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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

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AP vs IB – 10 Year Update

Ten years ago on this blogging program, a student compared the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs that are available here in Canada. Ten years later, I’m going to give you a more current update on the two.

If you’re in Grade 9 or even Grade 8, and you’re considering taking a more rigorous courseload in highschool, this is for you.

Personally, I struggled a lot choosing between the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and the Advanced Placement (AP) Program. At first, I was set on the IB program because it seemed so prestigous and it sounded like a fancier line on a university application. All of my middle school friends also chose to take IB. However, when I looked into my own personal learning styles and my future goals, I found that the AP program suited my needs a little better.

I don’t regret my choice one bit, and I’m still in touch with those friends who took IB instead. They’re loving their choice as well. Both programs are excellent, and the ultimate difference lies in which program suits you best.

After doing some thorough research on both programs and having now experienced half my highschool career, I’d like to share some advice that will help you decide.

Without further ado, here are some major questions you can ask yourself to make the decision a little easier.

1. Where Might I Go to Post-Secondary?

Yes, it’s too early to decide absolutely for sure where you’d like to go, or even if you want to go to post-secondary, if you’re in late middle school. But this is one of the primary differences between the programs.

IB is an international standard of academic achievement (“international” in the name!). It’s more recognized across other countries for its academic rigor and holds quite a lot of prestige internationally.

AP is a program developed by the American College Board, and it’s primarily recognized in North America. It’s also quite known for its academic rigor, and most Ivy League applicants have at least a few AP courses under their belts.

If you’re looking to study outside of North America, IB may make you more competitive than AP. However, both programs are valued similarly within North America.

2. Am I Willing to Be a Jack of All Trades?

Both AP and IB allow you to choose which courses you’d like to take to a higher level. However, the consequences of doing so are different.

In Advanced Placement, the different AP courses are completely separate. Post-secondaries consider each AP grade independently from other grades. This way, you gain full recognition for each AP course you choose to take. You are also able to give more attention to the subjects that you like more. For example, if you’re great at math, but not so confident in social studies, taking the AP exam for math will still be fully recognized by universities, regardless of whether or not you took AP World History.

In the International Baccalaureate program, it’s easier for students to get penalized for only taking partial IB. In order to get your IB diploma, you must take a minimum of 5 IB courses each year in addition to a second language course. That means that you’ll likely have to take an accelerated course that you don’t like or that you aren’t good at.

While there’s definitely perks to taking partial IB, you ultimately won’t get the IB diploma unless you take full IB. And without the diploma, many institutions may not give full credits or recognize your work as an IB student. This can feel incredibly frustrating after putting in all of the extra work.

3. How Do I Handle Pressure?

The last major difference between IB and AP programs is that the pressure for the IB program stretches throughout the full year that you take those IB courses.

In IB, you are consistently assessed against the IB standards on IB material. Tests, quizzes, and assignments over the entire semester count for the same marks as the regular marks that regular students are getting. It’s very much possible that if you do poorly in the IB program, your grades will be significantly lower than someone who is taking regular courses, even after the standard grade boost. This is the same grade that will be recorded on your transcript that you show to universities.

In AP, you gradually learn the material over the year. However, assessments on AP material do not count toward your regular grade that’s shown on your transcript. The only time your AP knowledge is officially assessed is during a single AP exam for each subject in the early spring. This one exam will determine your entire AP mark.

It’s worth noting that you can choose not to disclose an AP exam mark to post-secondaries, but you cannot change the grade on your transcript.

If you are able to handle consistent pressure well and don’t like having a single exam that your accelerated learning is assessed on, then IB may be better for you. If risking your transcript is too much and you’d rather have the option to take a high-pressure exam at the end of the year, then AP might be better.


At the end of the day, AP and IB are both prestigious programs that will help you learn and grow as a person. But if you’re struggling to decide, you might want to ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Where do I want to go to post-secondary?
  2. Am I willing to invest my time and efforts into maintaining all my subjects, or would I rather have the option to focus on a few?
  3. Does long-term, constant evaluation or short-term high pressure improve my performance more?

These questions will help you understand your goals and your current learning style better.

Good luck, and have fun!

Overconsumption: The Downfall of The Environment


Overconsumption is a widespread phenomenon that most of us have heard of at least once in our lives. From TikToks showing influencers unboxing dozens of brand new packages to Instagram posts of celebrities rocking a completely different outfit, featuring the latest fashion trends in every new post, everything we see online seems to be riddled with new products, trends, and clothes.

This is barely a revelation, as overconsumption has been a problem for a few years now. According to Trading Economics and the US Bureau of Statistics, consumer spending in the US increased by around 7-8% from 2021 to 2022, and 4-5% from 2022 to 2023. Though full statistics for 2024 haven’t been released yet, it seems like the trend of overconsumption is continuing, as annual spending reached an all-time high of 16106.40 USD Billion in the third quarter of 2024.

So, what does this mean for us?

Well, apart from being annoyingly bombarded with microtrends and new products online every week, the most pressing concern of overconsumption is its destructive effect on the environment.

1. The Unseen Cost of Resource Extraction

Important natural resources such as oil, trees, metal ores, and water are all used to manufacture the products that we consume. And unsurprisingly, as overconsumption grows, the consumption of these natural resources also increases.

This is a problem, as large amounts of resource extraction significantly damage ecosystems. For instance, mining and deforestation increase erosion, destabilize soils and contribute to a loss of biodiversity.

Every new product that we buy often comes at the cost of an animal losing their home or an entire ecosystem being destroyed.

2. The Damaging Effect of Pollution

Increased manufacturing results in more harmful pollution, as toxic materials, such as carbon dioxide and methane gas, are released into the atmosphere when factories make their products.

This contributes to global warming and diseases in animals and humans, such as respiratory diseases, cancer, asthma, and more.

So while we may not think we are polluting the environment by buying a new gadget, we are actually contributing to harmful emissions and piles of toxic waste.

So… what should we do?

The simplest way that we can address overconsumption is by consuming less in our own day-to-day lives. Don’t get me wrong, I love my shopping hauls, but we need to be more conscious when spending.

Before buying a product, ask yourself: “Do I really need this? What benefit would this bring to my life?” This helps stop us from buying products simply because they look cool or are popular online.

Another helpful tip is to leave your online shopping cart alone for a couple of weeks instead of buying immediately. This way, you can prevent yourself from buying products in the spur of a moment. If you still really want the product after a few weeks, then you should buy it!

Final Thoughts

Though overconsumption seems like a large problem that’s difficult to solve, I believe that change is possible if everyone implements small changes in their daily lives. Over time, these small changes will compound and make a real impact on our world.

So, let’s work together to create a more sustainable future!






How To Study Smarter, Not Harder: The Best Study Method For Each Subject


With midterms coming up, these next few weeks are crunch time for high school students all over Calgary. As exam season approaches, it is important to get into the habit of mindful studying, and recognizing that whichever study methods you use is much more important than how long you study for.

As a high school student myself, I have written a multitudinous amount of exams. I have a good grasp of which methods allow me to best prepare myself for the most difficult of tests. Through trial and error, I have kept track of which methods gave me the best results, and compiled my knowledge into this post.

Keep in mind that what works for one person will not work for everyone! I suggest experimenting with different study methods, such as the few mentioned below, and establishing a good routine before every exam.


Study Habits to Avoid

  • Using reading as your main study method 

A lot of students may feel like their academic efforts are getting them nowhere, despite the hefty amount of time they spend reviewing notes and re-reading their textbooks.

It is important to understand that re-reading material you already have a good comprehension of will not benefit you. You need to apply the knowledge you learn, and re-reading your notes does not allow your brain to practice actively recalling the information.

  • Cramming the night before an exam 

I understand that high school students lead busy lives, but postponing your studying to the night before a final will only result in the feeling that you could’ve done better with more time. I’m in no position to write about this habit, since I do it quite often as well.

Once your teacher mentions the date for an assessment, note it down and try to plan chunks of time dedicated to studying at least a few days before.

  • Studying in a distraction-filled environment

I’ve fallen victim to this multiple times. Studying with my phone near me is one of the biggest reasons why I get distracted and lose focus. Some students review material while watching TV, which is truly a talent. From personal experience, I have found that it’s hard to focus and retain information in an environment with loud noises and multiple distractions– such as phones and TVs.


The Best Study Methods For Each Subject

Now that we have established what not to do, it is vital that we learn about some good study methods. These methods are what works for me, and I hope they help you as well!

  • Math, Physics, & Chemistry: Doing Practice Questions/Exams

This one may seem obvious, but the number of times I’ve seen people studying for math by reading the textbook and looking at the questions is one too many. I’ve also seen a lot of people look at a question and assume they know how to solve it without actually attempting to write it out.

Doing millions of practice questions will quickly help you get a lot better at the subject. Ensure to attempt the most difficult ones as well! You will find yourself getting better with every question.

For the sciences, make sure to review the concepts from in-class labs before the exam as well. Try making up possible exam questions and see if you can answer them.

  • Biology and Social Studies: Flashcards

Flashcards are great tools for memorizing terms and dates at a rapid pace. You don’t have to put too much effort into making them as well. I have found that making a flashcard every time you learn a new term, the name of an important person, or an important date will save you from having to make 100 flashcards a few days before the exam.

To keep them organized, binder clips will become your best friends. There are also flashcard holders available in stationery stores and online, but these may be a little more expensive.

Going through your flashcards multiple times and switching up their order will benefit you the most. Also, try flipping them over and guessing the term based off of the definition.

  • English & Second Languages: Blurting

Blurting is a study method in which you grab a piece of paper and write out everything you know about the subject. When studying for an English exam, practice writing out paragraphs about the exam material. Get into the habit of making structured essays in shorter amounts of time. If you are being tested on a novel, think about the key themes presented in the novel and important plot points.

For second languages, I have found that writing a few paragraphs, in the language I’m studying, for the topic we are being tested on has helped me find where I’m struggling and what I need to review.


Final Words

Finding out which study methods that can benefit your learning style will take time and experimentation. Don’t be discouraged over a single bad grade and use it as motivation to do better on the next exam. If one method doesn’t work out, try another! You’ll never know if something works for you if you don’t try it first.

Good luck on all your future exams!

Sources: 1

Music as Medicine – A Look Into Music Therapy


Music undoubtedly plays a part in all of our lives — whether you’re just a casual listener and use music as a backdrop to your life, or are someone like me: a full-blown music nerd who plays instruments, sings in a choir, and listens genres from classical to hip-hop and everything in between. But, no matter what your relationship with it is, “therapy” probably isn’t the first thing you think of when you think “music.” However, music therapy and music therapists are a thing, and today, I want to introduce you to them!

What Is Music Therapy Anyway?

Like the name implies, music therapy is a form of clinical therapy based around music. You may have heard about the connection between music and memory or the cognitive benefits of music in passing. Music therapy utilizes both of those and much more in order to help clients. Different aspects of music like rhythm, emotional stimulus, melody, tempo, and pitch are processed by different parts of the brain. Because of this, music therapy is a practice that is used to help all kinds of people in all kinds of different ways, whether it be mental, physiological, physical, or cognitive. 

Because it is such a wide field, there are multiple ways that music therapy is used. Sometimes, it is done through listening to music — perhaps a more passive, receptive interaction with it. Other times, it involves the process of creating music, whether it be singing, playing instruments, producing, composing or improvisation.

What Is Music Therapy Used For?

Music interacts with the brain and body in various different ways. As a result, there are a diverse range of ailments, conditions, illnesses and such that music therapy is used for. It can be used instead of, or on top of, other types of therapy, like cognitive behavioural therapy. When it comes to physical and physiological issues, it is usually used on top of other forms of treatment.

Some health conditions that music therapy is used for include:

  • Cancer
  • Dementia
  • Anxiety
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • Strokes (rehabilitation)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Brain Damage

General benefits of music include:

  • Stimulating emotions (mood-making)
  • Relieving stress
  • Coordination, comprehension and math skills (when creating music)
  • Self-esteem
  • Creative exploration/expression
  • Motor function

The Future of Music Therapy

Historically, humanity has been deeply intertwined with music. Despite this, there is still a long way to go in researching and refining music therapy. These examples only skim the surface of the power that music has, and it is something that is still being researched.

There are current and recent studies being conducted on the topic. For example, a recent study looked into the details of the treatment of depression through music therapy. Another one in October looked at music therapy aiding burn patients. In August, the University of Gothenburg in Sweden looked into the effects of music therapy on rehabilitating stroke patients.


Music therapy is a fascinating topic, bringing together arts and science, proving that they are not mutually exclusive. The intersections and relationships between music and health are intriguing and worth keeping an eye on. Music therapy may not be a complete cure to any of the conditions it is used with, but music is still a powerful thing. Most people know this in terms of things like emotion and fandoms. Hopefully, now you also know that music has many different health and cognitive benefits!

Featured Image

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Fighting the Cold: Tips to Make This Winter Special


Have you ever woken up to a cold winter morning? Do you ever feel like not getting up in the mornings because of the cold weather outside?

Because if you have, you aren’t alone. Waking up and getting out of bed can be hard in the winter especially when you feel nice and warm in your blanket. As a high school student, I always struggle with the morning transition from your cozy blanket to the cold bus stations. Despite winter being one of my favourite seasons due to the festivity and hot chocolate, I have always hated the bitter weather. Since the last few weeks, Calgary has had a major fluctuation in weather, of which the previous weekend was extreme.

The Calgary Herald says that “With 24 cm of snow cover by 1 p.m., Saturday saw the deepest amount of snow that Calgary has had on Nov. 23 since record-keeping began in 1955″. Considering the snowfall and cold conditions, here are some tips to make this winter feel cozy and comfortable:

1. Find Your Soft Spot!

Winters can get harsh at times and the best you can do to make yourself cozy is to add a personalized touch to your home or room with elements that make you feel warm and comfy. For instance, you could add some candles to your space or buy inexpensive essential oils with a humidifier. Oils like Peppermint, Cinnamon and Lavender are all classic fragrances that enhance relaxation and add a soothing effect to your space. Additionally, you could play soothing fire background sounds or instrumental piano (my personal favourite). The point is to find what keeps you focused and snug.

Winter Essential Oil

2. Bundle Up!

It is one of the most commonly known hacks for winter, yet it’s the most effective for staying warm. Ensuring that you wear a toque, mitts and warm socks is all you need to do to prevent yourself from getting frostbite! Winter gear helps trap body heat while keeping you insolated. You could also go one step further by wearing softer and more durable material.

three gray, green, and white scarf on top of table

3. Food!

What is better than a nice hot chocolate on a snowy winter day? Studies show that hot drinks help you stay more active in the cold weather. Such beverages can include, coffee, tea, soups or anything that can be served hot. Additionally, you can alter your food choices to feel more energized. For instance, berries, greek yogurt, and citrus fruits are great options because of their protein and fibre-rich components. At last, your food choices don’t need to change severely, but ensuring that you feel pleased and energized from your food is the key to staying activated during the season.

4. Find Light

Winters can sometimes get sad and depressing because of the late sunrises and early sunsets. This change in daylight can make people feel disappointed, exhausted and low. Even though we cannot control the sun, we can control our surrounding environments. In other words, try to stay in bright spaces, whether you’re adding extra lights to your room or moving to a sunny corner in the afternoons for studying. The presence of light makes a huge difference by making the space feel complete and uplifting.

finding light (winter)

5. Enjoy!

Even though winter is rough and cold at times, we must enjoy the beautiful scenery that comes along with the season. The frosted glass windows and snow-covered streets are rare to see in other parts of the world. Therefore, we must be grateful. Living in a country like Canada allows us to experience all 4 seasons and it is important to value them. Without winter, we can’t enjoy making gingerbread houses, true winter breaks, and warm blankets. So the next time you feel bored of winter, just remember that it won’t last forever!

woman in black long-sleeved shirt standing and facing trees with stretched arms under white sky






Food Insecurity Around the World

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Food insecurity is a serious problem all around the world, in both developed and developing countries. It is a big global issue that the United Nations has specifically directed one of its 17 goals for sustainable development (SDGs) towards the efforts to “end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” Ever since the late twentieth century, the world population has continued to grow at a rapid rate. With the evolving farming technology coupled with increasing globalization, malnutrition and a lack of access to food continues to persist. 

To address this issue, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was created, as a part of the United Nations, in 1974. Its mandate is “to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition.” 

Hunger and Food Insecurity

The FAO defines hunger as “an uncomfortable or painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy.” Hunger is very often chronic, and it prevents the individual from living a “normal, active and healthy life.” 

Food insecurity describes a situation, where a person “lacks regular access to enough safe and nutritious food” in their life. Different levels of food insecurity occur, ranging from mild (e.g. experiencing uncertainty about access to food in the future) to severe (e.g. running out of food altogether for a day or more) food insecurity. 

It should be noted that food insecurity dramatically increases the risk of the individual experiencing hunger. Many falling on the moderate side of food insecurity choose to eat fast food, leading to a higher risk of obesity, from the “highly-processed foods that are energy-dense, high in saturated fats, sugars and salt.” 

A field of golden grains
Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

Indicators to Monitor Hunger and Food Insecurity

The FAO uses the PoU (Prevalence of Undernourishment), and the Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population statistics to monitor the progress in combating hunger and food insecurity worldwide. 

Through data, the FAO has reported a sharp rise in global hunger during the coronavirus pandemic, while staying steadily at a high rate into 2023. In 2023, the number of undernourished people is approximately 757.2 million, compared to 581.3 million in 2019. It is clear that, just like decades and centuries ago, food insecurity ties in with the individual’s income and ability to gain a better Standard of Living. With unemployment rising in the past years in many countries, it is also clear that unemployment contributes to the increasing undernourishment around the world. 

Household Food Insecurity in Canada

The government of Canada also monitors food insecurity levels in Canada. However, data from Statistics Canada show that the household food insecurity prevalence “was slightly lower and stable during the COVID-19 pandemic years,” but that it “increased to 15.6% in 2022.” It describes the level of food insecurity as correlating with the levels of “consumer price inflation.” Similarly, in many other countries experiencing high inflation, food insecurity and hunger levels are also expected to be higher. 

Ways of Combating Food Insecurity

From an individual’s perspective, our options include organizing or supporting food drives, donating to charities/government organizations around the world that are working to come up with these solutions, or reducing food waste. Combating food insecurity is especially important in our modern-day world. Even as society has generally improved in its ability to offer individuals a better Standard of Living, food insecurity, an issue that can even be described as originating back in ancient times, is still affecting the world today. 

How To Give a Meaningful Gift


Giving a gift is more than tradition; it’s more about letting another person know they are valuable. When you take the time to find a meaningful present, you show concern for whom they are and what they like. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas and reasons why showing appreciation through gifts can go a long way.

Gift Ideas:

Try to think of gifts that relate to the person you will give the gift to. For example, with their name on a personalized keychain or an engraved picture of the two of you. A personalized gift always makes the gift much more special because it shows you have put thought into it rather than just choosing something generic.

Sometimes, the best gifts are the memories to be made. Think of something you could do together: concert tickets, a cooking class, a day spent hiking. Experiences often bring people closer together, and long after the event, memories still linger. It is a great way to show your appreciation for someone: quality time. If you want some ideas for fun things to do in your area, check out Youth Central’s Event Page for ideas about community events or volunteer activities that you could enjoy together.

The gifts don’t have to be expensive. They can still be meaningful in their small ways. Something homemade—handwritten notes, a drawing, or even just baked treats—can mean just about everything. Handmade gifts show effort, and they have this one-of-a-kind feel that just makes them more memorable.

Express your appreciation by encouraging those things they love: if they are into art, get them a sketchbook; if they love reading, then maybe a book by their favourite author would do the trickSupport their hobbies to let them know you‘re interested in their interests and like seeing them do what they love.

Why Show Appreciation Through Gifts?

Appreciation, after all, is not only about the material value of things that people give to show how much they care. It’s that in being thoughtfulone is reminded he’s important and his presence matters. From the studies of positive psychology, it show gifts bestowed thoughtfully bring more happiness and make people feel they matter and are appreciated.

And for the appreciation of someone, small gesture can say it all: “appreciate you.” 

In today’s fast-moving world, small gestures of appreciation bond people together and engrave memories forever. So, the next time you think about someone special, don’t forget to gift them a symbol of how much you truly care.

Journaling: Benefits and Tips to Get Started


Journaling has been a tool for some of history’s greatest minds, including Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Frederick Douglass. These figures used journals not only to document their lives but to explore their thoughts and emotions, with Kahlo and da Vinci even incorporating illustrations to express themselves.

Between school and work, finding moments to reflect and reconnect with ourselves can be quite challenging. Oftentimes, we resort to a temporary relief by mindless scrolling on social media or binge-watching shows to emotionally unwind. While these activities provide temporary relief, they rarely address the underlying need for clarity and emotional balance. This is where journaling steps in: a powerful, low-pressure practice that allows us to process our thoughts, manage stress, and promotes personal growth safety. 

What To Write About:

  1. Achieve goals: Writing down your goals helps you stay focused and accountable.
  2. Track progress and growth: Journaling regularly lets you reflect on your progress over time.
  3. Gain self-confidence: Seeing your growth in writing boosts your confidence.
  4. Improve writing and communication skills: Daily journaling enhances your writing and communication abilities.
  5. Reduce stress and anxiety: Writing down your emotions helps release negativity and find solutions.
  6. Find inspiration: Journaling can spark creativity and new ideas.
  7. Strengthen memory: Writing things down improves memory retention and reduces intrusive thoughts.

Quick tips to help you get started on your journey to journal: 

    1. Pick a format: Writing consistently in a way that feels natural to you makes it more likely that you’ll stick with it. Use a notebook, canvas, or even a video diary, whatever feels most comfortable.
    2. Use Prompts: start with questions to spark creativity such as:

What made me smile today?

What’s been on my mind lately?

What’s one goal I’d like to achieve this week?

Often, it’s not knowing what to write about that makes journaling so intimidating, these questions can start as a guide until the words begin to flow naturally. 

3. Create a routine: Allocate a few minutes each day to journal, and stick with it to make it a habit.

4. Be honest with yourself: Your journal is your way to emotionally regulate yourself, and it is only for you, so don’t worry about judgment or perfection. Write, draw, or talk freely about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without holding back. This is your private space to process emotions, reflect on your day, and gain clarity.

Journaling offers a simple, yet powerful way to pause, organize our thoughts, and nurture our mental well-being. Whether you’re looking to recalibrate, reduce stress, or set personal goals, journaling can be your perfect companion. 

Sources: 12

One Historical Figure Who Should Have His Own Hamilton: The Life of Frederick Douglass

It’s hard to find anyone these days who can honestly say they’ve never heard of “Hamilton”. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s 2015 hit Broadway musical, which was later released on “Disney+” during the COVID-19 pandemic, has already cemented itself as the fourth highest grossing theatre production of all time, with nearly 3,000 world-wide viewings raking in just shy of a billion dollars USD as of 2024.

The play chronicles the life of America’s previously oft-forgotten founding father Alexander Hamilton, from his role in the revolution to his more scandalous personal life, shining light on one of history’s most interesting figures. But Hamilton, as fascinating as his life may be, is far from the only intriguing historical character of ages past. Although there are hundreds of people who deserve their own spot on the stages of Broadway, here’s one particular 19th century abolitionist preacher who would certainly give Miranda plenty of material for a sequel.

Early Life

For an African-American living in a time of rampant social injustice, Frederick Douglass accomplished much more than anyone could have anticipated.

Born into slavery in a Maryland plantation in 1818, Douglass never knew his father. His mother passing away when he was only six. Not long after, he was separated from his grandmother and given to Hugh Auld as a personal slave servant in Baltimore, Maryland. 

As his new masters forbade him from learning, a 12-year-old Douglass would teach himself how to read and write in secrecy. At 16, he was sent to work as a farmhand under Edward Covey, who severely beat the young boy and further drove his desires for freedom.

Thankfully for Douglass, Baltimore’s status as a major transportation hub gave him the opportunity to escape northward to so-called “free states”, where slavery was illegal. In 1838, after smuggling himself onto a train leaving for the north, he crossed through Delaware and Pennsylvania before eventually reaching free-state New York, his entire journey to freedom taking less than 24 hours. 

Once in the north, he moved again to Massachusetts, taking up residency in an abolitionist settlement populated primarily by fellow escapees. While in Massachusetts, the self-taught education he received would prove to come in handy, with Douglass becoming a licensed church preacher a year after his arrival.

Rise to Fame

While in Massachusetts, Douglass would meet and befriend an abolitionist newspaper editor named William Lloyd Garrison. In 1841, Garrison would invite Douglass to speak at the annual meeting of the New England Anti-Slavery Society. Douglass used his experience as a former slave to deliver an impassioned abolitionist speech to the convention which greatly boosted his standing among the intellectual anti-slavery community. 

All throughout the remainder of the 1840s, Douglass would tour the country, advocating for the abolition of slavery while also writing an autobiography entitled “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”, which would go on to be a bestseller noted for its eloquent writing, writing which far surpassed the ability of many white authors at the time. By the 1850s, Frederick Douglass was one of the most famous Black men in the world. 

While Douglass’ fame grew throughout the country, so did his infamy. After he considered running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1854 (a seat he would have very likely easily won), he was advised not to by friends who feared the election of a black man to Congress could potentially provoke the southern states into secession.

The Civil War

When the country did finally split over slavery in 1860, into the Union in the north and Confederacy in the south, Douglass worked to bolster the Union army by personally financing efforts to promote enlistment among African-American communities. 

Thanks in part to his efforts, nearly 200,000 black men enlisted to fight during the war, massively assisting the Union’s war effort and contributing to their victory over the Confederacy. 

Also during this time, Douglass met with President Abraham Lincoln numerous times, advocating for improving the treatment of African-American soldiers and for using the opportunity presented by the war to end slavery. In 1865, that end did come, as the 13th Amendment to the Constitution forever outlawing slavery would be ratified.

But, as Douglass saw it, the end of slavery did not bring an end to his cause. For the rest of his life, Douglass would travel the country, advocating for tough reconstruction policies in the south and for measures designed to secure total equality for African-Americans. 

Additionally, Douglass was an outspoken advocate for women’s suffrage, stating once “Let no man be kept from the ballot box because of his color. Let no woman be kept from the ballot box because of her sex”.

Later Life

Rather unusually for the time, Douglass had massive respect from the white political establishment, frequently advising several U.S. Presidents and other government officials.

During the 1888 Republican Convention, to determine the nominee for President, Douglass was invited to speak and received one delegate vote, which made him the first African-American to receive a vote for President at a major party convention.

Despite receiving respect, however, it’s undeniable he faced massive opposition throughout his entire life, particularly in the realm of elected politics. Although one of the nation’s foremost intellectuals, he was always denied the chance to enter into politics as a candidate due to his ethnicity and the desire of many northerners to not overly ‘offend’ southerners. 

In 1889, he was appointed to the position of Ambassador to Haiti, a position he served until 1891. Four years later, on Feb. 20, 1895, he would pass away at the age of 77. 

Frederick Douglass’ story truly shows the capability any person has for greatness. Even if born with every disadvantage, living in a time where you are considered lesser because of something you cannot control, it is still possible to rise up and change the world.


  1. 1888 Republican National Convention – Wikipedia
  2. Disney Plus ‘Hamilton’ Viewership Exceeds Those Who’ve Seen It Live, Research Company Says | Next TV.
  3. Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: Inside Their Complicated Relationship | HISTORY
  4. Williamsport: Boomtown on the Susquehanna
  5. Frederick Douglass 
  6. Frederick Douglass | Biography, Accomplishments, & Facts | Britannica

Le Français: Complications of Conjugation

The Language of Love

The French language is considered to be one of the most romantic languages in the world. With Paris as a popular tourist destination for its amorous atmosphere and the French being associated with their welcoming and intimate demeanor, there’s no question why it is deemed to be the language of love! However, has anyone actually tried to learn and master the language itself? It seems as though no one really warns you about the complications and struggles you will face when you try to learn French. Therefore, I’m here to warn you about conjugation and hopefully help you understand it better!
Please keep in mind that I will not be teaching how to conjugate but rather explain it to those who already have prior knowledge on the subject!

How Does One Conjugate?

There is much to go into when conjugating verbs in French, but we are going to focus on conjugating the first two verbs mentioned below. In French, there are 5 types of verbs:

  1. Avoir (to have)
  2. Être (to be)
  3. verbs that end with -er (eg. manger)
  4. Verbs that end with -ir (eg. courir)
  5. Verbs that end with -re (eg. comprendre)

Another fact to keep in mind when conjugating in French is each pronoun has its own ending! To refresh your memory, these are the pronouns:

Je (I)

Tu (You singular)

Il/Elle (He/She)

Nous (We)

Vous (You plural)

Ils/Elles (They)

Experience + Progress

I have been in French Immersion for 9 years-and counting-and no one ever really bothered to clarify conjugation for me. I know the struggle of learning a new language and receiving barely any support on your baby steps, so i decided I’d offer some!




Tu as

Il/Elle a

Nous avons

Vous avez

Ils/Elles ont


Je suis

Tu es

Il/Elle est

Nous sommes

Vous êtes

Ils/Elles sont


Tips and Tricks!

  1. I always get confused which ones have the s at the end, so just remember that you loves s, so there will always be an “s” after every conjugated verb with the pronoun “tu”.
  2. For the verb “être”, il/elle always has a t, however tu does not. I always like to theink that tu does not like double t so the other t goes to il/elle.
  3. Vous êtes always has the accent on the first e because it comes from the verb être, therefore the accent would remain
  4. sont vs ont always confused me, and the only way i could remember is sont with the s is always être because être loves s
  5. Practice does help. I know it’s been said by everyone but it really does help ypu familiarize with the conjugations.

C’est tout, bonne chance mes amis!

Fighting Food Insecurity: How Youth Can Make a Difference in Hunger Relief Efforts

Out of the many problems facing us today, one of the most significant is food insecurity. This is a pressing issue that affects millions of families and individuals worldwide, including many here in Calgary. Fortunately, young advocates are stepping up to create change by playing an essential role in raising awareness. Here’s how youth can get involved in addressing hunger and food insecurity, both locally and globally.

What is Food Insecurity?

Photo by Mike Dorner on Unsplash

According to the Government of Canada, food insecurity is defined as the inability to acquire or consume an adequate diet quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways, or the uncertainty that one will be able to do so. (1) That’s a lot of words – simply put, it’s “when people don’t have enough to eat and don’t know where their next meal will come from.” (2)

How big is this problem, really?

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2023, “around 2.33 billion people globally faced moderate or severe food insecurity… Among those, over 864 million people experienced severe food insecurity, going without food for an entire day or more at times.” (3)
  • In 2022, 6.9 million people, or 18% of Canadian families, experienced some level of food insecurity over the past 12 months, according to a report by Statistics Canada. (4)
  • According to CBC News, Calgary has also seen a significant rise in food bank usage in recent years. From September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024, the Calgary Food Bank logged 485,900 total annual visits. This number was up more than 100,000 compared to 2023, amounting to a 28% increase. (5)

Why Food Insecurity Matters to Youth

Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

For young people, food insecurity can hit close to home. It isn’t only about hunger; studies show that a lack of proper nutrition is linked to lower academic performance and concentration, as well as increased physical, behavioral, and mental health challenges. According to a research brief, “Breakfast for Behavior“, by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), food insecurity can hinder children’s abilities to form social relationships, engage in the classroom, make it likelier for them to be in trouble at school, and increase the risk for developing mental health issues, such as chronic/toxic stress, mood disorders, and anxiety. (6)

So… How Can YOU Help?

Photo by Calle Macarone on Unsplash
Volunteer at a Food Bank

Food banks are constantly looking for volunteers to help sort, pack, and distribute food to families in need. There are many websites that have directories to help you find a food bank near you.

In Calgary, the Calgary Food Bank welcomes volunteers of all ages. Volunteering is a hands-on way to help address food insecurity in our city.

Organize a Local Food Drive

Food drives are one of the most effective ways to gather resources. You can consider starting a drive in your school or community to collect canned goods and non-perishable items. At the same time, you can make it a group effort and raise awareness about hunger.

Support Community Gardens

Community gardens grow fresh, healthy produce that is often distributed for free or at a low cost.

For example, organizations like Grow Calgary use urban agriculture to help provide fresh produce for food-insecure individuals. Volunteering to help maintain and support community gardens, or even starting one yourself, is a great way to promote local access to healthy food.

Raise Awareness on Social Media

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are powerful tools for spreading the word about food insecurity. Share facts, resources, and ways to get involved to inspire your friends and followers.

Participate in Advocacy Programs

Joining youth organizations focused on food security, like the Food Secure Canada Youth Caucus (FSCYC), can connect you with larger advocacy projects and help you learn more about how to make a lasting impact. Becoming a part of these programs can connect youth to larger hunger relief efforts.

Did You Know?

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash
  • Food waste is a huge problem. Approximately 30-40% of food in the U.S. goes to waste, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (7)
  • Food insecurity affects 1 in 6 Canadian children. According to PROOF, a food insecurity research program by the University of Toronto, millions of Canadian children lack consistent access to nutritious food. (8)
  • School meal programs are crucial. In many communities, school meals are a primary food source for kids. COVID-19 brought new attention to the importance of these programs.

Final Thoughts

Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

Food insecurity might feel like a massive problem, but with small steps, we can make a big difference. Every can donated, post shared, or hour volunteered brings us closer to a future where everyone has access to nutritious food.

Image credits: All images, including the featured image, were used under creative commons licenses from Unsplash.

DOGE – The Department of Government Efficiency

On November 5th, 2024, the United States held its presidential election. Donald Trump, the former 45th president, won the election and will be inaugurated on January 2025 as the 47th president. Since then, Trump has been planning his administration for the next four years. One of the plans for the new administration is the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), which Trump announced a week after the election.

DOGE, with its certain responsibilities, has brought excitement, worry, and a lot of questions from many in the United States. Even the acronym is being talked about.

What is DOGE?

The Department of Government Efficiency is a proposed commission to be led by famous entrepreneur Elon Musk and former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. It is not actually a US government agency; for that to happen, US Congress would have to pass an act to establish it. 

The pair will work together as advisors, leading DOGE to, according to Trump, “dismantle government bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures and restructure federal agencies.”

Elon Musk first proposed the commission through X during August 2024 to Trump. Trump agreed to establishing DOGE wholeheartedly, saying “I’d love it,” during their conversation.

Trump has put his full confidence in the pair. He stated that DOGE would deliver “a smaller government, with more efficiency and less bureaucracy,” which would be “the perfect gift to America on the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.” 

DOGE would be a short-lived commission, as Musk and Ramaswamy are to be done with their responsibilities no later than July 4, 2026. 

Opinions on DOGE

There are mixed reactions coming from the American public.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of the Democrats mocked Trump’s appointment of Musk and Ramaswamy on X, stating “two people to do the work of one person. Yeah, this seems REALLY efficient.” Mocking the effectiveness of DOGE prompted Musk to respond to her X post.

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, the largest American bank, expressed his support for the establishment of DOGE, stating “governments have to be more efficient, more competent,” as well as “when they [a government] take money, what do they get for it.” in a televised interview.

Most vocal about DOGE are the two leads Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy and President-elect Trump, expressing their full support.

What do you think about DOGE? Is it something to support or reject? I encourage you to do more research and pay more attention to the news about DOGE, especially during Trump’s administration starting in 2025.

The Acronym

Notice anything about the acronym of the Department of Government Efficiency? 

There are two main interpretations of what the acronym is a nod to. 

One is a nod to Elon Musk’s favourite cryptocurrency, Dogecoin. The cryptocurrency’s value has surged up by 150% since the US election. Dogecoin’s value is also supported by the promises from Trump, the growing political clout from Musk and his longtime support for the memecoin, especially on X. With the announcement of the Department of Government Efficiency, the value of Dogecoin may not struggle any time soon.

Another is the nod to one of the greatest Internet memes of all time, Doge. It was created in 2013 which features a picture of a Shiba Inu dog named Kabosu. Internet users used the picture of Kabosu to create their own memes which millions have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy as Doge has a special place in many people’s hearts (including mine, the author of this blog). Kabosu has unfortunately passed away at 18 years of age on May 24, 2024. She enjoyed 14 years of internet fame, but her legacy will live on forever.


Trump taps Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy to head ‘Dept. of Government Efficiency’ – National | 

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead new ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ in Trump administration | CNN Politics

What is the department of government efficiency?

Dogecoin: A Joke No More? The Rise Of A $58 Billion Crypto Phenomenon

What is ‘Doge’? Explaining the meme after Trump appoints Elon Musk

Kabosu dies: Shiba inu dog was meme and face of Dogecoin

Don’t underestimate Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency

Jamie Dimon Likes Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency Idea – Business Insider

Any pictures used are from Pixabay

The Dark Side of AI: Why We Should Be Concerned of the Technology Shaping Our Future



Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is often seen as the future of technology, offering to simplify our lives, boost efficiency, and enhance connectivity. However, beneath its appealing exterior, AI present several risks that demand out attention. As AI systems become more advanced and embedded into our everyday lives, the chances of negative impacts severely increase.

Ethical Dilemmas

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, it raises significant ethical dilemmas regarding privacy and personal autonomy. The increasing reliance on AI technologies in various sectors, from healthcare to social media, often leads to the collection and analysis of vast amounts of personal data. This can result in a loss of privacy, as individuals may not fully understand how their information is being used or shared. Moreover, the potential for AI to influence decision-making processes raises concerns about autonomy, as people might find their choices manipulated by algorithms designed to predict and steer their behavior. Addressing these issues is crucial to ensure that the benefits of AI do not come at the cost of fundamental human rights.

Exploring the dangers beneath the surface of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a lot of potential, but it also comes with serious risks. One big danger is the weaponization of AI, like autonomous drones that could make deadly decisions without human control. Another risk is that AI systems can be hacked or tricked, which could lead to disasters, such as self-driving cars making wrong decisions or AI-powered systems being used in cyberattacks. There’s also the issue of transparency—AI systems can be really hard to understand, which can lead to biased or unfair decisions, especially in areas like hiring or law enforcement. Plus, AI can sometimes do things we don’t expect, like when Tesla’s autopilot system failed in an accident. Without clear rules and oversight, these dangers could get worse, and we might not be able to stop them in time.

When Innovation Meets Consequence

As AI technology advances quickly, it can lead to unexpected problems that we might not fully understand yet. One issue is job displacement, where machines and robots take over jobs that people used to do, leaving many without work. Another problem is the widening digital divide, where people with less access to technology are left behind, making inequality worse. There are also ethical concerns, like using AI for surveillance or facial recognition, which can invade people’s privacy and be used unfairly, especially if it’s biased. While AI brings new opportunities, it’s important to think carefully about its long-term impact, making sure that progress doesn’t cause more harm than good.

How AI Could Shape the Future We Didn’t Bargain For

Unchecked AI development could lead to a future we didn’t expect, where things like privacy and personal freedom are at risk. One possibility is the rise of surveillance states, where governments or companies use AI to constantly monitor and track our every move, invading our privacy. Deepfake technology could make it hard to trust anything we see online, as fake videos and images become more realistic and harder to spot. There’s also the worry that AI could take over important decisions, leaving humans with less control over their lives. In a world where AI makes most choices, people might lose their personal autonomy and ability to think for themselves. These changes could have a huge impact on society, affecting everything from how we interact with others to our basic rights and freedoms.

Dangers of Unchecked AI Growth

Rapidly advancing AI without proper oversight could lead to serious risks. One major issue is the lack of regulation, which means there are no clear rules to prevent AI from being misused. There’s also the fear that AI could surpass human intelligence, known as the “singularity,” and start making decisions that we can’t control or understand. This could be dangerous if AI is used by bad actors for harmful purposes, like cyberattacks or spreading misinformation. Another concern is that AI could replace human decision-makers in important areas like healthcare, law, or government, leading to a loss of accountability and responsibility, since machines wouldn’t be held accountable for their actions the way humans are.


A.I. Joe: The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence and the Military

The three challenges of AI regulation






Phone-less Classes: Benefits To School Phone Ban For Canadian Provinces

The School Phone Ban

Following Quebec’s initiative in January 2024, the 2024-2025 school year began with a phone ban during classes for other Canadian provinces. The provinces that have enforced this law into effect is B.C., Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Although the rules regarding cellphone use during school varies between provinces, as well as also depending on how old the student is, every province has the same goal on dedicating time on focused learning during class instead of becoming distracted with cellphone use. In fact, Jennifer Flanagan, a CEO of Actua, a charitable organization building skills for youth in STEM stated to Global News that “the dedicated time “the dedicated time for student learning while in class is really important (and) the evidence is overwhelming that distraction is already significant.”

Phone distraction near book during studying
Image by Aritha from Pixabay
Why Make It A Provincial Law?

You may be wondering: Why go so far as to make it a provincial law instead of just asking students to avoid using phones during class? Over the years, this method has been used where the teachers and administrators would ask to avoid unnecessary phone use. With phones and similar technology becoming more accessible, more youth possess a phone. Along with this, more youth have social media, having it as a more common thing to access amongst older youth. In turn, asking students to avoid unnecessary using phones during class has become more challenging to achieve, although it still depends on the students. Addiction to social media or a lack of interest on the current lessons has also contributed to this challenge for teachers and administrators.

Truth be told, there are still some benefits to phone use during class. Personally, before the phone ban, my high school teachers usually gives permissions to use our phones during assignments or projects. Our classes were encouraged to use it as a tool for research or listening to music while working. Although these benefits can help assist students, it was always under the expectation that they use their phones and time wisely.

In the case of all 6 of these provinces, a survey was handed to parents, teachers, students, and any others involved in the education world. Common conclusions from these surveys were that phones can sever mental health, make students more prone to cyberbullying, and that phone use is overall distracting during class time. Of course, an inference from these conclusions is that phones can affect a student’s academic prowess. Following that, the provincial governments decided it best to legislate a law restricting the usage of phones during school.

Apps on a phone
Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay
How Is The School Phone Ban Enforced Across The Provinces?
  • Quebec – Regardless whether the student is in a public elementary or high school, they can use their phones between classes.
  • B.C. – Depending on where in the province, elementary students cannot use their phones during school at all or only without permission. Secondary students can only use them during breaks outside of class.
  • Alberta – Regardless if the student is in a catholic or public school, elementary students cannot use phones at all during school. Students in catholic school, in grades 7-9, can use their phones during breaks, but public school students cannot. For both districts, high school students can use their phones during breaks.
  • Ontario – Elementary students cannot use their phones at all. Anyone in grades 7 or above can use them during breaks.
  • Nova Scotia – Elementary students cannot use their phones during school at all. Depending on their school, anyone in grades 7 or above can use phones outside of class time.
  • New Brunswick – Cell phones are to be put on silent during class time.
  • All of these provinces ban phone use during class. They are to be out of sight, as well as on silent. Depending on the province, school, and student’s needs, exceptions can be made.
Canadian flag
Image by ElasticComputeFarm from Pixabay
Possible Benefits To The Phone Ban

These provincial school phone bans are still new to Canada entirely so the benefits out of it are currently arising. However, the possible benefits that the phone ban could bring Canada can be compared to how it effective it was for other countries around the world. In fact, in 2020, the U.S. National Center of Education Statistics reported that 77% of U.S. schools had prohibited phones for nonacademic purposes during school. On a similar note, French lawmakers made cellphone use (during school) illegal for students under the age of 15. Lastly, in 2022, China enforced a country-wide ban on the usage of phones during school. With those statistics in mind and remembering that phones are becoming more and more common, the general benefits brought by those actions have a possibility of arising to the Canadian school phone ban.


1. Improves Mental Health

As mentioned earlier, students having a phone is becoming more and more common. With a phone ban in schools, it is important to consider that students may become more anxious without them. This is a natural reaction as dealing with change, especially if it’s a big one, is a challenge for everyone. With that said, a student’s mental health following the ban will always depend on the student, as well as how much time has passed.

However, to look at the bigger picture, there will be benefits to their mental health in the long run. For instance, students may be able to have more focus on their academics, a lower possibility on addiction to social media, and more confidence in themselves. Remember that every benefit depends on the students, but in the long run, these all contribute to improving mental health. A better focus on academic and less social media addiction may lead to stronger coginitive and comprehension abilities. Although the benefit of more confidence is subjective, it is a possible benefit because at some point in our lives, we used to depend on our phones for certain things. By trusting yourself while being unable to use your phones, you are obtaining more confidence in yourself after finding that you can do a lot of tasks without the help of your phone.

Mental health mindfulness
Image by Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay
2. More Engagement

With the phone ban, students may be more inclined to participate during class. Since students cannot secretly go on their phone during class, they are more inclined to focus on the class. Their engagement with their classes increases because of that. Also, it encourages students to connect with one another and work together through the class. Whether one doesn’t know a concept, finds something in common with someone else, or everyone is dumbfounded and scared of an assessment, he students have a better chance of working together. Of course, they can use their phones to talk to each other outside of class, but physically being there during class can enhance their friendships in ways phones cannot. The phone ban may take away your phone, but it can bring you opportunities for new friendships and engagements with the classroom.

  • Note: As a student in their senior year, about to finish high school, high school really goes by quick. Because of that, I’d like to show a little bias and say that school, regardless if it’s elementary, junior, high, or post-secondary level, is not only a place to learn, but to experience what it’s like to be with your peers. Getting to know and work with your peers helps us grow in many ways. Beyond learning, they help us grow in teamwork, character, social skills, and in many other ways. Although social media is an excellent way to talk to them, physically being with them goes a longer way.
Classroom boys engaged
Image by Indus International School Bangalore from Pixabay
3. Enhances Academic Performance

The first two benefits alluded to this final benefit of enhancing academic performance. Due to improved mental health and promoted engagement with the classroom, academic performances become better. With everything said, it may not be a surprise to state that with areas around the world where a school phone ban is enforced, academic performances rose quickly. This benefit, as well as the other two, still depends on the student, but these reports, though they are from other countries, are from general populations. If these general populations have achieved this benefit, then there is hope for the new phone ban here too.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


Following Quebec, 5 other Canadian provinces have recently enforced a law banning phones in the classroom. While each provinces takes a slightly difference approach to this, all of them ban phones during class, forcing them out of sight. Although this is a first in Canada, countries around the world have done this a long time ago. From there, referring to studies from these countries, the possible benefits for this are improved mental health, more engagement in the classroom, and enhanced academic performances. Although the influence of these phone laws depends on the student, there is hope that they, and future generations, may reach these benefits.

Boy laughing in school
Image by AkshayaPatra Foundation from Pixabay

Source: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

The Human Brain: How Neuroscience is Advancing Our Understanding of Consciousness


The human brain is one of the most complex and fascinating parts of our body and scientists are making existing discoveries that are helping us to understand it better. From brain-computer interfaces to memory and consciousness, modern neuroscience is unlocking the secrets about how our mind works.


Brain-Computer Interfaces: Mind and Machine

One of the most exciting breakthroughs is the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). This lets people control machines using only their thoughts. For example, Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, is working on technology that could help people with paralysis control devices like prosthetic limbs by just thinking. This technology could change the lives of people with disabilities by allowing them to interact with the world in new ways.


Mapping the Brain: Understanding How We Think

Scientists are also working on mapping the brain’s connectome, which is like a map of all the brain’s connections. The Human Connectome Project is an ongoing effort to understand how different parts of the brain are connected and how they work together. This is also important because it helps us understand how the brain controls everything we do. 


Memory and Learning: How the Brain Changes

Our ability to learn and remember things is driven by our neuronal communication. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a process that strengthens those connections, helping us to remember things better. Scientists are also learning that neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to rewire itself, play a huge role in learning and recovery. For instance, practicing a skill repeatedly can strengthen the brain’s neural connections, improving our memory. 


Consciousness: What Makes Us Aware?
One of the biggest questions in neuroscience is understanding consciousness. What makes us aware of ourselves and the world around us? Scientists are trying to figure out which parts of the brain are responsible for said consciousness. Some theories suggest that our brain’s ability to integrate information from all over may create conscious experience. As technology improves, we may one day have a better idea of how and why we experience the world the way we do.


Looking to the Future

Neuroscience is advancing rapidly and each new discovery brings us closer to understanding the mysteries of the brain. As technology keeps improving, we may soon have better treatments for brain-related diseases as well as new ways to enhance our memory and cognitive abilities. The future is full of exciting possibilities for both human potential and artificial intelligence. 

