your home

1. Use your energy more wisely
  • A common way to fight Climate Change is to save energy at home. The majority of our electricity and heat are powered by fossil fuels, including oil, gas, and coal. We use these electricity and heat to heat up your home, provide lighting, doing laundry, etc…
  • However, these routines use a lot of energy and there are often ways to use less of it. For example, your energy consumption can be lowered by simply reducing your heating and cooling uses, washing your laundry in cold water, hanging up your laundry instead of using a dryer, etc… On top of that, you also have the ability to switch your source of energy to be more efficient. There are many ways to use your energy more wisely, but it is up to you to be mindful of your routines and use your energy more wisely at home.
2. Eat more meat-free meals
  • People who eat meat actually emit more greenhouse gases per year when compared to vegans. In terms of numbers, each meat eater contributes 1.5 more tons of greenhouse gases than vegans. By eating more meat-free meals, you are able to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is a very simple method to do at home and can go a long way for both you and the fight against climate change. All it requires is a change in diet.
  • In no way are we forcing the idea that in order to fight climate change, you should become totally vegan. Really it’s enough to make a slight change to more plant-based diets to help the environment.
3. Waste less food
  • Similarly, wasting less food also reduces your environmental impact. Did you know that wasted food in a landfill can produce methane, a powerful greenhouse gas? Hence, the food that you waste also contributes to your carbon footprint and the atmospheric greenhouse gases. To waste less food, be mindful of how much food you are purchasing and compost any leftovers.
4. Create a garden
  • Did you know that all plants are carbon sinks? This means that they can absorb the carbon dioxide to produced our beloved oxygen that we breathe instead of sending that carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. Creating a garden does just that, but at the same time, it can also add some aesthetic to your home so this may be a fun way to try when fighting against climate change.
  • To add, your plants can also help towards reversing the existing effects of climate change. Even just one plant or two is enough to provide refuge to species whose habitats have been taken over or destoyed.
5. Reduce, reuse, and recycle your materials
  • As mentioned before, wasting food can contribute to your carbon footprint, but every item that we have ever had has produced carbon emissions at some point. While this part is unavoidable, throwing our manaufactured goods away is not, especially when it comes to plastics. Did you know that even when you place your plastic in the recycling, less than 10% is recycled?
  • When possible, fighting against climate change should include reducing the amount of new clothes that you buy and repairing your things so that you can reuse them. Electronics, clothes, and plastics are some of the most notable things which can contribute to climate change, but it is up to us how much of an impact it will have.
Homes laid out side by side
Image by Garik Barseghyan from Pixabay

5 ways you can help from your community

1. Make your commutes more eco-friendly (i.e. walking, biking, taking the bus, etc…)
  • Using cars are one of the leading human activities that emit the most carbon emissions. Whenever reasonable, making your commutes more eco-friendly, like walking and biking. This can help the world reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gases.
  • Similarly, taking away more cars on the road by participating in activities like carpooling and taking the bus can also be eco-friendly as less people are contributing to carbon emissions. Small decisions like walking and carpooling to your routines can make a huge difference in your carbon footprint.
2. Talk about climate change with others (spread the word)
  • Have a conversation about Climate Change! Although this global issue may be well-known, there are facts, tips, and reminders that others may not know otherwise. Spreading the word about climate change inspires others to become involved in the fight and lead to a healthier Earth. Besides, you might be able to teach your friend something that they might not have known and you would be able to see your impact from that.
3. Encourage governments to find ways to fight against climate change
  • On a similar note, spreading the word of Climate Change can also inspire governments to act. As a citizen, you have the power to encourage governments to participate in the global issue and work with them. With the government involved, they are able to work with their respective areas and find ways, on a bigger-scale to fight against Climate Change.
4. Clean up your community
  • Many people litter, whether it be plastics, foods, or even clothes. Statistically speaking, plastics alone made up 3.4% of the global greenhouse emissions in 2019, and on top of that, plastics can linger for hundreds of years. It is true that there is a Great Pacific Garbage Patch where there are plastics lingering on the ocean’s surface, and just like every item, these materials can create more greenhouse gases and contribute to climate change. While international initiatives are more suitable in cleaning those garbage patches, it is notable that those garbage patches came from us. Let that be a reminder that it is important to do your part as a citizen in your community, clean up after yourself, and dispose your garbage in proper areas.
5. Be part of Earth Hour
  • Earth Hour is a one-hour lights out event (remember: lights out is one of the ways you can use energy more wisely) that is a symbol of commitment towards our planet and nature. Anyone is allowed to participate in Earth Hour. Although the event is only an hour, it is meant to be a reminder for everyone to continue to be aware and fight against Climate Change throughout the rest of the year. Your participation in Earth Hour can allow you to recognize that you are not alone in this fight and that people around the world have the similar beliefs as you.
Community's hands creating a beautiful bird
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay


5 benefits you can get from fighting against climate change

1. You are able to cut down costs
  • Especially when it comes to being more wise when it comes to energy consumption, what foods you eat, and how you manage your materials, you are able to cut down costs and save money. Being aware of how much you actually need to buy not only helps your fight against Climate Change, but it also helps you save money.
2. These actions can improve your health in general
  • When it comes to how you eat food, consider walking/biking, and even just talking about climate change, all of them can improve many sections of your health. Whether it be physical, from how you eat more meat-free meals, mental, from how you are able to express your thoughts, or other sections of your health from the actions that you do. After all, it is your choice to fight against climate change and these are some of the many benefits that you can receive from pursuing something complicated in simple ways.
3. Your help can assist farmers to yield more food
  • Due to Climate Change, farmers are experiencing worse conditions that have affected the amount of food that they yield (food that can we eat) for us. However, our fight against Climate Change is meant to fight alongside these farmers in hopes that one day they can achieve better conditions and yield more food for people like us. Keep in mind that farmers also contribute to the economy, mainly as the foundation as they create the food.
  • In a societal sense, climate change can jeopardize our economies by making it difficult for farmers to yield food for us. This is another example of why climate change is also affecting us, but it is also another reason of why we must fight against it. When these farmers have better conditions, we can be able to comfortably experience all kinds of food without that worry.
4. You can realize that your voice matters and that you are not alone
  • As foreshadowed from when Earth Hour was mentioned, your fight against climate change can allow you to realize that you are not alone and that your voice matters. After all, climate change is a global issue in which everyone is affected and everyone has a role towards it. Although your actions as a person may seem small, you are part of a society in which your simple efforts lead to the solution of a very complex issue. By participating in the fight against climate change, it will not be long before you find someone under the same path as you. As mentioned before, you can have a conversation about climate change and potentially teach someone something that they might not have known beforehand.
5. You get to experience more perspectives
  • Hopefully, this blog post was able to teach you some new things and new ways to fight against Climate Change. While this isn’t the Closing Section yet, I just want to point out that you just experienced another perspective towards the fight against Climate Change. This blog post, and many other forms of expressions, can allow you to experience different viewpoints towards Climate Change. Although we all have our own perspective, we are shaped by the amount of perspectives that we experience. As I have briefly mentioned from the possibility that a conversation about Climate Change can teach someone something new. Being involved in the fight against Climate Change certainly means that your voice matters and that you are not alone, but it also means that you can be open to others’ voices and collaborate with not only them, but with the rest of the world, so all of you can someday win the fight against Climate Change.
A moment similar to beating Climate Change
Image by Karen .t from Pixabay
– A moment similar to beating Climate Change

TL;DR: Speak up in the fight against Climate Change

All in all, your efforts towards the fight against Climate Change leads to the world’s efforts to fight against it. Although there are certainly much much more ways to help from your home and community, and certainly more benefits in the process, I hope that just 5 of each from this blog post was enough to teach you something new and encourage you more to fight against Climate Change. No matter how you fight Climate Change, understand that it is a human-caused global issue and that you have the human power to reverse that so that future generations and species can live a sustainable life. It does seem terrible to experience Climate Change yourself, but just remember that we all have a chance to prevent future generations to experience this. As the peoples of 21st century, we are advancing in ways that used to be unimaginable, but we have a world to take care of in the process. Unfortunately, my next post will not come for a couple of months, but until then, remember your impact through the fight, create more, and most importantly, enjoy your summer!

Image by Marcin Paśnicki from Pixabay

Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

Images: 1 (Featured Image), 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

Cockroaches save human lives – Cyborg Cockroaches

Would you believe it if I said that cockroaches can save human lives? Yes, the bug cockroaches that we detest. Today’s post is about how rapid development in technologies have resulted in application of science in insects like cockroaches can help humans.

Japan has begun developing cyborg cockroaches. Ultra-solid computers (4-micrometer ultrathin solar cell film) and antennas are combined with biological tissue to create cyborg cockroaches. When current flows to the right side of the antenna, the cockroach turns left, and when both sides are stimulated, it moves backwards. It also uses an infrared camera to distinguish whether it is a person or not. Why is Japan making cyborg cockroaches? In  2011, the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami destroyed tens of thousands of buildings and triggered a tsunami that battered Japan’s east coast, including Fukushima nuclear power plant. This caused another disaster which caused an estimated total of 18,000 casualties and missing people. During this time, Professor Sato, a researcher at UC Berkeley, realized the desperate and tragic events that resulted from difficult search and rescue process in the building rubble and decided to create something that could find survival vehicles by squeezing into even the smallest spaces – cockroaches.

A team of Japanese researchers developed a rechargeable cyborg cockroach that can be remotely controlled for use in searchand-rescue and other missions. In experiments led by the state-backed institute, the team attached 4-micrometer ultrathin solar cell film to the backs of Madagascar cockroaches, which are around 6 centimeters long and easy to handle because they do not fly.

Cockroaches controlled by humans can enter even the narrowest gaps and check whether humans survive. Cockroaches are particularly characterized by avoiding obstacles on their own and helping their fellow roaches even without human instructions, so when we set them to follow a leader, a group of 20 all do the same. It seems that the time is not far away when the cockroaches so many of us hate, will help save our lives.

Sources 1 / 2

Image Pixabay

Making Ethical Choices with Your Wardrobe

With the recent rise of fast fashion trends, people have been buying more and more – leading to the mass production of clothing and various environmental impacts. This article will discuss how we can choose to be more ethical with our clothing choices – from what we buy to how much we wear. 

First off, how does the clothing industry affect our environment?

There is an overconsumption of natural resources – from the water and land used to grow cotton and other fibers in clothing. For just one cotton shirt, around 2700 liters of water is needed, which is equivalent to what one person drinks in 2.5 years. Moreover, the production of clothing pollutes water – around 20% of the globally clean water is polluted due to dyeing. In addition, clothing contributes to microplastics within our food chain from laundry loads. As these microplastics bioaccumulate in organisms like our fish, this problem could be coming back to affect ourselves. 

How can we make more ethical choices regarding our clothing?

  • When buying a product, ask yourself whether or not you would wear it 30 times. This means you have to consider the versatility of the product – could you wear it with a lot of different items already in your closet?
  • Additionally, ask yourself whether or not you could wear it all year round. Depending on the weather where you live, opt for clothing that will be keep you warm or vice versa.
  • Once you buy a piece of clothing, try to maintain the longevity of the clothing. Even if you buy high quality pieces, how you maintain them will be essential in the long run. 
  • Live by the one-in, one-out policy- for every clothing you buy, you have to donate another piece of clothing.  


Atomic Habits – A Summary of the Most Famous Productivity Book

Ironically, I found out about this famous productivity book while rotting in bed, scrolling on Instagram Reels. Although I was a bit skeptical at first, I managed to get it on Libby as a Skip-The-Line book and tried to read a chapter a day.

It changed my life.

But the book is quite hard to get a hold of unless you buy it or you get lucky (like I did). So here’s a brief summary of what I think was most useful for students, and what I found was most applicable in my own life.

1. Compound

Similar to why we brush our teeth every day instead of for 24 hours for one day per year, it’s important to deconstruct our goals into daily habits instead of wanting to finish the whole thing at once. It’s really crucial to change our mindsets from focusing on results and the end goal to the process that must be taken to get there. Without doing what needs to be done to get to that dream, it remains exactly as it is – a dream.

If we put in a few minutes of work every day, it will eventually compound into a lot of time that has been put toward the end goal. But we need to put in that time, and consistency is difficult… unless you make it easy. But how can we do that?

2. 2 Minute Rule

Many people know this rule as telling yourself that you’re only going to do an unappealing task for two minutes as a way of reducing your hesitancy. After all, it’s only two minutes so it can’t be that bad right?

James Clear, the author of the book, explains it a little differently. Instead of setting really big goals for the habits that you’re going to form, you should plan for each of your habits to be completed in 2 minutes max. This is the “atomic” part of Atomic Habits. The habit is really small.

For example, if your goal is to get in shape, instead of telling yourself that you’re going to run for an hour every morning, reshape that habit into something shorter. Maybe your habit will just be to put on your running shoes and jog down your driveway. That takes less than 2 minutes. Chances are, you’ll probably end up going on the jog since you’re already there.

3. Make it Obvious

It’s easy to ignore, forget, or excuse ourselves for not doing our habits. You didn’t study because you forgot there was a test tomorrow. Didn’t do the assignment because you forgot the deadline. You decided not to the gym because you left your gym bag at home.

In order to avoid excuses like this, try to make your habits more obvious. Schedule a reminder as soon as the teacher tells you about the assignment. Leave your textbooks on your bed, lay out your pencil and assignment on your desk as soon as you get it. This way, whenever you walk past, you’ll be reminded. Leave your gym bag at the door the night before you go to the gym. Make it impossible for your excuse to be “I forgot.”

4. Track Your Habits

Oftentimes I’ll log into Duolingo and do a lesson for the sake of not losing my 375-day streak. Similar to how Duolingo encourages its users to keep their streak, or how SnapChat has a Streaks feature, try to track your habits. Leave rewards for yourself for being consistent.

Some ways you can do this:

  • Print out a calendar and markup each day that you’ve done your habit
  • Keep a tally sheet
  • Create a social media account and upload videos of yourself doing your habit
  • Journal

This is useful because on those days when you really don’t feel like doing anything, you’ll still be motivated by your streak. It gives you a final push to do your 2-minute habit, because after all you didn’t come this far to only come this far, right?


James Clear wrote an incredible book called Atomic Habits. It’s changed a lot of people’s lives, including mine. One of the most useful takeaways from the book is that the best way to achieve a goal is to focus on the process. You can take different measures to make the process a little easier on yourself, which will encourage you to actually finish the process and get to the goal.

Top 10 things to do in New Jersey

Hey everyone! My name is Diya, and I am currently on vacation in New Jersey. If you didn’t already know, New Jersey is a state in the USA (United States of America). So while I am here, I might as well share some amazing places you can go to, if you ever decide to visit. Whether you are a thrill seeker, foodie, or tourism enthusiast, I am positive that you can find a place and activity that suits you and your travel buddies. By the way, this list is in a new particular order, so feel free to visit wherever, and whatever.

10. Atlantic City Boardwalk

This boardwalk is the prime connection between the sea and the land! (Haha you see what I did there?) It provides access to a multitude of hotels, restaurants, shops, casinos, and more.

The Official Website of City of Atlantic City, NJ - About Atlantic City

Image from: AC-Boardwalk.jpg

9. Six Flags Great Adventure

Rollercoasters, funnel cakes, bumper cars, and Ferris wheels. Who doesn’t like a fun day at an amusement park? For all those thrill and adrenaline seekers out there, this place is for you.

Visitors Guide to Six Flags Great Adventure

Image from: sfga.jpg

8. American Dream Mall

Not everyone in this world loves malls, but who wouldn’t love this all-inclusive mall located in the northeast, bordering New York? Unlike many other malls you find around you, this mall has an indoor theme park, water park, and even ski slopes!!! That’s a whole lot of fun packed into one, isn’t it?

Timeline of New Jersey's American Dream megamall and how it got built

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7. Cape May Beach

Cape May is a beautiful beach situated on the coast of New Jersey. Who doesn’t enjoy building towering sandcastles, swimming in cool water, and playing some good old beach volleyball? Overall, Cape May Beach is a great place to spend time with family, friends, and others you love!

Top 10 Things to Do in Wildwood, New Jersey

Image from: wildwood-crest-beach-from-above-807036492-e97da39d27ec4ffeb416114c82620d23.jpg

6. Liberty Science Center

Liberty Science Center is, as the name implies, a center in New Jersey dedicated to science. It has countless amounts of exhibitions, shows, and even films dedicated to science! Basically, this center is the perfect attraction for all you science geeks out there.

Liberty Science Center :: About Liberty Science Center

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5. Liberty State Park

Liberty State Park is a famous family-friendly park located right here in the heart of New Jersey. If you have little ones who need to release their energy, or elderly who might need to take a break, Liberty State Park is the place for you to head to. It includes bike paths, nature habitats, playgrounds, and awesome picnic areas.

Liberty State Park - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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4. Grounds For Sculpture

Although the name may sound quite a bit boring, Grounds For Sculpture certainly proves otherwise. It has about 300 pieces of contemporary that are situated across 42 acres of land. Indoors, there are temporary exhibitions created by both established and emerging artists. It’s also a great place for pictures for all the photographers or Instagram enthusiasts out there.

7 Things to Know About Grounds For Sculpture

Image From: grounds-for-sculpture-princeton-nj-scu-1-scaled.jpg

3. Morey’s Pier and Beachfront Water Parks

Located near the cool and crisp coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Morey’s Pier and Beachfront Water Parks are bound to make your day at the coast a little bit more fun. There are a great variety of amusement park rides to choose from, along with numerous water slides and rides to go on. And don’t you worry, all of this is very family friendly too, so no need to worry about the kiddies! If you’re feeling hungry, there are also around 5 on-site restaurants for you to enjoy.

Morey's Piers and Beachfront Water Parks | Water park, Beachfront, Wildwood nj

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2. Adventure Aquarium

Just like how many creatures big, small, short, and tall on the land, there are also animals lurking in the wet depths below. Luckily, aquariums do us the pleasure of making them come to us rather than us going to them. I bet you didn’t know that Adventure Aquarium in New Jersey has over 7000 different species of fish and 15000 aquatic animals submerged in 2 million gallons of water. Overall, if you are intrigued by sea creatures and are hoping to get a closer look while you’re in New Jersey, this place may be fit for you.

Adventure Aquarium - Wikipedia

Image from: 1200px-Adventure_Aquarium_(53572702368).jpg

1. Princeton University

Princeton University is widely regarded as one of the best universities in the whole entire world. It offers astounding secondary education programs, making it as prestigious and well-known as it is today. If you are stopping by in New Jersey, especially if you are a high schooler, why not take a pit stop at who knows, maybe your future university? You are welcome to take tours around campus to really engulf yourself in the college life too!

24 Hours in Princeton: How to spend the day in one of N.J.'s most charming small towns - Jersey's Best

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To conclude, if you ever find yourself in New Jersey and don’t want to just sit around, check out the surrounding sites to lighten up your day! Whether you like thrilling amusement park rides, art, animals, or pictures, I am sure that there is something to do in New Jersey suited for you. See you there!