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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.

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You know, there are other times besides 10:10 that you can put on a watch!


Have you ever noticed that when you look at watch advertisements and store displays that they all seem to have the same time–10:10? Kind of unfair to the other times, don’t you think?

There are many myths behind having watches in on the shelf set to this time. Many people believe that it has to do with the times of President Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassinations. However, those assumptions are false. Lincoln was shot at 10:15pm and died at 7:22 am the following morning; JFK was shot at 12:30pm and died at 1:00pm; and MLK Jr. was shot at 6:01pm and died at 7:05pm.

Others believe that the time 10:10 has to do with the time that the bomb was dropped at either Nagasaki or Hiroshima–the time set in memory of the people who died. However, the Fat Man bomb (Nagasaki) was dropped at 11:02am and the Little Boy bomb (Hiroshima) was dropped at 8:15am.

None of the above are the true reason of having 10:10 on clocks and watches everywhere.

The true reason: Aesthetic Appeal. The time 10:10 is symetrical!


Globalfest 2009!!


It’s time for Globalfest once again!! Globalfest (August 14th – August 29th) is a multicultural, world-class, multi-faceted arts and cultural festival that takes place annually in Alberta.

Volunteers have a chance to help out with Globalfest by creating unique art pieces with children through CYFC! If you do help out, you will be allowed access to the amazing fireworks show that night, and be invited to a volunteer party following the festival!

Globalfest is going to be amazing and this is YOUR chance to be a part of helping out and experiencing this festival. Don’t hesitate before signing up because this is a very popular volunteer activity and spots go fast!!

To sign up, just go to CYFC’s volunteer projects page,  scroll down to Globalfest, and sign up! You can volunteer on August 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, or 29th from 5:30-9!

For more information on Globalfest, go to

– Kaiz

The Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra – The best of youth and music


If you love orchestra music , you oughtn’t miss this amazing performance by The Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra, a group of the best musicians from high schools in Venezuela. This is made possible by a publicly financed voluntary sector music-education program called El Sistenma , its offical name in English is  the “National Network of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela”.

This performance was made for an episode of TED talk, a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minute. In the performance, the youth orchestra played Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 10, 2nd movement, and Arturo Márquez’ Danzón No. 2.

Anyways, here is the performance…enjoy!

 Well, if you like what you saw and heard and would like to know more about this awesome youth orchestra, you can visit their site at:

Or if you would like to see more of TED talk, where they have similar types of video and more talk about issues and amazing findings around the world, visit

– Bo

You down with MYC? Yeah, you know me!


It’s that time of year again – your opportunity to join the Mayor’s Youth Council!

The Mayor’s Youth Council (MYC), is a partnership between Child and Youth Friendly Calgary and The City of Calgary, and represents the voice of Calgary’s youth. 

Each year members of the Mayor’s Youth Council (ages 13-18) choose topics relevant to youth and report their findings to the City of Calgary.   This year Mayor’s Youth Council underwent restructuring, we currently have three committees, each with a different focus; community events/meetings with Alderman, research and education surrounding a youth issue in Calgary (last year it was homelessness) and a media committee, who do bimonthly podcasts (cool!) on topics of relevance to youth in Calgary, and this year will include blogging (on YAA!).  Plus…you may even get to meet the Mayor!

This structure may change slightly this year and we’d love to have new members on board with ideas about activities and issues we can take on.  

 Large group meetings with all MYC members usually happen once a month (although this may change) and committee meetings are usually twice a month (sometimes more) – so you would end up having around 5-7 hours a month of volunteer commitment.  When choosing members we consider age, what ward you live in, community and volunteer activities. 

Check out the application form here, and if you have any questions, email

“I get by with a little help from my friends”


“Change the world” is something you probably hear on a regular basis – now, here’s your chance to actually help change someone’s world around. Kiva is an organization that is helping to eliminate poverty by connecting people all over the world through the process of micro-lending.


Through Kiva’s website, you can lend your money (as little or as much as you would like), say $20, to an entrepreneur in a third world country to help them get their personal business off the ground and make their way towards financial independence.  Your money goes toward the larger loan that that person needs to purchase supplies and other necessities for their business.

The most interesting part about the process is that you can search through profiles of different entrepreneurs and actually select who you would like to loan your money to.  After this, you will get updates on how your entrepreneur is doing and what your money helped them do.  For example, Amada is an entrepreneur in the Dominican Republic who used her loan to purchase the supplies to make her own recipe of sweet bread to sell, along with vegetables she was already selling.  Her income increased as a result and now her family eats healthier and put a cement floor in their house to cover the dirt they were previously living on.  Pretty cool, hey?

After your loan is repaid, you can re-lend it to another entrepreneur of your choosing, and the cycle continues…like having a pen-pal, except way more life-changing!

Salsa in Your Step


We know that most of you are probably pumped to see the new Harry Potter flick this weekend, but there’s an event starting Friday with way more flavour that Bert’s Every Flavor Beans…

 Fiestaval Latin Festival runs from July 17 – July 19 (this weekend!), and it’s fiestavalthe perfect way to celebrate Latin American culture through arts and entertainment.  Created to encourage multiculturalism in Calgary and support the city’s Latin community, Fiestaval happens at Calgary Olympic Plaza this year, and will include some pretty wicked Latin dance and music performances from all over Calgary.  The coolest part?  It’s FREE!

 Even more cool is that you can sign up to volunteer at Fiestaval through Child and Youth Friendly Calgary’s Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) – just click here!

Need more info?  Check out to see what else you can expect…

So Random


Sled Island!  We’re all about it here this week at Youth Are Awesome as you can tell…

What we’re most excited about is the fact that Random Task Collective is headlining the Milk Young Buds Stage at Sled Island tonight, happening at Loose Moose Theatre!

rtcRandom Task Collective (RTC) is a wicked band from Calgary that hosts an all-ages concert comprised of young local musicians each week called, The Collective on Sundays.  The Collective on Sundays started earlier this year, and was such a cool idea that YouthScape Calgary and Calgary Youth Foundation Opening Doors (a program of Child & Youth Friendly Calgary) decided to fund it!

RTC didn’t stop there – all-ages nights are all the rage right now, and bassist Connor Harvey Derbyshire approached Sled Island to do an all-ages night during their festival.  Before they knew it, Milk had been brought on as a sponsor for the event and now Sled Island is upon us!

So make your way down to Loose Moose Theatre and check out this band of awesome guys…they made this all-ages night for you!  While you’re there, you can also check out Ruben Young and Susie Forsyth – two artists that performed at the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards and we think they’re pretty awesome too 🙂

Child & Youth Friendly Calgary and YouthScape Calgary will have a booth there so you can check out how to get involved in making your own youth-driven projects happen too!

Learn more about YouthScape and RTC’s story here

Weekend Jam


freestyleYou’ve probably heard the rumblings about the Sled Island Music Festival that’s happening around Calgary (we’ve blogged a bit about it here), but did you know that Sled Island’s all about film too?

This Sunday, June 28th at the Plaza Theatre starting at 5pm, Sled Island presents Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme (A Hip-Hop Documentary).  Just as the title suggests, the documentary is all about freestyle rap and includes footage of hip hop greats The Roots, Mos Def and Notorious B.I.G.

The film has garnered a lot of attention at film festivals across the States and won tons of awards.  And – as If you need more reasons to check it out – the film is free with your Sled Island pass or just a $9 donation!

Dog Day Afternoon


sledislandThis week marks the start of Sled Island, which means sweet concerts happening all over Calgary throughout the whole week.

One of the places you can visit to hear some cool new bands is…Tubby Dog? Yes, Tubby Dog!  Every day this week you can grab a dog and catch your favourite acts…don’t forget to take pictures and tell us how it goes!

All the shows at Tubby Dog are all ages and F-R-E-E! 

Visit for a complete list of shows!

Have an opinion about your city?


Vital Signs

The Calgary Foundation invites you to Have Your Say in Calgary’s VitalSigns 2009 survey that measures our city’s quality of life in 12 key issue areas.  Calgary’s VitalSigns was launched by The Calgary Foundation in 2007 to spark discussion, encourage connections and inspire action.  By taking the pulse of our community, Calgary’s VitalSigns provides a snapshot of Calgary’s strengths and weaknesses today so that, collectively, we can create the city we want for ourselves and our children in the future.  The survey is quick and simple.

Sign up at

The survey ends June 30th, 2009 so make sure you get your opinion in now and share this invite with your friends!

Calgary’s VitalSigns report card will be published in the Calgary Herald on October 6, 2009.

Eat Your Heart Out, Spielberg


YbyYfilmAspiring directors take note: This summer is your chance to show off your film-making skills to the rest of the world…

The Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF) may seem far away (it’s not until the fall), but in the mean time, you can keep busy with the Youth by Youth Cinema Competition 2009, presented by CIFF.

All you need to do is turn your cool story idea into a 30 sec. – 7 min. long film and send it in to CIFF by July 31, 2009.

Click here for the details and start rolling!

PS. Word on the street is there also over $2000 in cash and prizes to be won…

All Night Fight


Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life is fantastic annual event meant relay2to raise funds to fight a disease that affects so many people.  Events happen all over Canada, and Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life – Calgary 2009 is just over a week away on June 19th, 2009. 

People all over Calgary are signing up in teams to participate in this all-night walk to fight cancer.  The 12 hour event not only raises money to help find a cure, but also celebrates those who have been lost to cancer, and honours survivors of the disease.  In fact, a beautiful ceremony is held at sunset where luminaries are lit to pay homage to those lost and provide inspiration for those participating in Relay for Life.relay1

It’s super easy to sign up – grab a bunch of people you know who are passionate about fighting cancer, and then visit the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life site to create a team.  If you won’t be able to make it to the event on June 19th, but still want to help, there also instructions on how to donate.

Youth of Distinction



This past May, CYFC held the 2009 ConocoPhillips Youth of Distiction Awards – a really cool awards program that honours youth in non-academic categories that revolve around leadership, friendship, and community involvement.  The following young women were the recipients of our Enviromentalist Group award, and they’re doing some really cool things for our earth:

Amy Spark and Brittany Thaxter—better known as the Compost Divas—are two grade twelve students at Lord Beaverbrook High School. After realizing the importance of recycling and composting, Amy and Brittany enrolled themselves in a Master Composting course provided by Clean Calgary. The Compost Divas then created a composting program for their own school, which is now in its second semester. 

In their spare time, Amy and Brittany also took their program to three more schools, motivating and teaching other students about environmental sustainability. To continue educating people on the values of composting, Amy and Brittany will be providing workshops on Change Day at Lord Beaverbrook, Destination Conservation, and the Mayor’s Environmental Expo. In order to continue their legacy, these two girls are also in the process of mentoring grades ten and eleven students to take over the program after they graduate this year, creating a sustainable program that will continue long after they have left.





It’s not every day that you get to chat with the government about issues that affect you like the youth justice system, supporting youth with disabilities, or post-secondary education.

If you are outspoken and or just love to give input on important topics, think about joining the Alberta Children and Youth Services Youth Advisory Panel (YAP).  YAP is made up of around 18 youth that are yap_front_postcard_2008between 15 and 22 years old.  Do you fit into that category?  Perfect – you could spend a year hanging out with other youth from across the province giving YOUR advice on serious issues!

Interested? Download an application form at and send it in by July 31st, 2009.

“Be heard.”

Beat Down Bullying


Bullying is a big issue for lots of youth today – want to be a part of the team that helps stop it?

Enter the Alberta Prevention of Bullying Youth Committee: a panel of 15 bully– 22 year olds working to raise awareness about bullying and altering social ideas about bullying.  The cool part about this team is that it’s comprised of 15 – 18 super diverse youth, with different backgrounds and experiences.  As part of this group, you would help develop strategies to combat things like cyberbulling, and give input on different initiatives, working with the Prevention of Bullying Work Group.  Previous members of the group have given input on Government bullying awareness campaigns like and

Itching to beat down bullying?  Click here, fill out the form, and return it by June 30th, 2009, and make change.