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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.

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I’m a Gleek!


Usually, saying that you are a “Gleek” would not be the coolest thing ever, but this Fall, Glee is the biggest new show!


Glee is a comedy about a teacher who risks taking over the glee club at his school. Everyone thinks he’s nuts, because this glee club consists of five members, and let’s face it, they aren’t all that wonderful. But, everything is about to change.

Glee not only is full of great dance and song numbers, but it inspires the underdog in all of us. There is a hero for everyone in this show, someone we can all relate to. This is what really makes us all want to become “Gleeks”. We see that we can all shine no matter who we are.

Become a Gleek too! Watch Glee!

The Rubik’s TouchCube


Remember the Rubix Cube? Different colours, brain twister toy, IMPOSSIBLE to solve? Now there’s a Rubik’s cube that’s computerized, just in case the original wasn’t hard enough. This new cube, called the Rubik’s TouchCube doesn’t require you to twist or rotate it. Instead, just a simple swipe of the finger will do it. There’s many different gadgets that can help you out. A hint, scramble, and solve button are all there for the user.

Rubik's Cube

This cool cube will be on sale in October, so if it’s something you’re interested in, look for it at Best Buy,, and

For more information, click here. And good luck on solving the puzzle!!

Are you interested in an experience of a lifetime?


Canada World Youth (CWY) is a Canadian non-governmental organization that uses informal education and international exchanges among youth to develop engaged citizens. Since 1971, CWY has carried out programs with more than 60 countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe. Their mission is to “increase the ability of people, and especially youth, to participate actively in the development of just, harmonious, and sustainable societies“.

Currently, they have three programs running. In particular, I’d like to draw some attention to the Youth Leaders in Action program.

International Phase of Youth Leaders in Action--Julie Graham from Canada with her Malian host sister in the community of Yélékébougou, in Mali (2007-2008 Quebec/Mali). Photo Credit: Rick Kelly.

Youth Leaders in Action is a six month long volunteer program (read: six months of adventures, excitement, and fun!) for a group of about 18 young people (ages 17 to 24); nine are from Canada and nine are from a partner country. They spend three months in a community in Canada followed by three months in a community overseas, living with host families and working together on a project. Each Canadian participant is paired up with a participant from the exchange country for the entire time. In this project, not only do you get to travel overseas, but you will discover other cultures and maybe learn another language!

The two other programs CWY is running are Global Learner and InterAction, which do not last as long as Youth Leaders in Action, but are also unique learning experiences. You can learn more about CWY on their About CWY page.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be away from home doing volunteer work for half the year? I totally think so.

Don’t get goosebumps!


Calgary is haunted?! Well, sort of.

See Calgary in an entirely different perspective with a ‘ghost tour’. Enjoy an evening of spine-tingling entertainment with spooky local ghost stories and a dash of Calgary history. All the stories have been thoroughly researched from the Glen Bow Museum and Ft. Calgary archives, newspapers, personal accounts and interviews.

There are five different ‘ghost tours’ in the Calgary area, lead by a tour guide dressed in a cape and holding a lantern. Unexplainable and mysterious sightings and experiences have even been felt by some guests themselves.

Skeptical? Well why not join the tour and see for yourself! You just might get lucky enough to catch a glimpse of an old soul roaming around or some paranormal activities go about.

The Little Marshmallow Test


marshmallow test pic

Have you heard of the marshmallow test? It may sound delicious, but it really is a test of self-control for early age children. This test was conducted around the 1960s and it is being brought to our attention in the recent years.

This test is simple; a pre-school child is being brought to a empty room a marshmallow in a plate. Then, instruction is given to the child: if you do not eat the marshmallow after a while, you will receive another one; however, if you do eat the marshmallow, then all you will get is the only one you have eaten. Then there is waiting…

Eventually, there are a group of children who tried to resist the temptation to eat the marshmallow, as a result, they receive the reward of another marshmallow (let us call these kids the alpha group); on the other hand, there are a small group of children who tried but could not succeed (beta group); finally, there is a very small group of children who would just proceed to eat without worrying about getting another one (gamma group).

So What?…

Well, years after, when most the children who participated in this little test have grown into gals and lads, the researchers then look at the lives of these people. Interestingly, they found that:

  1. Alpha group scores higher on SATs than beta and gamma group.
  2. Alpha group manages stress better than the others.
  3. Alpha group has less chance of having behavioral problem than the others.
  4. Alpha group is able to maintain friendship better than others.
  5. Alpha group is able to plan ahead and more easily cope with problems.

Of course, this is just a little marshmallow test, it is truly amazing how little details like this in life can tell you about people.

So, lastly, as a reward for reading this long description and explanation of the test, here is a clip of video of the test in progress:

YouTube – kids and the marshmallow test

Well, there you have it. Isn’t it interesting how a little self-control test can tell you about a child’s future?

To learn more: The secret of self-control : The New Yorker

Think Finding Your Way Around Calgary Is Difficult?


Try finding your way around the world! At age 13, Laura Dekker wants to embark on a solo mission to circumnavigate the globe in her 26-foot sailboat, “Guppy”. Her father supports her dream, but her mother and the Dutch courts are making an effort to postpone the trip until Laura is older. Currently, 17-year-old Mike Perham of England holds the record for the youngest solo trip around the globe, while 15 and 16-year-olds Jessica Watson and Abby Sunderland (sister of Zac Sunderland, the former record holder) are planning journeys of their own. Is 13 too young to travel the world alone? And how old is old enough? What do you think?

Read This: The Demonata Series, by Darren Shan

Book 1: Lord Loss – fast paced, humorous, action packed, suspenseful, gory, and tragic.

The Demonata is a 10 book series that follows multiple characters that are a special form of demon know as demonata. Demonatas are a type of demon that inhabit one of the millions of demon universes and can cross into our world on certain occasions.

Demonatas are hideous looking creatures with the intellect and killer instincts of a carnivore, the strength of 10 adults, and the capability of using magic. They are heartless beasts and only answers to demon masters – who have human intellect and are about 1000 time more powerful.

The series leaps through time, and follows the lives of humans with magical capabilities. It also deals with fictional organizations like the lambs (werewolf hunters) and the disciples (demon killers). But ultimately, the story revolves around a special demon master and an even more special family.

  Before you pick up a book of this series you should know that it is written by an author who believes that in life there are no happy endings, no heroes, the good guys don’t always win, and they don’t die glorious deaths. Darren Shan has no problem with allowing a major character die tragic and gruesomely.

– William

It’s OUR Education!


Speakout! logoFor many of us, even if we don’t want to admit it, educate is important!  We spend most of our days at school, so shouldn’t we students have a little bit of a say in what happens with our education system?  The Minister of Education thinks so!

SpeakOut! Alberta is a site dedicated to providing a space for Alberta’s students to talk about and learn about education issues/advancements being made in the province.  Have an idea?  Check out the forums.  A suggestion?  Why not respond to the Minister’s videoblog!  Wanna be in the know?  Subscribe to the Alberta Ed. blog.  There is something for every student to delve into and – hey – it’s our education! Get involved!

If you’re interested in becoming even MORE involved, check out the “Council” tab and learn about how you could get on the Minister of Education’s Youth Advisory Panel!

Free Rice!


Hunger in AfricaFreeRice is a website that is devoted to donate rice through the UN World Food Program to help end world hunger! All you have to do is go on there and answer some questions!

Questions range from English vocabulary to Math questions to identifying countries on a map. For each correct answer you give, 10 grains of rice will be donated through the UN.

It’s pretty fun and relaxed and you can improve your knowledge while helping to end world hunger! So go there now and help out for a great cause!

Anti Racism and Human Rights Youth Conference


zeeyaanPassionate about human rights?  Interested in volunteering your time or learning more?  

The Race for Rights Anti Racism and Human Rights Conference is scheduled to take place on Saturday December 5th, 2009. It will be the first of its kind in Calgary. From prominent and inspiring speakers to heated debates, the Youth Conference will feature many knowledgeable people in the field of human rights as well as numerous enthusiastic youth participants.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided and door prizes are also available! If you are interested in participating, volunteering, or would just like some more information, please email the Race for Rights Steering Committee at

Limitless Potential


A Paper Craft Castle On the OceanWith post-secondary early acceptance just around the corner, no doubt many of us are thinking hard about what we want to do with our lives. 

We’d like to highlight some students who took the creative path with their life, like Wataru Itou.  This Tokyo art student poured over four years of hard work into the paper city you see on the left, and is well recognized as a “master of Paper Craft”. 

Closer to home, Broken City Lab is a group of art students in Windsor, Ontario, who have come together to use their talent to “educate, inspire, and facilitate a new way of viewing the potential for interacting with and in [their] city”.  This group is very similar to our own Imaginary Ordinary – a real-life social networking ‘site’ where people of all ages from around Calgary can “meet and connect with one another”, which was funded in part by The Calgary Youth Foundation (a CYFC program).

As many of us get ready to start on our path into the “real world”, keep in mind that your potential is limitless!

EcoLiving Fair at Mount Royal University

2009 EcoLiving Fair at Mount Royal University
EcoLiving Fair at Mount Royal University

Looking for something to do this weekend? Come down to Mount Royal University and check out the 2009 EcoLiving Fair!

September 26 & 27, 2009
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

It’s a two day showcase of individuals and groups who have come together to share their environmentally friendly projects and ideas with us Calgarians. You can learn ways to shrink your eco footprint and check out some awesome new technologies!

The showcase will include:

  • Environmentally friendly building practices
  • Urban Environmental Solutions
  • Alternative Energy Sources
  • Energy / Water Conservation
  • Energy Efficient Devices

Also, there will be man powered shuttles between the events at the EcoLiving Fair and the Calgary Farmers Market. How cool is that?

And it’s free! (Donations are appreciated). So come and see how you can make your lifestyle a little greener.

 Here’s the address:

Mount Royal University
Centre for Continuous Learning Building
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW

Check out the map to get to the Fair.

West Coast Connection!


westcoastLooking for adventure, or a tour you can go on with your friends or your whole family?

Check out Westcoast Connection!

There you can learn about all types of different programs and choose the one best for you and yours. You can go to places like Austrailia, Europe, and Hawaii where you can learn new languages, and experience different cultures and countries.  Meet all new people, make life long friends, or just be with family. 

So click the link above and find the perfect program for you.

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing”
~ Helen Keller

Where the Wild Things Are


Where the Wild Things AreInside all of us is… everything we’ve ever seen, everything we’ve ever done, and everyone we’ve ever loved.

In a short 26 days, Where the Wild Things Are will be released in theatres. This much-awaited movie is based on the book by Maurice Sendak, and is about a misunderstood boy named Max who escapes from the anxiety at his house to an island, where there are creatures called the Wild Things.

The Wild Things need a king to rule them, so Max steps in and his dream is fulfilled. However, being king of these creatures isn’t all Max thought it was.

Conflict arises and relationships become complicated, and Max needs to figure out what to do.

If this movie is as good as the book, then you should definitely watch it. If you want to learn more about the movie or watch the trailer, click here.

Everything You Need To Know From: The Latency

Brandon performing on Friday night

Before The Latency performed at the Warehouse as Shiloh’s opening act on Friday, September 18th they spent a moment answering questions for Youth Are Awesome. Brandon Lehti (vocals/guitar), Ryan Stead (guitar/vocals), Mathew Gendron (bass/vocals) and Jonny Wiebe (drums/vocals) allowed us to get to know The Latency up close and musical.

Youth Are Awesome: Everyone needs to know, what is your favourite kind of ice cream?

Mathew: Chocolate chip mint.

Jonny: Peanut butter chocolate.

Ryan: I like rocky road.

Brandon: Cookies and cream.

Youth Are Awesome: Where did you first start playing when you first became The Latency?

Brandon: In a town called Maple Ride, BC, just outside of Vancouver. We started playing together in 2006. We formed from a whole bunch of other bands, and our separate bands played a show together, Ryan, Mathew and I became The Latency. I used to play drums and eventually I decided I didn’t want to do that anymore because it was a lot of work, so we brought Jonny on board and now there’s four of us.