If you’ve watched the Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien you may have noticed something with the background.
Hammer Time
MC Hammer is back with a new A&E reality TV show. For those who don’t remember MC Hammer was a pop-rapper who rose to fame with this song “Hammer Time”. He made millions and toured the world. Steve Urkel even made reference to the rapper on the show Family Matters.
Well as he got more popular his posse of friends got bigger and bigger. They essentially mooched off of him. Eventually MC Hammer lost all of his money and filed for bankrupcy. Well now he’s back to share his story and love of shiny pants.
Point and Learn
You know that wonderful iPhone app – Shazam? You basically open the app, let it listen to the music you’re hearing and it tells you what the artist and song is.
Well, in the near future, while you’re travelling, you’ll be able to hold your phone up (camera pointing) toward something in front of you and the phone will tell you something about the mountain or building or statue on the screen.
Android mobile phones can already do this using Wikitude, an application that includes a Google Map of 350,000 world-wide points of interest that can be displayed in a list view, map view or cam view. If you hold your phone (pointing the camera) in front of a mountain you can see the name and height of the mountain overlaid on top of it on your phone’s screen. Walking around, you can view a building through their phone, and Wikitude then tags the building on the screen with relevant information about the building.
A list of misconceptions about technology
Top 10 Misconceptions About Technology.
I especially love #6. Finally, people are revealing the truth about internet browser cookies.
#5 is worthy of mention too, as Macs can get viruses.