Have you heard of the marshmallow test? It may sound delicious, but it really is a test of self-control for early age children. This test was conducted around the 1960s and it is being brought to our attention in the recent years.
This test is simple; a pre-school child is being brought to a empty room a marshmallow in a plate. Then, instruction is given to the child: if you do not eat the marshmallow after a while, you will receive another one; however, if you do eat the marshmallow, then all you will get is the only one you have eaten. Then there is waiting…
Eventually, there are a group of children who tried to resist the temptation to eat the marshmallow, as a result, they receive the reward of another marshmallow (let us call these kids the alpha group); on the other hand, there are a small group of children who tried but could not succeed (beta group); finally, there is a very small group of children who would just proceed to eat without worrying about getting another one (gamma group).
So What?…
Well, years after, when most the children who participated in this little test have grown into gals and lads, the researchers then look at the lives of these people. Interestingly, they found that:
- Alpha group scores higher on SATs than beta and gamma group.
- Alpha group manages stress better than the others.
- Alpha group has less chance of having behavioral problem than the others.
- Alpha group is able to maintain friendship better than others.
- Alpha group is able to plan ahead and more easily cope with problems.
Of course, this is just a little marshmallow test, it is truly amazing how little details like this in life can tell you about people.
So, lastly, as a reward for reading this long description and explanation of the test, here is a clip of video of the test in progress:
YouTube – kids and the marshmallow test
Well, there you have it. Isn’t it interesting how a little self-control test can tell you about a child’s future?
To learn more: The secret of self-control : The New Yorker