Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth.
YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them.
Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.
Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.
This is a continuation of one of my posts done last year on the worst of Canadian human rights. While they may be read individually, check out that article too using the link below!
The event that best highlights Canadian human rights is the Multiculturalism Act of 1971. Brought into effect under the Pierre Trudeau administration, this act was made to specifically acknowledge Francophone rights in Canada after the growing unrest within the Francophone community.
This unrest was caused by the fear of cultural and language loss, which led to the development of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism in 1963. That commission would later create changes in Francophone education, create a Multiculturalism Ministry, and pass the Official Bilingualism Act of 1969.
This commission combated issues Francophones faced and found numerous methods to address them, one of which was the Multiculturalism Act of 1971. This act was the first of its kind around the world and recognizes the individual value that every culture brings to Canada’s ‘multicultural fabric’. The fear the French felt would later resonate with many other newcomers who needed to be reassured that their contributions were recognized in our society.
This is the most impactful in the sense of human rights, as it recognized the importance of protecting individual identities and showed that you can maintain your identity while fully participating in Canadian society. Since this act was the first of its kind, it also set an example for the rest of the world to follow suit and stray away from America’s melting pot attitude.
The legacy that this act brings forward is one of acceptance, recognition, and individuality. With a diverse history and country, Canada legally values all groups and should be constantly recognizing them. Whether this act has been followed through with is a controversial topic, but legally, we all have these rights. Even though this action from the Canadian government is quite hypocritical, given the constant assimilation they subjected towards many minority groups, such as the First Nations, this act was a step in the right direction for our society today.
This article is about you. At least, there’s a high chance it is.
We all know about the infamous “iPad kids.” However, we should take a moment to look past the negative stereotype and realize the reality. According to a survey, 50% of youth (ages 12 to 18) believe they struggle with mobile addiction.
In this article, I’m going to walk you through the significant and numerous struggles faced by those experiencing “iPad kid syndrome.”
What is an iPad kid?
An “iPad kid” typically refers to children and teens who are chronically online for entertainment and engagement, often through repetitive scrolling of videos or gaming. In many cases, parents provide electronics to children at a young age as a quick solution to ease tantrums. However, this can quickly become the child’s primary method for avoiding troublesome behavior. Unfortunately, many parents may be unaware of the potential challenges their children could face in the future as a result of this reliance on screens. A recent study revealed that approximately 1 in 3 people worldwide are at risk of smartphone addiction, highlighting this as a significant global concern. Common signs and symptoms of device addiction, often referred to as “iPad kid syndrome,” include:
Constantly reaching for the phone
Spending excessive time on devices
Waking at night to check notifications
Experiencing negative emotions when unable to use the device
Suffering injuries due to distracted use (e.g., texting while driving)
Difficulty limiting phone use, leading to relapses
If you relate to any of these, you most likely fall into the category of “iPad kid.”
Side effects iPad kids face
Excessive screen time disrupts children’s development, mental health, and cognitive function. Early exposure can hinder neural connections, leading to delays in communication, motor skills, and social behavior. Research links screen use to higher rates of ADHD, depression, anxiety, stunted verbal intelligence, and reduced brain volume in areas governing language, attention, and emotion.
Physical effects include sleep issues, headaches, and fatigue, while advergames promote unhealthy eating habits. Extended video gaming and TV watching further harm verbal skills, self-image, and cognitive development, emphasizing the risks associated with unchecked screen time.
Adult “iPad kids”
Although “iPad kids” are typically referred to as Generation Alpha—people born after 2010—the term can also apply to anyone struggling with addiction to smart devices. TikTok users, including Gen-Z and millennials, have opened up about claiming the title of “iPad kid” due to their extreme phone addiction.
Some TikTokers admit that they can’t be separated from their phones for even as little as 10 minutes, as it causes symptoms similar to withdrawal. They acknowledge that their device dependency has diminished their attention spans and disrupted their daily lives, making it difficult to complete simple tasks without checking their phones.
Dopamine, a neurotransmitter and hormone that causes feelings of pleasure when released, is triggered by phone use, leading to increased screen time. Consequently, screen time is perceived as a form of addiction, similar to other dependencies.
Strategies to Combat Device Addiction
Dr. Daidone suggests several methods to reduce dependency on devices:
Schedule device-free activities with family and friends.
Take regular breaks from screen time.
Engage in outdoor activities (e.g., gardening, swimming) to alleviate stress.
Practice mindfulness through yoga and meditation to enhance focus.
Adjust phone settings, such as switching to grayscale mode, to reduce visual stimulation and encourage less usage.
A study has shown that using electronic applications for less than 30 minutes a day and limiting media viewing can be associated with positive cognitive and psychosocial development in preschool-age children.
Now that we have explored the various ways “iPad kid syndrome” (otherwise known as phone addiction) negatively impacts people of all ages—both mentally and physically—as well as the strategies to combat it, we should take this information to heart and actively work to reduce our screen time. By doing so, you’ll be doing your future self a huge favor.
It’s expensive, outdated, and dull. Watching a bunch of people in powdered wigs sing in foreign languages at insanely high pitches for hours… where’s the fun in that?
Actually, there’s a lot of fun in it. There’s also a lot more to opera than what meets the initial thought.
This initial thought process is a common misconception in most people, myself included. Despite knowing a lot about classical music history, participating in musical theatre, drama, and playing as a solo violinist in an orchestra, I had no intention of ever purchasing a ticket to an opera. Quite honestly I was aware of and somewhat interested in opera, just not interested enough to go.
Recently however, the Calgary Opera offered me the opportunity to attend an opera dress rehearsal as a youth blogger. They also gave me the opportunity to interview the stage director of the opera I was watching, Ms. Anna Theodosakis. Despite knowing very little about opera, I was thrilled. It’s not every day that you get to talk to someone who directs an opera, and it’s certainly not every day that you get to attend an opera as a youth.
So I did my research, conducted the interview, watched the opera, and learned a TON. To tell you everything would require at least five different posts, so I’ll give you a hyper-condensed version of what I did learn.
But Opera is Boring… Right?
Again, we know that all operas are written in foreign languages by old white European men in curly powdered wigs and frilly collars from the 1700s. It’s not relevant, so why would you even bother going to see one unless you’re pretending you’re high and mighty and better than everyone else?
Actually, that’s a loaded statement. Loaded with a lot of misconceptions that many people (including myself) unfairly hold against the art.
Even if you’re not a performing art geek like I am, there’s still so much to enjoy about opera. It’s essentially a fired up live action movie with twice as much drama: a live play with subtitles, live music, and lighting to match the scenes. It’s quite fascinating.
Don’t believe me? Read on.
Unless You’re an Alien, the Human Condition is Relevant
Most of us had a massive crush on someone before. Or turned green with envy when we see those rolling in wealth and power. We’ve all felt or seen someone grieve.
These experiences are what we call the human condition. We can define the human condition as the set of universal experiences, emotions, and thoughts that mostly everyone will experience. Regardless of time period, gender identification, and race, we’ve all experienced these things.
That’s what makes us human.
And that is also what makes both contemporary and classical opera relevant to us today.
Although there are contemporary operas set in modern times (that’s a whole other rabbit hole that there isn’t time to dive into), classical operas are very much still relevant to audiences today. When I asked Ms. Anna Theodosakis about the relevance of classical opera today, she told me about the adaptability of opera and how it conveyed its main message.
Ms. Theodosakis told me about operas being altered a little bit for audiences in many different settings while maintaining their main message. She talked about how she highlighted the feminism in Don Giovanni, which obviously was a smaller theme in Mozart’s time. But the versatility of such a multifacted art still astonished me.
“It’s a little like Shakespeare, but a bit easier to digest. These stories and their impact is the reason these stories have been relevant and easy to adapt. I love seeing [how] these pieces evolve in different settings and having the music support that as well. For example, to see how the story would change if it took place in a war setting or a modern setting or in its original historic setting.”
“Opera is so versatile, and yet its core messages remain consistent, and that’s something I really love about it.”
We Really are Different.
Something that I’ve found to be unique to opera is the ability to hear the characters’ thoughts. Unless you watch Shakespeare monologues recreationally, there aren’t many other times where you get to hear thought processes. Even in movies and books, a lot of the thoughts are hidden in the context and social cues.
Although there’s still very much body language in opera (dancing is a big thing), the motivations and beliefs that each character holds is literally projected into the audience as performers sing them out loud. Each complex thought, each conflicted feeling – they’re not just left up to interpretation. The storyline is clear as day. The expression holds together the entire character, and a little piece of the performer as well.
When I talked about this with Ms. Theodosakis, she told me:
“Opera offers a release from the modern world. Nothing is quite as visceral as seeing an opera singer in person… that’s a really special experience because a performer will never give the same performance twice.”
It’s true. I really can’t describe anything even comparably as visceral. Personally, this helped me as an audience member to truly empathize with every character onstage… even the ones I wasn’t really supposed to empathize with.
(*cough cough* the super evil villain *cough cough*)
And since every little bit of the opera was linked to the human condition, I was also able to link some of these characters’ experiences to my own and to those around me. Hearing others’ thoughts, so different from my own personal narrative but still quite understandable, was jarring.
I felt as if watching the opera was a little bit of an out-of-body experience. My mind bounced from character to character. I sympathized with everyone so deeply that one minute I was laughing, the next I was sobbing, and then all of a sudden my jaw would literally and uncontrollably drop.
Outside from the characters, it really hit me how differently everyone around me was thinking. I feel like I can understand people in my own life a little better now, or at least I’m willing to try. I was blown away by the stark reminder of how we all hold our own beliefs and values to be undeniably true. How technically nobody can really be seen as “wrong”.
On a surface level, I suppose I knew all of this already. We’re all different, nobody is bad, yadda yadda yadda. But experiencing it is something else.
Everyone really is incredibly different, and strangely enough while we all contradict each other we are all still valid.
Isn’t that wild?
A Synthesis of the Arts
Opera is quite difficult to describe in words because of its complexity. It is essentially an intricately woven web of performing arts. There are elements of musical theatre, orchestral and chamber music, drama, storytelling, and dance.
Each of those elements has its own subcategories behind the scenes (i.e. costuming, lighting, staging, choreography). When all of these elements come together in a cohesive and artistic manner, we begin to see how expressive the true art of opera really is.
Singing… In 3D?
“In musical theatre, they say that if something isn’t important, they’ll talk. If it’s important, they’ll sing. And if it’s really important, they’ll dance. I find that this is also very relevant to opera; opera so expressive and impactful.”
When Ms. Theodosakis said that to me, my mind was a little blown. I’d always thought of self expression as a single dimension – you could express yourself though dance, or music, or poetry, or acting. Like I said, I used to do theatre. I play first violin in orchestra. I’ve always known about the individual forms of self expression.
I just never realized that doing all of them at once was possible. Or realized how powerful the combination was.
I quickly realized that opera is actually the summation of hundreds of peoples’ artistic interpretations of the main story being told. When I asked Ms. Theodosakis about how she discovered her love for opera, she talked about how the combination of arts really spoke to her.
“I think the main thing [I really loved] was the cross-connection of the genres. I grew up in the choir and as a dancer, and I also really liked to learn languages. This came together really well in opera. I now choreograph opera and dance.”
This really just means that we are able to truly see how expressive the combined mediums of performing arts are. As a cohesive mosaic of performance, the performers and the directors can approach self and character expression in a multifaceted way.
The Show Must Go On
Something I know personally from my experience in drama and in violin is that regardless of what happens onstage, the mark of a good performer is a good recovery.
That’s amplified by tenfold in opera.
Opera involves so many different art forms, which allows it to be so beautiful. Every aspect is linked to and reliant on another.
However, this also makes it incredibly easy for something to go wrong. This is when we get to see a lot of creative interpretation and improv. It’s my personal favorite part of theatre, because of how chaotic it can be. It displays the flexibility and teamwork of both performers and all behind the stage.
I really enjoyed this aspect of seeing a dress rehearsal opera, because I still got the opportunity to see how the performers would react when something didn’t go to plan. Not that I could tell off the bat. The fun of it is that the performers were so professional about it that it took me whole night to realize that a moment wasn’t intentional.
Figuratively, I also feel like the saying “the show must go on” is very relevant in our everyday lives. There are always unsavory things, unexpected events, and unfortunate experiences that we will all run into. Seeing how the performers can adapt so quickly and so flawlessly to small errors and technical difficulties feels a bit symbolic.
We must always get back up and continue smiling. The sun will continue to rise. Life goes on. The show goes on.
You should watch an opera.
All Production Photos used with permission from the Calgary Opera.
If you are a student, chances are that you’re juggling schoolwork, extracurriculars, social commitments, and maybe even a part-time job. With so much on your plate, it can be tempting to overlook self-care, especially when all these tasks can pile up. However, self-care doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or take hours out of your day. In fact, some of the best self-care strategies are the ones that fit seamlessly into your schedule, even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Here are some small, but powerful, self-care steps that can help you recharge, refocus, and maintain a healthier balance.
1. Morning Check-Ins: Setting A Positive Tone For The Day Ahead
Starting your day with a brief check-in can set a positive, focused tone for everything that follows. This doesn’t have to take long – even five minutes can make a difference. Take a moment to notice how you’re feeling, set an intention for the day, or jot down one small goal to accomplish. These small acts of mindfulness help anchor you in the present, promoting a feeling of control and calmness.
Quick Tip: Write down three things you’re grateful for each morning. Practicing gratitude can easily shift your focus to the “positives” in your life, setting a more positive mindset for the day.
2. Build Mini-Breaks Into Your Day
Students who push themselves for long, uninterrupted periods often experience burnout. Instead, try incorporating mini-breaks to stay energized and refreshed. Short breaks every hour or so can increase focus and productivity, prevent fatigue, and make your study time more efficient.
Quick Tip: Use the 25-5 rule when you’re studying – study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Use this time to stretch, grab a snack, or take a few deep breaths. Try not to use this break to get on social media or reply to messages. These short, still, focused breaks can revitalize your mind while studying, and increase efficiency throughout the study session.
3. Prioritize Rest and Sleep Hygiene
When you’re busy, sleep often gets sacrificed. However, good sleep is essential for concentration, memory and overall mental health. Even if you can’t get a perfect 8 hours every night, creating a simple, consistent bedtime routine can make a huge difference in sleep quality and the way you feel the next day.
Quick Tip: Turn off screens at least 30 minutes before bed, as blue light can disrupt circadian rhythms and your sleep cycle. Instead, try to wind down by reading, meditating, or listening to calming music. If you need a reminder, set a phone alarm as a cue to start winding down for bed.
4. Move Your Body Daily, Even For Just 10 Minutes
Regular movement, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, can do wonders for your mood and energy levels. Physical activity releases endorphins, which can be known as the “feel-good” hormones that help reduce stress in the body. Don’t think of it as an intense workout, a quick walk, a stretch, or a few jumping jacks can do wonders.
Quick Tip: Try a quick stretch session, dance to your favourite song, or take a brisk walk outside between study sessions. These small bursts of movement can have a big impact on reducing stress and boosting your energy.
5. Schedule “Phone-free” Time
As students, we’re constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and messages. All this digital input can contribute to mental fatigue, making it harder to stay focused and feel calm. Setting aside a little “phone-free” time each day can be refreshing and allow you to recharge.
Quick Tip: Start small by putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode during study sessions, and consider keeping your evenings screen-free. Use this time for other relaxing activities, like reading, journaling, or spending time with friends and family.
6. Have A Go-To 5-Minute Self Care Routine For Busy Days
Some days are so packed that finding even a moment for self-care feels impossible. On these days, having a quick, go-to self-care routine can be a lifesaver. It doesn’t need to be elaborate – a few deep breaths, some gentle stretching, or a quick moment to reflect on your day can do wonders.
Quick Tip: Try a “5-Minute Reset” – a combination of deep breathing and gratitude reflection. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and think of one thing you’re grateful for that day. It’s fast, effective, and can help you regain a sense of calm.
In the whirlwind of student life, self-care doesn’t have to take a back seat. By integrating these small, yet meaningful, habits into your routine, you can take better care of yourself without overwhelming your schedule. Remember, even the smallest acts of self-care add up and make a big difference over time, helping you feel more balanced, less stressed, and better prepared to take on the challenges of a busy day.
So give yourself permission to slow down, recharge, and make your self-care a priority – even in small steps. You deserve it.
With the rise in awareness of Climate Change and pollution, younger generations across the globe feel that they must shoulder the burden of being the face of change as we march towards an uncertain future. However, despite the seemingly certain impending doom our world faces, young, innovative thinkers have taken many steps to fight for a sustainable future. Across the globe, innovators and scientists are cultivating change through unique ideas that may change their prospective energy for a greener tomorrow.
Making Art from Pollutants
Graviky Labs, an MIT spin-off, was established after co-founder Anirudh Sharma noticed black stains on his clothing from buses and factories around his city. This experience changed how Sharma saw the effects of air pollution and led to the invention of KAALINK™. This a filtration device that can be attached to the exhaust pipes of cars, boats, buses, and chimneys to capture the harmful particulates called PM 2.5. Once contained, Graviky Labs takes this once life-threatening pollutant and turns it into ink that can be used for printing or creating art called Air Ink. This creative approach to dealing with air pollutants may be the start of a zero-pollution world.
Solar-Powered Fashion
In the past, “Luminescent Solar Concentrators” (LSC) were used to capture solar power for electricity generation but have been highly rigid and unmallible. Luciano Boesel has led a research team in the Laboratory for Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles. He has successfully created a polymer that can absorb solar energy while still being pliable and air-permeable, making it perfect for solar power-producing fashion. Amphiphilic Polymer Co-Networks are used in this groundbreaking material to create a solar-concentrating fabric that can be worn. This invention hopes to someday quell the never-ending demand for energy, especially for charging portable devices such as cell phones.
Ancient Rome meets Coral Reefs
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries estimates that nearly 40% of the world’s coral reefs have been damaged by climate change. Researchers at the University of Texas are working towards a solution to boost coastal resistance and support marine habitats with artificial reefs. Artificial reefs have previously been made from old tires, concrete, and other materials but have not succeeded as these resources break down in seawater and only contribute more to marine pollution. Inspired by ancient Roman construction materials’ resiliency in seawater, the Texan research team will aim to duplicate (with slight alterations) the concrete with 3D printing to rejuvenate dying coral reef ecosystems.
These are just some of the inventions established in the last decade that are introducing a new wave of eco-sustainability. While the future may seem bleak at times, it is crucial to step back and marvel at how individuals are coming together to build a greener future. The door to our future may seem locked, but the key is in our hands. How will you take steps towards unlocking the door?
Books, digital books, audiobooks, CD’s, printing services, instrument rentals, and magazines are just a few of the many items the Calgary Public Library has to offer, and most of them are free for the public to use.
In today’s economy, even knowledge comes with a hefty price tag. The Calgary Public Library (CPL) attempts to break that barrier by offering free resources for youth and adults alike. As a youth, I want to focus on how their multiple locations throughout Calgary have provided a safe space for learning for the younger generation, while giving them access to resources to aid them on their journey into adulthood.
My Personal Experiences with the CPL
My first memories of the Calgary Public Library were created when I was 6 years old.
Before every long road trip my family would go on, my mom would take me to the CPL, with my colourful library card in her hand. I would run straight to the DVD section! I was allowed to pick 2-3 movies to watch in the car on the way to places like Edmonton, Banff, Lake Louise, Red Deer, and more. The DVDs I picked were different each time and perfect for my age, thanks to the organizational prowess of the library staff. I would put them in my portable DVD player and become immersed in the movie, never to be bored for the rest of the trip.
My goal was to watch all the movies the library had to offer, but I only got through a couple before I realized how difficult it would be to get through the hundreds of movies on the shelves. I still remember the movies I borrowed from the library to this day, and the memories I made on those road trips.
When I was 7, I started taking swimming lessons at a new facility. This building had a Calgary Public Library branch inside. Whenever I had to wait for my parents to pick me up after my swimming lessons, I would go there. The library felt safe to me even when it got dark outside.
The librarians would come and speak with me about books I was interested in and recommend some of their favourites as well. This strongly encouraged my curiosity and passion for reading. The endless supply of books and the staff that knew exactly how to help with all my incessant questioning gave me a sense of comfort.
It’s safe to say that my love for reading has been nurtured from a very young age by all the resources the library has offered throughout the years!
Resources the Library Offers
From summer reading contests (which I never won anything in because I was too lazy to track my reading) to partnering with educational sites like SOLARO, I have accomplished a lot of my reading and academic goals thanks to their extensive collection of resources for youth. It’s hard to find a teenager without a Calgary Public Library membership nowadays, but even if you may not have one, the process of getting a membership has never been easier. The cost for a Calgary Public Library card to sign out books and resources is free!
I’m so grateful that I had access to a facility like the CPL growing up. I now understand how privileged our city is to have such a great space available. We take our libraries for granted; especially our ability to sign out all the books we want and to access to millions of resources for free. Children in different parts of the globe that live in places currently facing political and environmental crises cannot say the same. Our access to knowledge is something that should be appreciated.
Organizations like the Calgary Public Library help us practice and enhance our fundamental freedoms, like the freedom of thought and freedom of the press. Let’s take good care of our libraries (especially with the recent cyberattacks impacting CPL locations throughout Calgary) and ensure that we show our appreciation to the library staff that all played a role in shaping the lives of Calgarians!
Have you tried banana bread before? If you haven’t – What. Are. You. Doing? delicacy ranks very highly amongst the list of my most favourite sweet treats. And on top of tasting so good, it’s somewhat healthy too!
Today, I’m going to give you a quick and easy recipe for making some superb tasting banana bread.
Here is a quick time frame of this recipe:
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Here are the list of ingredients that you will need:
2 to 3 very ripe peeled bananas (about 1 ¼ to 1 ½ cups mashed)
⅓ cup (76g) melted butter (salted or unsalted)
1 pinch of salt
¾ cup (150g) sugar (if you would like it to be less sweet you can modify this to ½ cup and you can add 1 more cup if you would like it to be extra sweet)
1 egg (beaten)
1 ½ cups (205g) all-purpose flour
½ cup walnuts (this is optional but my mom always adds them for extra crunch and flavour)
Now here are the steps you need to take:
Preheat the oven (350 degrees fahrenheit or 175 degrees celsius)
Butter your loaf pan (to prevent the banana bread to stick to the sides during the removal process)
Mash the bananas and add in the butter
Mix in all the remaining ingredients (no particular order)
Pour the batter into the loaf pan
Put in oven and bake for 50 minutes
After 50 minutes has passed, remove it from the oven and wait until it is cooled completely to serve
There you have it folks. A simple and easy-to-make banana bread recipe!
Now dig in and enjoy!
If you would like to make this dish a little more nutritious, here are some healthy alternatives to some of the ingredients
Use organic flour, almond flour, or coconut flour
Sweeten with honey, coconut sugar, or maple syrup
Add ground flax seeds, nuts, or pumpkin seeds for healthy fats and protein
Top with nut butter for extra protein
Limit the amount of sugar
Replace oil with applesauce if you’re following a low-fat diet
Make it gluten free or vegan
Homemade banana bread tends to be healthier when compared to store bought versions. This is because commercially baked banana bread are often ultra-processed due to added colours and flavours.
She is known for her numerous works that deal with deep philosophical and political issues such as misogyny, human capacity for violence, cultural and personal grief, and many more topics. Some of her most renown books include The Vegetarian, Human Acts, The White Book, and We Do Not Part. Her list of short stories include The Fruit of My Woman and The Middle Voice. Additionally, she has published poetry and essays, having started her career through poetry.
Han Kang’s work explores a multitude of issues in impactful and creative ways. One of her most popular novels, The Vegetarian, portrays issues such as misogyny and violence through the story of Yeonghye, a young woman who decides to stop eating meat due to nightmares about animal slaughter, inciting extreme reactions and even violence from her family. Another novel, Human Acts, chronicles the story of multiple protagonists relating to the dfeath of a young boy and the Gwanju Uprising in 1980, a rebellion that was brutally suppressed by the South Korean military government at the time. Through poetic prose, Han Kang was able to tell a powerful story about an event that sits on the conscience of Koreans to this day.
Han Kang recieving the Nobel Prize this October was significant in many ways. In the midst of a intense wave of feminism in response to the rampant misogyny and gender-based violence in South Korea, the fact that Han Kang is not only the first Korean woman, but the first Korean person ever to recieve the Nobel Prize for Literature isn’t something to be overlooked. Additionally, as wars, conflicts, violence and even genocide is waged throughout different parts of the world, Han Kang’s work around violence, trauma and the human condition shine through as something not to be ignored. Even in October, when she heard that she had been awarded the prize, she chose not to have a press conference or any celebrations, and instead directed people’s attention to the ongoing conflicts in the world, such as those in Ukraine and Palestine. Now, more than ever, it is important to recognize why Han Kang recieved the award, and how it connects to the current issues around us.
What comes to our minds when we think of entertainment? Binge-watching a TV show on Netflix? Watching a game of football? Or going to the theatres to watch a movie? Our world has redefined entertainment over the last decade with access to the internet and technology. Nowadays, we think of entertainment as watching Netflix on the TV or scrolling through Instagram on a phone. Beyond the 2D screens, we have discovered virtual and augmented reality which enthralls the players into a completely isolated (VR) or partially isolated environment (AR). However, despite all these new advancements, there is one new product which has the potential to change the future of entertainment, productivity, and all of technology. The Apple Vision Pro is a spatial computer that integrates the idea of mixed reality where users feel an immersive and cinematic experience with a single pair of headsets. In this article we will look at its key features and what it has to offer in the world of entertainment.
Its release has sparked excitement across the industry because its features stand out from any normal pair of headsets. One of the most discussed ideas around the Apple Vision Pro is the cinematic and surreal experience you gain when watching your favorite shows. You can feel your presence in everything you watch as if your imaginations have come to life. One of its key features is its micro OLED technology, which enables each eye to view more pixels than a 4K TV! The visual appearance has a vast range of details from vibrant colors to stunning contrasts all of which enhance the user experience. The expandable screen and different modes create an enjoyable experience especially when watching an action-packed or horror movie. In addition to the display, the spatial audio system eliminates the need to go to a physical movie theatre by developing the feel of sound coming from all directions. The sound system makes users feel engaged with the story and characters, unlike normal sound systems.
In terms of gaming, the Apple Vision Pro redefines interactivity for players. Traditional games or virtual reality headsets limit players to controlling their movement with a console however that is not the case with this device. Instead, our finger movement controls the surroundings thus, making it more immersive and engaging for the player. Until now, games and technology have only allowed us to maintain the players in the game however these features allow us to participate and be the player ourselves. Such games aren’t limited to expert console players though they include people who play simple app store games too. For instance, Apple Arcade has created “Game Room,” which enables multiplayer games such as Chess, Sea Battles, or Hearts to be played in your environment. Moreover, the spatial audio system makes each game feel adventurous and accurate. It is as if you can be the superhero you once dreamed of being with all the adventures and missions integrated into one headset.
What is Next?
Remember, the Apple Vision Pro has just initiated the era of virtual interaction in entertainment. As youth, we have more coming our way as technology and software develop even further. In the future, the digital and physical worlds will be united in ways we couldn’t have imagined before. Imagine being able to visit countries through virtual tours, or being able to experience smell in a video game! The possibilities are limitless in what we will be able to do with just a few hand gestures or eye movements. The main takeaway is that this technology has a major role to play in shaping our future in entertainment.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, a non-profit charitable organization with missions around the world, cheetahs are distinct big cats that can reach around 65 miles per hour. With “narrow shoulder blades” and “long limbs,” they are truly one of a kind. Cheetahs cannot ferociously roar, but they communicate through purring and other methods.
Threats to Cheetahs
The number of wild cheetahs worldwide is approximately 6,500, with most cheetahs living in southern and eastern Africa nowadays. The current range cheetahs reside is only about ten percent as compared to historically, but cheetahs have adapted as a species to many habitats, including “grasslands” and “deserts.”
A Keystone Species
Cheetahs are important for the ecosystem they are found in. As an apex predator, cheetahs are located at the very top of the food chain, playing an important role in “regulating the food chain,” and making sure to keep the population of herbivores in check. Cheetahs have “a diverse diet,” and in addition to their classic impala prey, they also could make food out of birds, gazelle, or even small ungulates (these would include animals similar to zebras).
It is interesting to think of cheetahs as benefiting certain other species in the ecosystem, though cheetahs themselves might not want those other species to be helped. What am I talking about? Well, consider the fact that cheetahs are very skilled at hunting. However, the prey that is killed by cheetahs often do not get fully eaten by them; instead, they get stolen by other scavengers, like vultures, or other predators like hyenas. Therefore, cheetahs also support the food web in a unique way!
Cheetahs’ “Social Structure”
Female cheetahs usually live independently or with their newborn cubs. The cubs leave their mother after they turn about a year and a half in age. On the other hand, males either live alone or with a few other males, called “coalitions.” The male cheetahs love to establish their own territories, and these could even be as large as 20 square miles–very expansive in size!
Threats to Cheetahs
Like many other biological species under the threat of extinction, habitat loss, poaching, and climate change all put strain on cheetah populations. Cheetahs are especially vulnerable to habitat loss; due to “their low population density,” cheetahs usually require larger lands to survive. This makes them more susceptible to being disrupted by human expansion, turning wild land to be developed for other uses.
Poaching is a serious problem for cheetah populations. Cheetahs are frequently hunted for their furs, or even to be displayed as “trophies.” Another serious concern for cheetahs is the pet trade that is present in many parts of the world.
A Response
The WWF is responding to these crises. Through their Living with Big Cats initiative, the WWF supports local partners to “monitor and study the movement of big cat populations.” This would allow for better ideas on how to protect natural habitats for cheetahs, thus reducing the stress placed on cheetah populations due to habitat loss. They are also working to secure crucial corridors in Africa to protect approximately 15% of all the wild cheetahs in the world.
Addressing the pet trade crisis, the WWF uses technology to broadcast the severe consequences of illegal trading on the animals getting traded, as well as the ecosystems these animals naturally reside in.
For many, cheetahs are symbols of prowess, power, and swiftness. However, it is important to realize that cheetahs are extremely vulnerable in the present day, given the human development in the last decades. If we want to continue to admire this species, it is certainly in our best interests to protect them from extinction. Often, gaining awareness of the issue is the first step to making a difference in resolving it. Cheetahs are truly unique and amazing creatures!
One of the most annoying things to experience is going to cook or bake something, only to find that the butter you have is not at room temperature. While you can just leave butter overnight to soften, sometimes you don’t plan ahead and need soft butter quickly. In this post, I’ll be covering the best and quickest way to soften butter.
Why soften butter?
When baking, recipes typically call for room temperature butter for a couple of reasons. The main reason a recipe may call for softer butter is that it is much easier to beat and produces a fluffier product. When mixing ingredients such as butter and sugar, you create little pockets of air in between the ingredients. These air pockets are crucial in the process of baking because they expand from the heat of the oven, allowing the final product to rise better. If your butter is soft, the butter will be much more pliable, resulting in more air trapped due to the butter’s ability to incorporate air more evenly. Therefore, this leads to a much softer, and fluffier product from the increased number of air pockets. Overall, softening your butter isn’t just a wives’ tale; there is an actual scientific reason for doing it.
Note: The softness of butter directly relates to the temperature, and room temperature is typically when the butter is considered soft.
Why can’t you just microwave it?
As stated before, the softness of butter directly relates to its temperature, so you’re probably thinking, if temperature and softness have a direct relationship, why not just put the butter in the microwave for a few seconds? While it is possible to soften butter in the microwave, this is not recommended because it can be incredibly tricky to soften without melting. Microwaves also cook unevenly, leading to some spots of the butter being cold and others being warm. Overall, putting butter in the microwave to soften is very difficult to do properly and is not advised.
How to soften butter quickly
Materials needed:
Tall-medium sized glass
Plate (optional)
Paper towel (optional)
Take a tall or medium sized glass and fill with boiling water.
Drain water from glass.
Take a plate and line it with a paper towel.
Place stick of butter vertically on paper towel.
Take your warm glass and place on top of butter, let it sit for 5-8 minutes.
The photo above shows how to set up the butter and glass as outlined in the steps.
Additional Tips
If you don’t have a glass, a mug or bowl works just as well! For smaller amounts of butter, reduce your container’s size and the time. If you can’t wait even 5 minutes, I suggest grating or cutting the butter into smaller pieces in order to help make it soften faster.
Using this method guarantees soft butter without melting it and is especially recommended for those who are in a hurry. This butter-softening trick is essential for baking cookies, cakes, and more. Make sure to try it out next time you forget to leave your butter out!
The economic, social, political, and geographic ties between the United States of America and Canada are unlike those of many other nations. Since the two countries share the world’s largest land border, and have trade agreements which are worth millions of dollars, it can be seen that they are closely connected to one another. Therefore, the changes made to the government of one country would cause significant consequences (both positive and negative) on the governance of the other.
The 2024 USA Elections:
The results of the recent American elections, held on Tuesday November 5th, confirm a significant lead of the Republican Party, with Donald J Trump as the leader, in the Presidential Elections, as well as the Senate and the House. This way, these elections will most likely change the leadership of the American government, from the Democrats to the Republicans. The Republican government is described as more right wing, with more conservative policies, while the Democratic government leans to the left, and follows the ideologies of modern liberalism.
Impact on Canada:
According to a news article on BBC (link below), the new government in America could impact the following on Canada:
1. Personal Ties between Washington D.C. and Ottawa:
While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump have cooperated in the past, notably on the USMCA (formerly known as NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement), and Trudeau has congratulated Trump on the recent win, there have been instances in their past when their relationship was rather tumultuous.
For example, Trump has called Trudeau “a far left lunatic” and “two-faced,” while Trudeau has seemed to mock Trump at a NATO meeting. As well, the Liberal Party’s left wing ideologies which include increased racial equality, environmentalism, increasing taxes and social programs, and increasing immigration, clash with the more traditional and conservative ideologies of the Republicans.
According to former Canadian diplomat Louise Blais, the process of forging a strong relationship with Trump would be made even more difficult due to the possibility of a change in the Canadian government in the Canadian federal election next year.
However, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland has assured that even though many Canadians are feeling unsettled after this US election, “Canada will be prosperous, Canadians will be safe and our sovereign identity will be secure as we work with this newly elected administration.”
2. Trading Ties
Canada is heavily reliant upon trade with the US, in order for our economy to prosper. Canada exports 75% of its good and services to the US. This way, Donald Trump’s promised 10% trade tariffs (taxes on imported products), could significantly affect our economy.
In July, the Business Development Bank of Canada estimated that around $7 billion could be removed from Canada’s GDP, driving down the value of the Canadian dollar, if an across-the-board tariff were to be implemented by America. This would negatively affect our already slowing economy.
In 2026, the USMCA, which guarantees free trade between the US, Canada, and Mexico, could be decided to be extended for 16 more years. Whether or not it will be extended, economic experts advise that Canada should use the strategy of reminding the Americans that the deal has been good for them, in order to ensure the future of the trade agreement.
It is also recommended that Canada should make some negotiations, especially when it comes to trade with the US. For example, Canada’s Digital Services Tax, which imposes a 3% tax on major foreign digital services like Google and Amazon, has been frowned upon by America, especially by Donald Trump’s administration. Therefore, in order to maintain a positive trade relation with the U.S., Canada might need to reconsider some of its trade policies.
3. Border Security
With Donald Trump’s threats of mass deportations of illegal immigrants in the U.S., many experts predict that this could increase the number of people who cross the Canadian border.
In 2017, many people began to cross into Canada’s border via Roxham Road, which was an unofficial access point to the New York – Quebec border. While these people had various reasons for using this route, many reported being concerned of their ability to stay in America under Trump’s policies, believing they would instead be welcomed into Canada. Since then, the two countries have worked together to close any unofficial border points, but many people still make the attempt to cross the border.
Deputy PM Freeland has stated that she “wanted to assure Canadians that we absolutely do recognise the importance of border security and control of the border.”
Nonetheless, in order to control border security and solve any potential issues that may arise in the future, Canadian-American relations are imperative.
Due to the fact that Canada shares such close ties with America, the change in American governance brought by the 2024 elections mean that there will be significant impacts on Canada. In order to ensure peace and prosperity in both nations, however, it is important that both make compromises in order to cooperate, to ensure a stable future for both countries.
In this day and age, the topic of mental health is becoming increasingly more prominent in people’s lives, all aged from young to old. In the past, mental health was overlooked as many thought that it never even existed and that people struggling with mental health issues were just “weaker” and more “sensitive”. But, the truth is: they are completely wrong. Just like how we take care of our physical health by eating nutritious food, exercising daily, and getting the proper amount of sleep – taking the time to understand and care for our mental health is just as important. Before I get into more details, what even is mental health?
According to “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”, mental health is defined as the “component of behavioral health that includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health is a state of well-being that enables us to cope with the stresses of life, realize our abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to our community”.
In simpler terms, mental health is, as the name clearly states, the health of the mind.
There is an increasing number of adolescents around the world who are experiencing mental health issues and not receiving the help that they need and deserve. Thanks to the stigmatization that parents, friends, teachers, and social media has created – countless children across the world are being held back in fear of being labelled as “weak” and their problems being dismissed by others.
Therefore, it is our duty to spread as much awareness as possible on this topic in an attempt to reach those who don’t believe in the importance of mental health, in order to change their opposing views. We should spread awareness in channels so that our voice doesn’t reach the teenagers online who need help – but to the adults in society who have the power to help millions of adolescents.
This blog post is my attempt to reach those who need mental help, and give them the courage to speak up about it.
Let’s move on to the 3 most common causes for developing mental health issues. One of the most impactful reasons is trauma, whether it be through emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, or past traumatic events. Another cause includes bullying (either in person or virtually – which is referred to as “cyberbullying”). The third one is cultural or social expectations – which is extremely common. If your culture expects you to act a certain way or do a certain thing, and you don’t want to – you will be criticized for it, leaving you doubting on your identity, self-worth, and etc.
If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have a trusted adult (or friend) to talk to about the problems you are facing – your mental health will deteriorate even faster.
Here are some practices that you can incorporate into your daily life if you want to try and improve your mental health before it reaches to a state where professional help is required:
Invest quality time into self-care.
Make connections with people who build you up rather than tear you down.
Cultivate hobbies and interests that allow you to enjoy yourself and take your mind off of other pressing issues.
But, on the other hand, if you feel as though you have reached a point where you need professional help – please don’t be afraid to seek it out. I repeat, “Don’t be afraid”.
We must stand together and fight for an increased awareness in mental health, for the sake of the health of many future generations to come. I encourage you to post mental health awareness related information on your social media accounts so we can reach as many kids and teens across the world and encourage them to seek the help they deserve.
Every year on November 11th, thousands of people worldwide come together to remember and honour the sacrifices made by brave soldiers in battle during various wars in the past.
In Canada specifically, we hold remembrance day ceremonies in schools to commemorate our war veterans, partaking in the 2 minutes of silence at 11:00 AM, and reciting poems such as In Flanders Fields and For the Fallen.
Today, after attending my school’s Remembrance Day assembly, a question was burning in my mind: How can we show appreciation to our veterans beyond Remembrance Day? When we, as students, leave our school gym, remembrance day ends for us. However, for the millions of war veterans worldwide, the traumatic memory and experience of war follow them wherever they go, and the fact that they have once fought in a war is a fact that is impossible to shake.
So, beyond reciting poems and wearing poppies, how else can we show appreciation to the brave veterans around us and continue to honour the dead in our everyday lives?
In preparation for the official Remembrance Day on November 11th, I wanted to share some acts of appreciation we can do in our day-to-day lives.
Volunteer at a veteran organization
There are many veteran organizations worldwide, such as The American Legion, the Habitat for Humanity, and many more. These organizations help support veterans worldwide by holding food drives, creating care packages, providing social and economic support, and many more. Volunteering at a local veteran organization is not only a great way to give back to your local veteran community, but also a chance for you to get to know and thank veterans in your area!
Look under the “Veterans & Military Families category” on to discover volunteer opportunities!
Write thank you cards
We all know veterans in our lives, whether it be our grandfathers, neighbours, relatives, and more! A simple way to show appreciation is to make them a thank you card detailing your gratitude towards their service. A simple card like this can go a long way in showing appreciation!
Treat a veteran to a meal
Sharing a meal with a veteran is a great opportunity for them to share their life story. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better and show your gratitude for their efforts in past wars.
Support veteran organizations
Donating to a veterans charity or organization helps struggling veterans get access to necessities such as food, warm clothes, housing, mental health support, and many more. Donating is the most direct way to thank veterans for their service and help them recover from the aftermath of war.
Hopefully this post gave you some ideas on how to take a more active role in showing gratitude to veterans! Personally, I will be sending thank you cards to the veterans in my life, such as my grandmother, and the veterans at a senior home in my city.
How do you plan on showing appreciation to the veterans worldwide, and around you? I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments!
Science is all around us, whether it happens in the classroom at school, or at home in your kitchen. In order to be a good scientist, it is important to keep observing the world around you and absorbing new pieces of information each and every day. Today, I am going to show you how to create your own fun science project. Introducing (drum-roll please) “1…2…3… The Volcano”!
But before we get into the materials needed to put our experiment into action, let’s take a quick peek at what a volcano even is.
According to National Geographic Kids, a volcano is an opening in the Earth that allows gas, hot magma, and ash to escape from the Earth’s crust. However, in order to be as fiery and explosive as we see online, massive amounts of heat and pressure must be formed and stored during the formation process. The Earth has 7 major plates and 8 minor plates. When these plates move together or apart, magma is rapidly pushed all the way up to the Earth’s surface! Magma once it reaches the surface of the earth is now considered lava.
10 ml of dish soap
100 ml of warm water
400 ml of white vinegar
Food colouring (preferably red, yellow, and/or orange to simulate the lava)
Baking soda slurry (fill a cup about ½ with baking soda, then fill the rest of the way with water)
Empty 2 litre soda bottle
If you’re wondering what the empty soda bottle is for, it is being used to act as our “volcano” in the experiment. If you would like to make this project even more realistic, then you can craft your own volcano by putting your artistic abilities to the test.
Those are all the materials needed to conduct this experiment so let’s see what our plan of attack is.
Combine the vinegar, water, dish soap and 2 drops of food colouring into the empty soda bottle.
Use a spoon to mix the baking soda slurry until it is all a liquid.
Pour the baking soda slurry into the soda bottle quickly
Run for your life!!! (Just kidding, just quickly take a couple steps back to avoid getting erupted on)
Congratulations! You just simulated your own mini volcano eruption!
The Science Behind It All
Therefore, why not take a look at why this happened?
I’m not going to go deep into detail by discussing the molecular aspects of the sodium bicarbonate’s chemical reaction (which is actually the scientific way or referring to baking soda). Let’s keep it simple.
Vinegar is an acid, meaning it is lower than 7 on the pH scale. Baking soda is a base, meaning that it is higher than 7 on the pH scale. Because they are both quite different from one another, a reaction forms when they are combined together. This reaction causes carbon dioxide bubbles to form, making the contents of the mini-volcano all foamy, bubbly, and therefore, “explosive”!
Today, you just learned what a volcano is, how they are formed, how to simulate your own, and the magic (science) behind it!
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates regarding our ever-changing science filled world.