Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.

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Getting Ready for the School Year

As the last few weeks of summer are upon us, it’s time to readjust for the school year- whether that means you have to get out of the summer lull or you need to de-stress from a busy summer. Here are some simple tips to enjoy the last few weeks of your summer while making an easy transition for going back to school!

1. Get some sleep and normalize your sleeping schedule.

This is arguably the most important tip that can get you ready for school. Although it’s summer and we want to make the most out of our day, it’s equally important to use this time off to get proper rest. Plus, we’re usually not adding hours to our day by sleeping late, we’re actually just pushing our day back; if you’re sleeping from 2:00 AM to 11:00 AM, why not sleep from 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM instead? Also, measure your sleep on a daily rather than a weekly basis. If you don’t sleep one night and compensate by sleeping for a long time another night, it doesn’t have nearly the same effect as getting a sufficient number of hours in both nights – in fact, there are numerous studies pointing to health complications for both getting a lack of rest and oversleeping. Getting 7-10 hours of sleep every night will help you with those late nights and early mornings during the school year.

2. Go out and see the city with your friends while there isn’t something like an exam at the back of your mind.

Let’s face it – during the school year, you’ll probably have to be more judicious with how you spend your time outside of school. Take advantage of the summer and spend the time with your friends, who you may not be able to see that often during the school year! Although a day spent inside watching Netflix isn’t a terrible way to pass the time, we all know how radically Calgary’s weather changes in the fall. Spend some days outside and enjoy the last of the warm weather, whether that is taking a hike in Kananaskis or Banff, or seeing what the Calgary arts and culture scene is offering this month! Check out GlobalFest until August 26, Shakespeare by the Bow until August 27, or one of the other events going on this month!

3. Get into a routine of leisure reading and writing.

Because of those mandatory texts given in English class, there will likely be less time for you to read the books that you enjoy. Spend some time getting back into reading and writing for fun, because these experiences help to get your mind thinking critically without it being a chore. If you’re a true keener or you know you’re a person who retains knowledge only up until the end of the school year, it might be a good idea to skim over your previous years’ notes. I know these last few weeks of summer shouldn’t just be used to prepare for your classes, but especially if you’re doing a course that had a prerequisite and you haven’t taken that prerequisite in over a year, it might save you the stress when your teacher says, “This is review material that you should have already covered in ___”.

4. Get your back-to-school supplies!

I don’t know about everyone, but I absolutely love collecting stationary, and getting new back-to-school supplies always makes me feel more prepared and excited for the new school year. This is the one time where supplies are discounted and it’s totally fine to splurge on notebooks, pens, binders, erasers, and more! It will also save you the stress of not having the supplies during the school year, so it might be a good idea to make a list of what you will need and buy from there.

5. Find ways to get involved during the school year.

Plan your school year so it doesn’t completely revolve around your academics. Get involved around your school and in the greater community, because often these are ways to relieve you from the constant pressure of academics and grades. Some possibilities include planning to tryout for your school’s sports teams, auditioning for your school’s theatre production, applying for the Junior Achievement Company Program (if you are interested in entrepreneurship and meeting other high school students across Calgary), and joining Youth Central to volunteer and participate on its committees! I would strongly recommend applying for both of these programs and perhaps use some of your time during the summer to apply instead of feeling the pressure of the deadline while also dealing with school. Build a schedule that is right for YOU and will ensure your success; sometimes doing less is more!

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Photo of the Week: Dusk in Downtown Vancouver


For this Photo of the Week, I decided to share one of my personal favourites that I’ve taken. Last summer, when my family from New Delhi was visiting, we decided to take them on a trip to Vancouver. Since there were a bunch of us, we stayed in this really old, really cool, Victorian style house rather than a hotel (Airbnb type of situation). At first, I was not the biggest fan because you know, air conditioning is dear to my heart, I am very suspicious of houses with creepy attics, and I just wasn’t used to the musky, woody, smell that all older establishments seem to have. But once I got over myself and my first world problems, I actually started to love the look and feel of this style of home. In one of the rooms they had even added this more modern contrast of a spray painted mural of the Vancouver skyline. So one evening, after a long day of gallivanting around Victoria, while my Grandpa took a nap, and my dad had gone out to get everyone some food, all the women in my family gathered in this room and we just had a lovely time discussing life and other matters, laughing and chatting away until sunset. From the window we had such a gorgeous view of downtown as well as the onset of dusk, and even now this photo makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and content. What’s a photo that brings you that feeling?


Fitness Challenge: 3 moves, 30 reps, 30 days


Exercise three days a week, and feel like a boss. This year, you’re going to be the one with a healthy body and a blissful mind. And, of course, envious abs. If you’re short on time, but still want the most out of every workout, this is tailor-made for you. Without a doubt, it’s going to be intense and thrilling. Grab a water bottle, and let’s get going.

Oh, push-ups, how I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Although many of us hate them, we can’t deny their effectiveness. I’m not telling you drop down, and give me one hundred. We’re going to start off with a set of thirty reps every day, and then by the third week, increase that to two sets daily. If you can do more, by all means, you’re welcome to. If you’re not there yet, you can always perform modified pushups instead. What’s so great about pushups is that any level of exerciser can perform them. Work slightly out of your comfort zone and pace yourself, but pay attention to your form, and listen to your body! I can’t repeat this enough times: form, form, form.

1, 2, 3, GO!

Easy, eh? Our next exercise is the front squat. Challenging, yet fun, an enticing combination that pushes us to do more than just 30 reps. Get moving!

To keep it interesting, we’re going to stay away from the treadmill and the elliptical. Bicycle crunches are my absolute favorite. We’re zooming in on all of our abdominal muscles, and strengthening our core. Your rectus abdominus, your external oblique, and surprisingly even the rectus femoris in the upper thigh are engaged. The pain will make you fully aware that the bicycle crunch is ten exercises in one. Nonetheless, believe me, the results are phenomenal. You’ll be thanking me later.

Already done? I bet you didn’t feel anything. Remember to stay hydrated!


The Dangers of Caffeine

Caffeine. Do you know how much is too much?

With school starting up again soon, many students may turn to caffeine to help them wake up in the morning in time for their classes and to keep them awake at night as they work on that project that they procrastinated on and is due the next day. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, food, and medications. In Canada, coffee is the most commonly consumed drink for Canadians aged 16 and over. Being so popular, caffeine may seem harmless. However, consuming too much can lead to consequences.

Caffeine is a stimulant drug. It is closely shaped like the molecule adenosine, a chemical that binds to receptors in the brain and makes you feel tired. Caffeine is a competitive inhibitor. It attaches to these receptors and blocks off the adenosine, preventing the feeling of tiredness for a few hours by permitting the brain’s stimulants to continue to work uninterrupted. Caffeine tolerance occurs when the brain makes more receptors in an attempt to regain balance, which means that the amount of caffeine consumed before will not have as much of an effect on alertness.

For youth 13 and older, the maximum recommended daily intake of caffeine is 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, according to Health Canada. Consuming more than this amount can lead to jitters, headaches, insomnia, rapid heart rate, upset stomach, frequent urination, dehydration, increased blood pressure, and even death in extreme cases (often from caffeine pills or energy drinks). Some energy drinks contain more caffeine in a single can than the recommended daily allowance for some people!

If you find that you are consuming too much caffeine, there are ways to decrease consumption.

You can replace highly caffeinated drinks with beverages that contain less or no caffeine, such as replacing carbonated drinks with caffeine-free versions, or replacing coffee with half- or decaffeinated coffee or with tea (which has a lot less caffeine than coffee). You can also shorten the brew time of tea or replace caffeinated tea with herbal tea.

Most importantly, you should get enough sleep so that you do not need to rely on caffeine to keep you awake. Try to go to sleep early enough to wake up refreshed in the morning. Don’t leave schoolwork unfinished until the last minute so that you do not have to stay up until the wee hours of morning to complete it. Nothing can replace proper sleep, not even caffeine.


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Wish You Grew Up In The 80’s? Me Too


Ah, the 1980’s, what a time to be alive. Forever wishing I was alive during the same era as young Leonardo DiCaprio and Corey Haim. You too? Let’s hurt.

2017? No thanks, I’m good. 1980? Yes, please! Let’s take a look:

First of all, the movies. John Hughes, thank you for existing and blessing us with the iconic 80’s films. The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, what more could you ask for? Sure the present has better technology to create better movies, but nothing beats a good old fashioned comedy from 1980. Something about them–I’m not sure what–makes me love them.


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Like Olive Penderghast said in Easy A: “Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80’s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80’s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.” Honestly, I have never related to anything more in my entire life. Why can’t we be like the eighties again? What’s your damage? Eat my shorts! Like, to the max? That’s the type of lingo I need.

And not to mention the fashion! I live for eighties trends.

Image result for 80's fashion  Image result for 80's fashion x x

We already brought back the mom jeans, why not bring it all back? Neon, spandex, scrunchies and all! Hoop earrings and curly hair, oh, what I wouldn’t give.

Also, the lifestyle 80’s teens lead is what I’m trying to be. No iPhones to spend hours on, just landlines. No app to text friends on, you’d actually have to see them in person. As much as I love technology, I wouldn’t hesitate to wish to go back to when they weren’t this advanced.

Last, but certainly not least, the eighties heartthrobs are a whole reason themselves to be jealous of kids growing up in 1980. Leonardo DiCaprio, Corey Haim, Johnny Depp, River Pheonix, Rob Lowe, just to name a few. Like wow, that’s enough to convince me!

But until time traveling is invented, we’re 21st-century kids who live in the future. And who knows, maybe in a few decades somebody will make a blog post about how much they wanted to live in 2017.

Until then, stay rad!

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A New Look Into Podcasts

For a lot of people, podcasts are what they listen to keep up to date with the news or to learn more about certain things; topics that are all factual. The world of fiction podcasts is something that not a lot of people know about. But they are definitely out there and are just as interesting.

The first podcast I ever listened to was recommended to me by a friend and coincidentally enough it was fiction. Because of that, I assumed all podcasts were like this. Imagine a TV show, whichever genre, tailored so that you don’t need to watch it, all you have to do is listen. I was actually quite surprised when I came to the realization that not all podcasts are fiction, and in reality, the majority are quite factual. Now don’t get me wrong, I do listen to quite a lot of podcasts that are factual (most being true crime centered), but fiction podcasts will always have a soft spot in my heart. Though they tend to be seen as cringy, or hard to follow along with, once you really get into it, these types of podcasts can be something that’ll be quite amusing to listen to. With that, I’ve compiled a short list of my favorite fiction podcasts. I would recommend to try out at least one to see if they’re something for you.

  1. The Bright Sessions

Therapy For The Strange And Unusual

The Bright Sessions created, written, and directed by Lauren Shippen, (who also voices one of the main characters) is a sci-fi-drama podcast that’ll hook you with its intriguing plot line. This podcast (formatted as audio notes) follows a group of patients of Dr. Joan Bright; patients who have the abilities of an atypical. Dr. Bright voice records her therapy sessions with her patients and that’s how we manage to follow the plot. Her patients have unique supernatural abilities such as time traveling, mind-reading, feeling other people emotions, and mind control. The Bright Sessions is so much more than just recordings of therapy sessions, there’s a story behind every thing and the voice ends up changing the perspective every once in a while as you progress through the podcast.  With a secret hiding behind Dr. Bright’s intentions (in which you’ll get from her mysterious tone straight away), you’ll feel compelled to want to keep listening.

2. The Black Tapes 

Do you believe?

The Black Tapes is a serialized narrative (created by Paul Bae and Terry Miles) that follows an investigative journalist, Alex Reagan as she researches the truth about Dr. Strand, a skeptic who believes there’s a scientific explanation for all supernatural occurrences. He is known for being able to explain (almost) all exorcisms to ghost sightings.  Dr. Strand, the founder of the Strand Institute, has tapes of supernatural instances he cannot explain called The Black Tapes (hence the title). Throughout the podcast Alex Reagan investigates them, and we learn more about Dr. Strand and the mysteries that lie between his own personal family life and the black tapes. A very intriguing podcast for anybody with a niche for the supernatural and paranormal culture.

3. The 36 Questions

Experiment Of Interpersonal Closeness

The Two-Up production company gives us a new endearing concept; The 36 Questions is the musical podcast that is sure to give you more than what you usually expect. It follows a couple whose marriage is on the line due to a huge consequential lie. The couple tries to revive their marriage and gain back the trust lost by answering the 36 questions, a study designed to make strangers fall in love. Each song is extremely catchy and follows the story plot. A musical with no set, lights, and costumes but just music, voices and some sound effects. You’re listening in on voice recordings of a couple’s attempt at making it work. Tears, fights, and all. It’s a must listen for anybody who loves musicals and is ready to try a new type.

4. LimeTown 

What happened to the people of LimeTown?

Another podcast following an investigative journalist. This time, Lia Haddock from American Public Radio looks into one of America’s biggest mysteries (Keep in mind these podcasts are completely fictional). 10 years before the timeframe of this podcast, the citizens of a small town in Tennessee, named LimeTown, disappear and are never heard from again until Lia Haddock starts her story. She’s soon contacted by mysterious survivors who everyone assumed were dead. She embarks on multiple meetings, despite the wishes of the company she reports for, in search of an answer.”What happened to the people of LimeTown?”

5. Kakos Industries

Do Evil Better

At Kakos Industries, the company strives to do evil better. Corin Deeth III (also the main character) is the CEO of the industry and gives corporate announcements to his shareholders via strange broadcasting tools. Knowing this, the podcast is formatted like a radio show, similar to Welcome To NightVale (another podcast to definitely check out!). Although please be advised this is definitely an R rated podcast. The writer, Conrad Miszuk, who also voices Corin Deeth III and takes care of the music alongside editing every episode, has managed to be extremely satirical in his announcements. With little sub plots, intriguing characters, and just the overall curiosity of what’s going to happen next, this podcast is one of my favorites and should definitely be given a shot by anybody who understands satire and loves dark humor.

In the end, all fiction podcasts bring something new for the listener. You should really give it a go if these podcasts intrigued you in any way. For those of you who don’t listen to podcasts, this is a great way to start. Podcasts are free on iTunes and other apps (for those of you without an Apple phone/iPod) like Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud and Google Play Music.




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Me Ranting About Things


Hello, it’s almost (and for some of you, it’s already) back to school! End of summer, start of fall, but more importantly: the point in which all the things you’ve been putting off the entire summer is catching up to you… The “oh-I’ll-practice-my-piano-later” doesn’t work in late August, nor does the “I’ll-read-tomorrow”. SCHOOL. STARTS. IN. A. WEEK. AND. I. HAVEN’T. DONE. ANY. OF. THOSE. THINGS.

I’m supposed to be able to play all my piano pieces hands separately perfectly, but I’m kinda wondering how that’s possible considering the fact that I only touched the piano about a total of twice the ENTIRE SUMMER. I can’t say I’m shocked, though. I’ve been telling myself that I’ll play next week for the past eight weeks. Oops. BUT, also, I have piano THEORY, which I did for only TWO units, when I was supposed to do SEVEN. YET, still, I just sit around and watch Gossip Girl.

I, for one, am a victim of procrastination.

Okay, listen:

At the beginning of summer I was so pumped and I had a whole list of stuff I was going to accomplish. I was so ready to do everything but, oh look, the summer is over and I HAVE DONE NOTHING. I was supposed to write (which I suppose I’m doing right now, so I’ll call that progress), read LOTS, practice my piano (HAH NO), study for next school year and learn to drive (I STILL CAN’T). Honestly, why am I like this??? One second I was proactive and completing all my tasks, the next thing I know two months had slipped away, and I just feel so betrayed (by myself). What is there left to do except rant at my own misdoings?!

Why does time have to do that to me? Like I’m not anxious enough. How am I supposed to practice piano, read, write, volunteer, binge watch tv shows, get 8 hours of sleep and exercise when there are only 24 hours in a day?! So much to do, so little time. AND, by the time school starts, it’ll be too late. Like, what even? There is such a jump between ninth and tenth grade, two months preparation is not enough! On top of AP classes and homework, I still have to memorize my timetable AND remember where all my classes are. Who do you think I am, WonderWoman? Not to mention, extracurricular activities like 3-4 times a week, in which I have to dedicate lots of time to. So with the schoolwork and outside-of-school-work, where am I supposed to find the time to volunteer? HOW CAN I VOLUNTEER IF I CAN’T VOLUNTEER? Plus, what about all those books I want to read? And movies I want to watch? Yeah, out the window they go!


Free time?

Homework, stress, procrastination, and anxiety?


LIKE WHAT? I mean, let’s be honest, why are we doing all these things if, in reality, we don’t actually exist? Oh yes, procrastination just turned into existentialism. What are we doing crying on Sunday nights over an essay due on Monday that we forgot to write, when we could literally just be an alien’s dream? What even is the meaning of life?? IS there really life? Are we really here? Are you really reading words that I typed on my computer on your computer?


*deep breath in*

Okay, that was a good rant. Thank you so much for listening to me vent about my problems.

I’ll see you next time on: Me Ranting About Things

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Eid-Al-Adha: Commemorating Abraham’s Sacrifice  


The fresh smell of henna, the mouth-watering aroma of sawaiyan, the sky-scraping heels among branded clothes, and a family who showers you with money and gifts. How much better can a day get? Oh, and let’s not forget about the sacrifice of goats, or for others, sheep and cows. As an eight year old child, I used to watch wide-eyed as my family had goats slaughtered, goats with which I had developed a firm connection. (Insert all crying face emojis.) They had become my closest friends, at least, more so than Hussein who would steal my parhatas every lunch, and ask the teacher to assist him to the washroom. Wasn’t he old enough to use the washroom himself? Even the goats could manage a task as miniscule as that, although they left their droppings in an arbitrary fashion across my grandfather’s hawali. Fast-forward to grade two, which was indeed a rough year. The boys had gotten denser, and I only conversed with goats, despite the fact that I had well over fifty cousins. On Eid, I repeatedly asked my mother to spare my favorite goat, white with miniature spots decorating its smooth surface. I told her that I’d make sure it doesn’t ‘poo’ anymore. As inane as that sounds, my cousin was slightly more ridiculous, building forts with their droppings, and coming close to eating a couple. Yuck!

As expected, my wish failed to come true. Tears blurred my vision, and the goat’s briny taste felt unusual against my lips. Like the dramatic child I was, partly from binge watching Pakistani dramas, I ran around in circles shattering eardrums, creating an episode of my own. However, as rapidly as the tears came, they were gone when my uncle handed me five hundred rupees, and a plate of chicken biryani. Not only was my love for biryani solidified that day, but I developed an entirely new perspective on Eid. Did you know that there is more to Eid than biryani and eidi? Neither did I, and I was in for a surprise.

Eid al-Adha refers to ‘Feast of the Sacrifice,’ or the Greater Eid. Islamic scripture, or the Quran, tells us of a time when through a vision, Allah commanded Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his most precious belonging as a test to determine his loyalty. Ibrahim thought long and hard about this task, and came to the conclusion that his son, Ishmael, was in fact whom he must sacrifice. While Ibrahim was in the act of sacrificing his son, Angel Gabriel was sent by Allah to replace his son with a ram. How magical! Even in the present, Muslims all around the world will sacrifice animals in honor of this historic and memorable event that demonstrated the extent of Ibrahim’s devotion to Allah.

On Eid al-Adha, we divide the meat into three parts: one for our relatives and friends, another to be distributed among the poor, and the last part for our immediate family. Blessing goes to those who give to charities, who begin their day with morning prayers, and to those who have embarked on the Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam.

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Another amazing part of Eid? You have four whole days to visit different relatives’ houses, collect eidi, and eat a myriad of home-made food.

Although it’s almost Eid, I’m still not completely sure when it is. August 31? September 1? How frustrating, but we’ve got a larger problem on our hands: finding the perfect “Wow!” outfit.

I’m still in search for a last minute outfit, are you? Perhaps you’ve had yours for ages.

Eid Mubarak! Don’t eat too much, I know I won’t…I might…I will…I definitely will. Biryani, here I come!

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What’s Going on in Venezuela?


With the US government’s daily antics taking the forefront of most media coverage, not enough attention has been directed to the unimaginable situation in Venezuela. Inflation as well as crime rates in Venezuela are highest in the world, people are starving, anti-government protests take place in the streets every week, and people are dying due to a lack of access to medicine and basic needs. Yet, no one seems to really be talking about the major issues taking place in Venezuela. So… what’s going on? How did it start? Who is responsible?

It all began with oil. Venezuela has always been an oil-rich country, it has been the driving force of the economy for several years. However, after oil prices crashed in 2015, the money devoted to social programs and food subsidies simply stopped flowing in, massively impacting the amount of foreign currency set aside for importing essential goods, such as medicine. This hit the healthcare system hard, and several controllable diseases once thought to be out of the picture, such as malaria, diphtheria, and AIDS, are back on the rise and medical supplies are not accessible to the majority of the population.

The empty shelves of Makro supermarket in Caracas, January 2015

In addition, it certainly does not help that lower productivity, mismanagement, and widespread corruption have introduced an inflation rate of 720.5% this year, making money almost worthless. To try and solve the issue of affordability, the government greatly decreased prices of key items like flour, eggs, milk, and toilet paper and just began to print more money. However, when it comes to inflation this is one of the worst things you can do, but considering the government is taking advice from Luis Salas, an economy czar that believes that inflation “does not exist in real life.”

Essentially, this led to the cost of several products being lesser than the cost of production, meaning farmers and domestic producers on top of having next to no imported materials to work with, are now pretty much paying to work. So they just stopped. Now, whatever meagre supply of food is left on the shelves of supermarkets is trailed by 8 hour lines by those who can barely afford it, while the rest fight for government assigned rations that families can attain once a week, but do not provide sufficient amounts nor nutrition. In 2016, 72% of the population lost an average of 19 pounds due to malnutrition. On top of all of this, the Venezuelan media is heavily censored, the government continues to refuse international aid, riots swarm the streets, crime rampages the country, and the president, Nicolás Maduro, slowly but surely inches towards an authoritarian dictatorship.

A protestor holds up a bank note poster with the word “hungry” printed across in bold letters

Things in Venezuela are way out of control and not many people know about it. People are suffering, dying because they cannot afford food, and losing the battle against treatable illnesses, and it is not in the main stream of news. There’s not much we can do abroad nor in Venezuela itself, except raise awareness and protest for fair treatment. If the government is not held accountable for its actions and the people are not provided the humanitarian services required to survive, the problem will remain rooted within the country and nothing will change. Additionally, if you would like to donate money towards food, clean water, or emergency medical care, there are several methods to do so. Most importantly though, stay in the loop and keep updated on the situation. If we continue to turn a blind eye to problems in other countries, people will not receive the help and justice they deserve.

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What Are Gender Roles?


If you Google the term “gender roles”, here’s what you will find.

gender role is a set of societal norms dictating the types of behaviors which are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based on their actual or perceived sex or sexuality.


Take a moment to think about one of those old, black and white films — you know, the ones where the husband comes home from work with a briefcase, to find the wife cooking and taking care of the children. For years, this is what was considered socially acceptable for women. This is what women were expected to do.

To many, discrimination by gender is considered nonexistent. Sure, the stereotype of the wife who cooks and cleans has changed a lot, but gender roles still play a huge role in society. They’re still very much present in today’s day and age.

No, I’m not “another angry feminist” (also, feminists have a reason to be angry. But that’s a topic for a different post). Let me tell you that gender roles don’t only exist for women. Men are affected by it, too.

Think about this for a second. Women can easily walk outside wearing jeans and a shirt: apparel that was once considered mens wear. But would a man wearing a skirt be socially accepted?

I won’t even answer that one for you.

And before you dismiss the idea as silly and unrealistic, look at these pictures of men rocking skirts.










Why do gender roles still play a role in our day and age? Why are people expected to act a certain way because of a biological factor?

We need to start raising boys and girls the same way. We need to stop associating minuscule things like colour to a gender. Let people be who they want to be!


FrancoCon: Your Favorite Songs in French


Yesterday afternoon I came across a comical video on Facebook promoting Canadian songs in horribly broken french. “FrancoCon: Your Favourite Songs in French” is brought to you by Calgarian broadcasters Beckler and Seanna of X92.9 radio. The video is reminiscent of the kind of advertisements you’d see on TV promoting an album, though admittedly not serious in the slightest. The 4:20 video boasts Canadian music royalty such as Bryan Adams, The Tragically Hip, and Rush, to name a few while also highlighting Canadian up and comers such as Arkells, July Talk, and Mother Mother, who are fixtures on the Alternative station’s airwaves. The video sees as song titles come and go with iconic Canadian symbols such as parliament hill, ice rinks, and the Rockies in the background.

Self dubbed as “an embarrassing display of bilingual failure” I couldn’t help but reminisce back on my seven years of experience with French immersion while I watched it. Despite having left the French Immersion program in Grade 7, I can only hope the French skills I’ve retained aren’t half as bad as the laughable language displayed in this video. I’ll note that I say this all in good fun. If this video serves anything other than pure, unadulterated entertainment, let it serve as a reminder that google translate is not a replacement for language classes.

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TV Recommendation – House of Cards


Honestly, I have to say that I feel bad for the writers of House of Cards. For a show that has built its reputation around political intrigue, corruption, and in general just a lot of sketchy happenings in the White House, the current political climate in the United States probably means that no matter what material the writers can come up with for future seasons, they won’t really be able to outdo what is actually happening in reality.

But I digress. This is not going to be a political post; there have been enough of those plastering practically every form of media for the past year. Rather, I want to draw your attention to a show that, despite reality, still provides an extremely entertaining narrative as to the lives that politicians lead. Even after five seasons, the show is still going strong, the story is still fascinating and keeps you at the edge of your seat, and is able to make politics seem very interesting for the average Netflix binger. Today, that may not be an incredible feat (controversial political news is being pumped out practically every week), but five years ago when the show first started, believe me, that achievement broke new ground.

What’s it about?

Set in Washington, DC, the series follows the story of Democratic congressman Francis “Frank” Underwood and his quest to gain power and influence within the United States political system. After being denied an appointment to Secretary of State by the newly elected President (despite this appointment having been previously agreed upon in the campaign process), Frank begins formulating a plan behind the President’s back to gain power for himself.

What follows is a long process of deceit, blackmail, betrayal, and manipulation as Frank pursues his goal. Frank’s wife Claire, who runs a NGO (non-governmental organization) for global clean water, aids him in his quest, and both Underwoods demonstrate their willingness for using less-than-legal means to gain what they seek. Murder, cover-ups, and scandals are far from foreign concepts in this series, which gives a unique spin to American politics, which can be considered “tumultuous” at times, but never quite so blatantly corrupt as the actions taken by Frank and Claire Underwood. Yet that is what makes this show so interesting.

Why is it good?

There is a certain intrigue that comes from watching something crash and burn. It may not be very nice to look at, but at the same time, it seems almost impossible to look away. You would almost be stunned with a kind of horrible fascination as to what will happen next.

This is the exact kind of feeling that you get while watching House of Cards, but the show is executed in such a way where it still remains nice to look at. The production value, as per all Netflix originals, is fantastic, but beyond that, the story itself is incredibly interesting as well, with the best part being that you don’t have to be interested in politics whatsoever and can still wholly enjoy this show.

There are some things that remain tough to watch, however. Frank’s actions in the series are horrible. He does terrible things, to the point where they would probably define him as a terrible person. Claire does the same. However, despite this, you can’t help but still cheer for Frank, at least a little bit, as you see his plans unfold and succeed. I think a lot of this can be attributed to the fantastic acting done by Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, who play Frank and Claire Underwood respectively. They are able to bring humanity to their characters which are, most people would agree, essentially heartless, and that is not something that is easy to do. The show is also excellent with its use of breaking the fourth wall, where often Frank will directly address the camera to explain his innermost thoughts, giving a sort of sinister foreshadowing as to what is to come.

But the reason I say that you will be watching something “crash and burn” is because you will expecting this “crash” from the moment you begin the first episode. The series is called “House of Cards” for a reason: the “house” is not stable, and can be toppled with even a slight gust of wind. In the case of the power that Frank will work to build up, his power will not be stable. When all of his influence is built upon lies, deceit, and manipulation, at some point something will crack, and the entire structure will be left without support and crumble. Frank’s house of cards will crumble.

The series is still ongoing, so clearly that point has not been reached yet, but the idea that every viewer signed on to this eventuality, I believe, is a central reason as to why this show is so good. Like most great stories, there will be a great rise, and then a great fall.

For now, however, we can all enjoy watching Frank formulate his schemes and launch them into action, while we sit back and see how they play out. Sometimes we’ll be shocked, sometimes we’ll have our suspicions confirmed, and yet sometimes we’ll simply say to ourselves, “Wow. That was actually really clever.” Overall, that is why I cannot recommend this show enough.



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Going Away To College: A Buying and Packing Guide

Moving away for (presumably) the first time… It’s a bit of an intimidating thought, isn’t it? In less than two weeks, I will be among thousands of university and college freshmen moving onto campus in a new city. Am I nervous? Not as much as several of my friends, and I credit much of that to the fact that I compulsively over-prepare. If Santa makes a list and checks it twice, I make about five lists and check them every five minutes, in spite of the fact that I won’t be out of the house for over a week. My shopping has been extensive, and would perhaps even be considered extreme by some. This has certainly not deterred me in any way. I would, therefore, like to present to you some tips and tricks for your own college/dorm shopping and packing journey, whether you’re moving in at the end of the month, or won’t be leaving home for another while.

Before Buying

Consider How Far You’re Travelling

Personally, I am only going to Edmonton, but I have friends who are moving as far away as Halifax. Because of how far each of us is moving, and how we are going to get there, we are each going to have to prepare in a different way. I am driving to campus, so it makes much more sense for me to buy most of my supplies before leaving, as opposed to someone who has to fly across the country. If buying supplies at home isn’t a viable option, you can wait until you arrive at your destination before shopping. Additionally, stores like Bed Bath & Beyond have programs where you do your shopping at home, and they will hold your purchase for pickup at the location closest to your campus.

Consider Your Space

Every school does dorms differently, and as a first-year student, chances are that you’re going to be living in one. Do you have a roommate? Do you have a private or shared bathroom? Does your bed have drawers, and/or do you have the option to loft it? If you’re in a suite or apartment-style residence or are living off-campus, this might not be as much of a consideration, because you’re naturally going to have a little bit more space to work with. If you’re living in a dorm room glorified broom closet, using your space as efficiently as possible is essential. For some, rolling drawer carts or wire shelving are a good option to optimize space, but for others, maybe not.

Consider University/Landlord Rules

Chances are, the rules governing what you can and cannot bring with you to your school are different than the ones for your friend’s school. For example, my school (University of Alberta) allows me to bring a mini fridge, but no heating appliances (i.e. kettle, microwave, hot plate). In the first year residences at the University of Calgary, however, residents may not bring mini fridges. Therefore, it’s important to check up on what may or may not be allowed in your dorm or housing unit. The same goes for off-campus apartments or other rental units.


Packing and Moving

A few quick tips:

  • Make a list of everything you need to bring. Google Sheets is great for this because you can access it on any device. Colour coding and organizing the list by category is also a good idea. When you’re sure that you have everything written down on the list, print it out so that you can use it as a reference when you’re packing and unpacking, and so that you can make handwritten changes as needed. If you’re not sure where to start, Pinterest has a ton of great packing lists that you can use or adapt to your own needs.
  • Label your boxes with not only their contents or what room/area they go in, but with your name and unit/apartment number (if you know it).
  • To pack clothes that are on hangers, leave them on the hangers, bundle them, and wrap them in garbage bags for easy transportation. If you’re packing bulky items on hangers like sweaters or winter coats, you can also use Ziploc Space Bags designed for hanging clothing.
  • Just use Ziploc Space Bags or something similar for packing clothes in general. They help your clothes take up less space in transit, making packing a whole lot easier.
  • Pack an overnight bag with all of your essentials, pajamas, and a change of clothes. Depending on what time of day you move in (for example, I don’t move in until mid afternoon), you may not have time to get everything unpacked until the next day, so you don’t want to be rummaging through boxes and bins trying to find your toothbrush.

Happy packing!

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Transitioning to a Big New Chapter



It’s the next step for many of us after primary and secondary school. University is the goal for many of us. I finally reached it, after many years, along with millions of other students this year and the years before. This period can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time.  During high school there were days that I couldn’t have waited to get out of those four walls. Then there are some days like today, where I asked myself will I be able to do it, what if I’m not cut out for it? I still tend to have panic attacks occasionally about going to university, although it’s starting in three weeks.

I can’t speak for everyone but I have been looking forward to university, a lot. Especially “freshers” week where everyone gets to meet everyone and have a good time all week. I think going into university, this big transition shouldn’t be worried about, rather celebrated! We’ve made it this far, we don’t have much further to go, its just more school and then our jobs and thats all we need to see right now. I think if we look too much into the future, we won’t be able to enjoy what we have now and what we have coming for us in university — the learning, the fun, the parties,  the mistakes we are yet to make, we must look forward to those most of all. We finally get to learn what we wish to, subjects we always have enjoyed and loved, I think that is the biggest reward of all.

It’s intense — what happens in the one year and summer that passes by without us realizing before one of the biggest chapters of our lives. In between maintaining our averages, or upgrading our skills, filling out applications, planning for dances, and sorting the how and where you’re going to live for university, with the anxiety of waiting for the admissions letters and celebrating graduation at the same time studying for the immediate exams, it flies by. Most of my friends this summer spent their time with friends, going to new places, to festivals, just on adventures, and having fun getting lost in the moment. But I spent the summer job hunting, upgrading courses, seeing old friends, celebrating new ones and volunteering for the last time with the Calgary Humane Society.

I guess what I’m trying to say with this article that seems to be all over the place, is take a breather.  I know plenty of you are heading to university, many different ones in a few weeks, so what I am trying to say is just take a breath. Just take the breath and celebrate and just try to enjoy this in between stage where we have no impending homework, or due dates for projects or big exams as scary as diplomas. I think it’s important to right now even if you’re working, or buying stuff or moving in, just take a breather and enjoy it. Because from what I hear, this is the last time we get for just kicking back and relaxing without much stress or any for some.

My Recommended Books List – Part 1


Today I thought I’d compile my list of favourite fiction books. I’ve done a lot of reading throughout the summer, of all sorts of books, and I think that I’m now able to provide some advice on what books that are most worth your time – and I’ve made sure not to include spoilers! I’ve purposely steered clear of any books that I know to be commonly used in school curriculums, but plenty of recommended books for school are amazing works as well!

1. All The Light We Cannot See

This is an extremely touching story about a French girl who is blind and an orphaned German boy during World War II. They each encounter different problems as the war plays out, with the French girl eventually working to support the French Resistance and the German boy becoming frustrated at how scientific innovations are being used for war. Each of them is blind in their own way – the French girl is physically blind, while the German boy feels that he has been blinded from the positive side of the world due to the negative war rhetoric. It has a very bittersweet ending that further contributes to the overall feeling of the book. A must read for sure.

2. A Game Of Thrones

You knew this was going to be on here. I decided to read this book after watching a couple episodes of HBO’s TV adaptation, and I must say that I am super impressed with the original novel series. There’s an enormous amount of detail poured into this book, that every Game of Thrones fan would enjoy. Upon opening the pages of the book, I was immediately whisked away to the kingdom of Westeros, and I could feel a connection with the setting and characters immediately. Even if you don’t like the Game of Thrones TV show, still give the books a shot – they are amazing in their own respect.

3. The Kite Runner

This is a truly emotional story that incorporates the events that have happened in our real world into a heart-warming fiction story. The Kite Runner is based around a young Afghan boy called Amir and follows events in his life as he grows. His experiences span from periods of relative stability in Afghanistan to Soviet intervention and the refugee influx to Pakistan to the rise of the Taliban. All along the way, he experiences a very close relationship with his friend, Hassan. Amir is unable to prevent violence against Hassan in one scene, which gives him a great amount of guilt. The rest of the story centres around Amir’s attempt to make it up to Hassan.

4. The Circle

This techno style futuristic novel is about an extremely powerful Internet company called The Circle, and the experiences of one employee named Mae who works there. She moves up the ranks of the company fast, and she soon discovers a new project that the company is pursuing: SeeChange, a project where small cameras are placed everywhere in the world for surveillance purposes. Mae embraces the motif of transparency, but many in the story begin to question the motives of The Circle and they begin to attempt to protect their privacy. The conflicts that result are truly nail-biters. In April, the movie The Circle was released, and it had quite a different ending. If you have time for either the movie or the book, make sure that you do go and see/read The Circle in some form!

5. The Hunt For Red October

Last, but certainly not least, is my personal favourite on this list. The Hunt For Red October is the first book written by Tom Clancy in the Jack Ryan series, which is based around the titular character(Jack Ryan) as he works in the CIA during the Cold War. The book is about a Soviet nuclear submarine, named the Red October, which has a crew that wishes to defect to the USA. The book details all of the military and intelligence responses from both the USA and the Soviet Union, as well as the diplomatic processes that were pursued by both countries during this time period. It is one of the most action-packed espionage books I have ever read, and I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense that the book brought to me. With this book, Tom Clancy became my favourite novelist, and I continue to read his trilogy today.

That concludes my list of my favourite fiction books. I’ll post my list of nonfiction books in the next part!


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