Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

Any views or opinions expressed on this blog belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people or organizations that the blog may be associated with, unless explicitly stated. All content is for informational purposes only.

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Vive le Quebec!

There was once a time when Quebec was less than 2% away from becoming independent to all of Canada.

While Quebec’s independence movement may be well known across of Canada (especially in the education system), the fundamental reasons why may not be so clear to most people. It actually began in the year of 1967, with one of the most controversial speeches ever delivered in Canadian history.

Flashback to July 24th, 1967, French president Charles de Gaulle delivers a speech in from the balcony of Montreal’s City Hall during the Canadian Expo in 1967. The crowd gathers under Gaulle, awaiting his words. Some people are confused, others excited, others apprehensive. The crowd goes silent for an instant, and Gauelle utters the four most appalling words of his entire life.

“Vive le Quebec…libre.”

The crowd sits stunned for a few seconds, only to burst into applause. Gaulle had made history.

Nobody thought that Gauelle’s words would have the impact that it did in Canada, entrenching itself as the first step on Quebec’s road to rebellion. By uttering that infamous line, Gaulle would spark the largest Canadian diplomatic incident which would not only end Gaulle’s visit to Canada, but also French interference in the domestic affairs. More notoriously, Gaulle’s words would also start the Quebec revolution for independence. To add a touch of insanity to the already incongruous event, Gaulle was not even arranged to speak to the Canadian people on that day, but he instead said

“I have to speak to those people who are calling for me.”

In the upcoming years, the rest of the story would be history. In 1968 the Parti Quebecois would begin to appeal the constitutional negotiations on a matter of “political sovereignty.” In 1980, Quebec, in the political party of the “Parti Quebecois” would make the first attempt forward to be of a “sovereignty-association,” and fail at the House of Commons. In 1995, Quebec would host a second referendum, widely known as the closest referendum in Quebec history, with a winning margin of 50.58%. The words of Gaulle had finally been quelled in the most nerve-racking manner, but the tensions between Quebec and the rest of Canada would still linger into the 21st century.

The lesson of the story? Words matter. They educate, they enliven, they inspire. Please use them wisely.



Image source: 1

This post explored the years 1967-1972 of Canadian history

Revolutionizing the Donut Hole


History was certainly made in 1976 for Canadians. From Sylvia Ostry being appointed Canada’s first female Deputy Minister, to the CN tower opening in Toronto, to the Montreal Summer Olympic games. Undoubtedly, 1976 will be remembered for centuries. But one event stands out above all else: the introduction of the Timbit.


The original Timbits mascot!


Yes, in April of 1976, Tim Hortons introduced the Timbit, earning it a spot not only on the menu but also in our hearts.

The key to my heart is through Timbit bouquets!

With various flavours that differ from location to location, Timbits can come (but are not limited to!) chocolate glazed, jelly filled, dutchie, honey dip, sour cream glazed, old-fashioned plain, old fashion glazed, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, apple cider, orange-tangerine, creamy caramel, cherry cake, birthday cake, honey cruller, pumpkin spice, toasted coconut, and apple fritter.

And although a lot has changed for Canada in the 41 years since the introduction of this bite-sized treat, the Timbit has stayed a reassuring constant through turmoil, and crisis, an unrelenting beacon of honey glazed hope. The Timbit has always been there for us, and Canadians, in turn, have loved it well. In fact, if laid end to end, the number of Timbits that Canadians have consumed since 1976 would reach the moon, and back almost five times. Within the span of five years, Timmies sells enough Timbits that if stacked on top of each other, they would be 80,000 times taller than the CN Tower.

But the timbit is so much more than an impressive statistic, or an unconventional unit of measurement. 

Words to live by

From the Timbits Minor Soccer we played when we were young, (or if you’re like me, sat on the field and picked at the grass while the other four-year-olds stumbled around the soccer ball), to the whole enterprise of Timbits sports, currently supporting around 200 000 young athletes in hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, football, curling and more, Canadian kids have grown up with Timbits; they are not so much a snack as they are a part of special memories. From little league game wins, to end of year classroom parties, Timbits are there for all the big moments.

Timbits and Tim Hortons by extension are absolutely an integral part of our culture; they are quintessentially Canadian. Even as Canadian troops prepared to go to war in Afghanistan, former Canadian Chief of Defence Staff General Rick Hillier was adamant that our troops have access to a Tim Hortons at Kandahar Airfield. Despite it costing at least $4 million, it was seen as a “boost to morale.” As Gen. Hillier said in a 2006 speech: “There’s nothing more Canadian than sipping a double-double in Kandahar airfield while you’re watching a hockey game.” (source)

Timbits are still a Canadian favourite, 41 years later, even spurring Buzzfeed quizzes (obviously the epitome of cultural impact) like What Flavour Of Timbit Are You, and Can You Identify These Timbit Flavours Just By Looking At Them? Timbits will always be a part of who Canada is (with even a Windsor woman nicknaming her newborn Timbit!) and it is immensely important to remember this as we wrap up celebrations of our sesquicentennial year.

Just goes to show that Canadian history can be as small as… a donut hole.


Image sources: 1/2/3/4

This post explored the years 1972-1977 of Canadian history

The Marathon of Hope


When asked to think about the most influential people in Canadian history, Terry Fox is often one of the names that come to mind. Thirty-six years later, Terry is still considered a national hero… And for good reason. Terry’s story of strength, courage, and determination is one like no other and continues to inspire countless Canadians.  

At the age of eighteen, Terry Fox was diagnosed with bone cancer in his right knee. After amputation and chemotherapy, Terry left the hospital with an artificial leg along with a newfound awareness of those who continued to struggle with cancer. During his time undergoing treatment, Terry was exposed to suffering like he had never seen before. He heard doctors tell children that they had a 15 percent chance of living in between screams of pain and grief. He witnessed young, strong bodies weaken and deteriorate through disease, and learned that only one-third of the patients survived. He was one of the lucky ones.

Terry left the cancer clinic with a burden of responsibility of helping those who were not as fortunate as he was in leaving the clinic alive. “You can’t just leave something like that and try to forget it,” Terry stated in an interview. “I had to try and do something about it.” Terry also wrote in a letter, “Somewhere the hurting must stop… and I was determined to take myself to the limit for those causes.”

Somewhere the hurting must stop.


With this determination, Terry spent the next fourteen months training with his artificial leg. Then he proceeded to tell his family that he was going to run east to west across Canada, hoping to raise $1 million for cancer research. 


On April 12, 1980, Terry dipped his artificial leg in the cold and murky waters of St. John’s harbour, and began the Marathon of Hope. With his best friend Doug Alward and brother Darrell travelling behind him in a van, Terry proceeded his journey. He did so by running 26 miles a day, the distance equivalent to a marathon.

Although many did not know about Terry in the early days of the Marathon of Hope, word of this nineteen-year-old-boy with one leg running across Canada quickly began to spread. Soon, cities across the country were waiting for his arrival to support and encourage him and he became an inspirational hero to individuals across the nation. Increasingly more money was being donated to the Marathon of Hope and Terry expanded his goal from the initial $1 million, to $22 million — one dollar for every Canadian.

As he approached the city of Thunderbay on September 1, 1980, Terry stopped and asked to be taken to the hospital. On a stretcher, he announced that cancer had spread to his lungs and he could not continue the Marathon. However, despite the excruciating pain he was enduring, Terry stated, “If there is any way to get out there again and finish it, I will.”

Terry Fox passed away on June 28, 1981. He had run 3,339 miles and raised $24.17 million, reaching Terry’s dream of raising $1 for every Canadian. 

To this day, Terry is recognized as a national hero. He is titled one of the Greatest Canadians and has several statues in his commemoration. It is individuals like Terry Fox that played a huge role in Canadian history, that shaped the country in the way it is today. Through annual Terry Fox Runs that are held across the country, and the Terry Fox Foundation that continues to raise thousands of dollars for cancer research, Terry’s story still prospers and lives within the heart of Canadians.  



Image Source 1/2/3/4

This post explored the years 1977-1982 of Canadian history

1984… A Summer of… Hallelujah?


Two great pieces of Canadian music were released in 1984: Summer of ‘69 by Bryan Adams, and Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. They sound very different and both have very different ideas but both are staples in Canadian music.

Bryan Adams is maybe the greatest Canadian rock artist after Neil Young. I suppose you can think of him as the Canadian Bruce Springsteen, just not quite as loud and bold. In 1984 Adams released his fourth studio album Reckless and on it was the track Summer of ‘69. Upon first listen this may sound like any other rock song, but if we take a closer look at the lyrics there might be something more going on here…

The song is a reflection of speaker’s younger years. He begins by expressing his introduction to music, his passion for it, and most importantly his youth and inexperience. The speaker tells us about a young love, an incredibly romanticised memory. But life doesn’t wait for anyone and our speaker realizes that the hard way. Circumstances change and what we once thought would “last forever” passes with a blink of an eye. The chorus again hammers that concept repeating the naive and innocent ideas he had when he was young.

It’s easy to pass this song off as a cheap pop-rock song but that spoils the significance of the lyrics. To me when I listen to this song it is an anthem of growing up: it has the hard and energetic sound of youth yet kindles the experience almost perfectly. It describes coming of age in almost a surreal way and this is incredibly powerful. I’ve been listening to this song since I was young and it was just a cheap pop-rock song then, but now as I’ve gotten older the words become almost frighteningly real. Don’t we all sometimes reminisce about a simpler time back then?

The second song is Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen, one of the greatest American Poets in Canadian history. If we compared Adams to Springsteen maybe we can compare Cohen to… Bob Dylan? It’s hard to compare geniuses.

If we take a listen to Hallelujah we will notice the gospel sound right away. In nearly all the versions the blend of poetry and rich instrumental serves to transport the listener to church. Church bells ring and repetitions of the word “Hallelujah” sounds almost… angelic? Hallelujah is a Hebrew phrase that means “praise ye,” often used in religious texts, the sound signature is no coincidence.

I think almost all the events in the lyrics are each a metaphor for something. There is no explicit conflict, however, a thematic element is definitely present. I interpreted this song to be singing about conflict: conflict within the self, with loved ones, and of the past. I don’t want to turn this into an analytical paper so I’ll leave the rest of the interpretation to you because surely everyone has a slightly different interpretation. Maybe the ambiguity is what makes this song great.

Just like any kind of art, music must be personally interpreted by the audience

We have explored two very iconic pieces of music written by Canadian artists. These were not the most popular songs back in the day yet they still pervade our culture today. They are both recognized as important works in music history. Although these two songs are in completely different genres and have opposite styles, they achieve the same effect: they invoke an ambiguous feeling within the listener and I think it is this quality that makes these songs great.

I compared these two artists to Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan, check these artists out because they produce phenomenal music.


Image Sources: Fi1/Fi2/3

This post explored the years 1982-1987 of Canadian history

A Canadian Woman in Space


Think of a time when you had the chance to realize a long-standing dream but the odds were stacked against you: this was the case for Canadian neurologist and astronaut, Roberta Bondar. Her childhood dream to be an astronaut was fulfilled in January 1992, where Bondar and six other members left Earth on NASA’s space shuttle Discovery. As we celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, it’s important to recall our country’s milestones — and this has deep roots in Canada’s presence on the international stage, scientific innovation, and gender representation.

This opportunity for a team of Canadian astronauts arose following the success of the famous Canadarm, which made its debut on November 13, 1981. Bondar was one of the first to answer the public call for prospective astronauts and ended up spending more than a decade preparing for this opportunity—while acutely aware of how much it meant to be a pioneering Canadian astronaut, let alone a woman. Out of the 4000 applicants, six astronauts were selected from the rigorous hiring process in 1983: Marc Garneau, Steve MacLean, Ken Money, Robert Thirsk, Bjarni Tryggvason, and Roberta Bondar.

While Garneau eventually became the first Canadian astronaut in space aboard Challenger in 1984, Bondar’s opportunity came eight years later, where she acted as a payload specialist for the Mission STS-42. With a 50-minute delay and hints of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster that occurred only six years before— where the spacecraft broke apart 73 seconds into its flight— at the back of her mind, Bondar and her team finally found solace when the Discovery found its way into Earth’s orbit. Due to her time on the Discovery from January 22-January 30, 1992Bondar became the second Canadian, the first Canadian woman, first Canadian neurologist, and first right-handed Canadian citizen in space!


With her background in neurology and research, Bondar proved to be a powerful asset on Mission STS-42, where she conducted experiments for 14 countries in the First International Microgravity Laboratory. The primary focus of these 40 experiments was studying physiological changes under microgravity; this included the effects of gravity on cartilage cell development in rodents, adaptation to weightlessness, spine elongation, and the after-effects of space travel. She would continue this line of work, analyzing the data from 24 other space missions to understand the body’s recovery from the exposure to space.

Alongside Bondar’s work as head of an international space medicine research team for a decade, her time seeing Earth from space has shaped her other career in photography. As a best-selling author of four books in landscape photography, a regular speaker at schools and in the scientific community, and the founder of The Roberta Bondar Foundation, Roberta Bondar has extended her influence on Canadians past that eight-day window floating in space.

We now know her as the first Canadian woman in space, but what is the legacy that Roberta Bondar has left for Canadians? She is a multifaceted modern renaissance woman: as a neurologist, as an author, as a photographer, as a lover of the outdoors, and as a researcher on the scientific forefront. She is an inspiration in persevering to realize her childhood dream, and most importantly, Bondar is a Canadian pioneer in space exploration and venturing the unknown.

Sources: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7

Images: 1/2/3/4/Featured

This post explored the years 1992-1997 of Canadian history

Anything’s Better Than One


Sometimes, you get comfortable with something. After a while, you want to expand your horizons, so you try new things. You work for a while, then you look back at what you’ve done, realize you’re utter trash and go back to your original thing. It’s here that I realize that I’m just bad at every form of writing, so I’ll just stick to one thing. I sometimes wonder if other people feel the same way. After all, humans are social beings. They live together. They die together. They feel together. So many human emotions and feelings stem from other people simply existing, like companionship or competitiveness, that it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without others. However, the world was not always full of people to talk to, or listen to, or simply be near. Once, the world was empty.

In the beginning, the world was a lush, verdant place. Pure, bright and untainted. Brimming clouds filled the blue sky. Soft green carpets of grass-covered rolling hills. But, even with all this natural splendor, the world felt empty. There was only one who lived in this paradise. It was named V.

V lived. It did not live sadly, but it did not live happily. It existed in a state of gentle indifference. It did very little, and it felt very little. But out of all the limited things V felt, it felt alone. The comfort of another’s touch, the sound of another’s voice. These were things V had never known.

V wandered its empty home for years on end. The world around it did not want anything to do with it, so V left the plants, and the streams, and the earth alone. It simply watched from afar. One day, of the thousands V spent in isolation, V saw something it had never seen before. It witnessed a leaf, plucked from the company of its branch, be carried away by the wind. Swirling, dancing, the leaf flew away, abducted by the breeze. Entranced, V followed it. In the hands of the wind, the leaf was dashed on the razor edge on a stone, its two halves blowing away. Seeing this V had an idea. For the first time in its life, V felt hope. Hope that its isolation would soon end.

V knew what it had to do. Over the course of its centuries of wandering, V remembered seeing something that would fulfill its goal. Other than hope, another feeling blossomed inside V: Determination. V scaled mountains, crossed plateaus, and navigated caves to reach its destination, and after a decade of constant travel, V reached its goal.

A forgotten cave, its entrance nearly sealed by fallen rocks, was set into the face of a twisted spire. V entered the gaping maw of the mountain, and walked through the darkness until it finally saw what it had been searching for; A shock of crystals, unearthed by the moving of the rock around it, sat in the center of the cave. Razor sharp shards grew out of a shining mass of the mineral. V felt anxious. V felt scared. But V knew that this was its only chance to free itself of its loneliness.

V broke off one of the shining shards and rotated it in the palm of its hand. It knew what to do. It poised itself, readied the shard in its hand, and it one swift movement, rent itself in two.

V woke up to a breathing that wasn’t its own. It sat up, next to a body that wasn’t its own. For the first time in eternity, V saw a living being that wasn’t it.

Vs new companion was named A, and the two were halves of the same whole, different, but somehow similar. They enjoyed each other’s company and wandered their world as a pair. As two, they experienced and saw the world around them as no singular being could.They saw the seasons changing, the rain falling, the snow melting, the leaves dying, the stars brightly shining. It was then, where they first felt beauty. They witnessed the flowers bloom and knew about life. They sat and watched mountains reduced to dust by the hand of time, and they knew rest. As the world shifted, and they felt more and more, the two changed. It was during their journey when they felt something that could never be felt as one. It could not be seen witnessed in the trees, or the water, or the rocks. It was then that V and A felt love.

Days passed. Years passed. Centuries came and went, and V and A learned all the working of the world. They had seen the peace, the life, the beauty that all existed in the world. They strode through the flowing streams and lush forests with an intimate familiarity and felt courage. But the more time they spent learning, the less new things there were to feel. A and V, for the first time in an always changing world, felt bored.

A was determined to find something new to feel. They scaled the highest peak they could remember in the years of their wandering, hoping to catch a glimpse of a pristine sight. With just a single slip, A felt many things it had never experienced before. First, thrilled as A plummeted down the mountain’s rocky slope. Then fear, as the ground was rapidly getting closer. Then pain. A vivid, bright, hungering pain. Then A felt for the last time. A felt death.

V knew what had happened. A person does not simply lose a part of themselves without noticing, and V followed this law. Once again, V felt loneliness. But it felt other things. It learned the touch of sadness, the dragging weight of grief. V continued with its wandering, but all the things it had come to know with A by its side, were now absent and unfamiliar. These things were replaced. Replaced by the simmering power of rage, the conflict of denial, the serenity of acceptance. The final emotion, left in V’s empty box, was hope.

V traced its steps back to a place that had not changed over the course of millennia. It entered a pitch black cave, retracing the steps that had long faded into the most obsolete edifices of its memory. It once again grasped a shining shard. But this time, it did not slice itself in two. It started at the end of its arm, with uneven rapid slices. Chunks of V fell to the ground, materializing itself into multiple, mewling beings, each with only a fraction of V’s lifespan. V’s tears taught them sadness. The touch of each other taught them, love. The world around them taught them the rest. V was content. Happy even. Happy with the knowledge that, unlike itself, humanity would never truly be alone.


Image source: 1/2/3

What To See In YYC: November 10-12, 2017


The winter season is upon us, everyone! Snow is falling, lattes are sipped, mittens are on! In Calgary, there are tons of things to do in weather like this because here, we’re used to the below zero degrees. You can look forward to these events going on in our city this weekend!

Calgary European Film Festival

Image result for calgary european film festival

What: A festival for European films!

When: All weekend long

Where: Cineplex Odeon Eau Claire Market, 200 Barclay Parade S.W.

Cost: $12 for entry, $50 for 5 movies passes, $125 for full festival pass

Warm up at the Calgary European Film Festival! There are many many movies to choose, ranging from animation to dramas to comedies. What’s so cool about this is that all the movies will be in different languages! (With English subtitles of course!) Here, you can watch Greek movies, German movies, Bulgarian movies, etc. 18 countries worth of movies will be happening right here in Calgary this weekend. Be sure to check out their website to see which movies are available!

Calgary Food Tours

Image result for calgary food tours

What: A tour of… FOOD!

When: November 11-12, 12:00-3:00

Where: Cibo, 1012 17 Ave. S.W.

Cost: $115

I think the title is convincing enough already; who doesn’t love food? On Saturdays and Sundays, 17 Ave SW hosts a food tour where you actually go on a tour of the street’s cute restaurants and sample their food. With Calgary Food Tours exclusively, you will get a chance to take a look behind the scenes at some of Calgary’s local restaurants. You can talk with the chef there and get a taste of the delicious foods 17 Ave has to offer!

Free Public Skating & Swimming

Image result for city of calgary swimming

What: Free skating and swimming at select recreation centres in Calgary

When: Nov. 11, skating is 1:00-2:30, swimming is 1:00-4:30

Where: Ernie Starr Arena, Shouldice Arena, Rose Kohn/Jimmie Condon Arena, Murray Copot Arena, Bob Bahan Aquatic & Fitness Centre, Glenmore Aquatic Centre, Sir Winston Churchill Aquatic & Recreation Centre, Thornhill Aquatic & Recreation Centre

Cost: free

Grab your friends and family for a free day of swimming and skating! At the listed arenas/aquatic centres, enjoy a day of fun, free of cost!

Click here to find out more: Free Skate Free Swim


Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Hangar Museum

What: Remembrance Day Ceremony

Where: 4629 McCall Way NE

When: Starts at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 11

Cost: admission by donation

The Hangar Flight Museum is holding a Remembrance Day ceremony for all those who want to come and pay their respects to all the fallen Canadian soldiers. This museum houses lots of different historical aviation artefacts, including those from the world wars. It would be an amazing experience to attend a Remembrance Day ceremony right beside real parts of history. The ceremony will be held outside, so be sure to dress for the weather.

Field Of Crosses: Memorial Project

Field of Crosses

What: Remembrance Day Ceremony

When: Nov. 11, 10:30 a.m.

Where: Memorial Dr. between 3rd St. NW & Centre St.

Cost: free

For 11 days, Nov. 1 through Nov. 11, 3400 crosses are placed along Memorial Drive, each representing a fallen soldier from southern Alberta. On Remembrance Day, you will get to walk through a field of crosses and get a chance to pay tribute to the real people who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It is so important that we commemorate them and make sure they are never forgotten. This heartwarming project serves to preserve awareness that our freedom did not come without a price. You can attend any of their ceremonies happening this Saturday. Help remember our soldiers. Lest we forget.

Dress warm and enjoy the weekend!

Image source: 1, 2,3


Nunavut Becomes a Territory

In 1999, the map of Canada changed once again.

On April 1, Nunavut became the third Canadian territory. Nunavut was created by separating from the Northwest Territories because the people wanted to have their own government that was more in their control. In fact, Nunavut means “our land” in Inuktitut, one of the official languages of Nunavut.

The Northwest Territories (in red) from 1912 to 1999

During the mid-20th century, the Canadian government was extending more and more control over the lives of Aboriginal peoples in the North, one of the ways they did this is by taking charge of their education. The government’s goal was to provide all children in the North with schooling by 1968. This resulted in many youths attending federally-funded residential schools or day schools with residential facilities. The rise in residential schools also coincided with the development of the Distant Early Warning line, a line of radar that could warn of approaching Soviet bombers, as there was an increase in military presence. Most of the teachers came from the Southern provinces and used the Alberta, Manitoba, or Ontario curriculum. For many students, residential school was a traumatic experience as they were separated from their families. In the 1990s, former students began to speak out about the abuse that they had endured at the residential schools. The education that they had received was irrelevant for many of them because it was not from a locally-developed curriculum.

In the late 1960s, the Canadian government transferred the responsibility for the schools to the territorial governments. Support for residential schools decreased. This was also around the time that Northern peoples became more and more politically active. Founded in 1971, the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (now the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami) became the national Inuit organization. Their mission statement is to “Serve as a national voice protecting and advancing the rights and interests of Inuit in Canada.” From 1976 to 1982, this organization led land claim negotiations to divide the Northwest Territories. The Northwest Territories Division Plebiscite was held on April 14, 1982. The division was supported by 56.6% of voters, with support in the eastern Arctic being 80%. Another plebiscite was held on May 4, 1992 with regards to the boundary line, with a slight majority supporting the proposed boundary line.

The new boundary (Nunavut is in dark grey)

In the fall of 1992, the final Nunavut land claim agreement was put to vote. With a record voter turnout, 84.7% approved the land claim. This agreement is the largest Aboriginal land claim settlement in Canada. In 1993, both the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act were passed by Parliament. During the next few years, legislation was passed and government departments were created in preparation for the implementation of the acts. On February 15, 1999, an election was held to vote in members of the legislative assembly. Paul Okalik was voted to be Nunavut’s premier. Helen Maksagak was appointed as the first Commissioner of Nunavut, a role similar to that of a provincial Lieutenant Governor. On April 1, 1999, Nunavut officially became Canada’s newest territory.

Image sources: 1/2/3

This post explored the years 1997-2002 of Canadian history

Same-Sex Marriage Is Legalized


In 2003, Ontario and British Columbia became the first two provinces to legalize same-sex marriage. Afterwards, all of Canada made same-sex marriage legal with the Civil Marriage Act on July 20th, 2005. With this act, the definitions “husband and wife” was changed to a spouse and the term natural parent to legal parent.  Marriage, though under federal jurisdiction in Canada, the provinces manage the solemnization of the ceremonies and the marriage licenses. In 2002, the Ontario Superior Court rules, for the first time in Canadian history, in favor of same-sex marriages under the law. The process of the first legalization in Ontario to the last ones in Nunavut, Alberta, Prince Edward Island and North West Territories (through the Civil Marriage Act) wasn’t an easy journey – but it was definitely worth it.

In July of 2002, the Ontario Superior Court rules – for the first time in Canadian history – in favor of same-sex marriages under the law. However, at the same time, Alberta passes a bill that bans same-sex marriage. That same year Ontario claims only federal government can decide who can marry.

In July of 2003, almost a year after Ontario, British Columbia becomes the second province to legalize same-sex marriage. In August of 2003 after an intense debate, the United Church of Canada shows their support for same-sex marriage and urges Ottawa to uphold same-sex marriage the same way as heterosexual ones. Later, in that same year, BC becomes the second province to legalize same-sex marriage.

LGTQ+ people were discriminated against all throughout history. On Canada 150 it’s important to acknowledge how Canada came to be the diverse country it is. After debates, bills, and rights Canada became the fourth country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2005.


Image sources: FI1/2

This post explored the years 2002-2007 of Canadian history

2010 Winter Olympics


I was in Grade 2 at the time. Our principal was a huge hockey fan, so he live-streamed the final parts of the final game between Canada and the USA on a projector during lunch. Now, I’ve always liked the Summer Olympics better, mainly the swimming and the tennis, but I’m not going to lie. The hockey final of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics is not something I’m going to forget. I remember the players skating across the ice. I remember the puck flying around the rink. I remember the Grade 6 kids in front of me making racist jokes and getting yelled at. But most of all, I remember Sidney Crosby’s gold medal goal at 8 minutes into overtime, the 90 some kids in the gym screaming their heads off, and Canada winning the game.

I’ll be very honest, sports have never been my forte. Badminton is arguably the sport I’m best at, and I’m still awful at it.

 However, just because I am utter garbage at every sport doesn’t mean I dislike them. I’m that guy in your school gym class who gets super excited to play baseball and always tries their best, then proceeds to strike out every time they’re up to bat. That’s still better than the guy who just never tries, I guess. I should know because I’ve been both. When I was younger, I really didn’t try during sports. I wasn’t good at them, so why would I try when my 100% is equal to the other kid’s 70%? However, when I was younger and still a bit right now, I also was extremely impressionable. I saw those “People Are Awesome” videos and I wanted to be like them. I heard an amazing song and I wanted to play it on the piano (It’s called Flower Dance by DJ Okawari. You’re a cool person if you know it.). You read a blog post on a site called “Youth Are Awesome” that was so good that you decided to read the other posts and eventually chose to become a YAA blogger.  So back then, when I saw the Olympic athletes playing at a level 17.34 times higher than I would ever reach, I naturally wanted to be like them. I began to actually try when playing sports.  Nowadays, I’ve long given up on being an Olympics athlete, but I still make sure to put in that extra effort while playing sports, and I try to do my best at most things, even when I’m awful at them. Writing blog posts is a great example of this.

Just imagine this three times in a row. That about sums me up.

The 2010 Winter Olympics didn’t only affect me. It shook Canada as a whole. That year, Canada broke the record for most gold medals won by a hosting country; 14. All over the country interest in sports and Canadian culture drastically rose. Everyone, from PEI to BC, was proud of Canada, even the kids in my school who didn’t like sports at all were talking about the Olympics. Other reported benefits across Canada were the increased involvement of minorities along with a larger sense of recognition for disabilities. While a lot of good things happened elsewhere, the biggest changes were where the Olympics actually were hosted: British Colombia. British Columbia’s economy grew with new businesses and 45,000 new jobs appearing, along 226 million dollar increase in tourist spending, all of which were attributed to the Winter Olympics. People speculate the net gain from the games alone was 2.3 billion dollars. That’s enough money to supply the annual salaries of approximately 64,000 Canadians.


The Olympics may be a source of pride for all athletes from across the globe, but the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics were more than that for Canada. They were a symbol of success for us, and I hope that the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics go just as well.


Sources:  1/2

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This post explored the years 2007-2012 of Canadian history

An Overview of What Went Down This Year


Ah, 2017, exactly 150 years after Canada first started its confederation. There were many ways to celebrate Canada’s 150 Anniversary throughout the country (like free park passes, the travelling red couch, toonie design contest…), here are them broken down into regional events.


Alberta had the Community Initiatives Program’s (CIP) Alberta Canada 150 stream which provided $2 million to support projects that align with the four themes for the federal Canada 150 approach:

  • Diversity and inclusion, and the building of common interests and relationships;
  • Supporting efforts toward reconciliation of indigenous and non-indigenous Canadians;
  • Engaging and inspiring youth to carry forward the legacy of Canada 150; and
  • Connecting Canadians with nature and raising environmental stewardship to the level of national consciousness

The CIP provided countless opportunities to create lasting memories of Canada’s 150 Anniversary, including this series by YAA bloggers. Additionally, in the great land of national parks, free park passes were given out to anyone who wanted them. Free access to parks like Banff, Jasper and more, was a great way to get out of the city and enjoy the beautiful nature that surrounds us here in Calgary!

The celebrations are still on-going for Canada 150 in Alberta. There is a Points of View: National Human Rights Photography Exhibition which will feature over 70 photographs submitted by Canadians. The photography exhibition is meant to ignite a conversation about human rights as they pertain to Canadians. This a free show and it opens on November 14, 2017, and will close on November 19, 2017.

British Columbia

British Columbia established a funding program “to celebrate B.C. communities and their contribution to Canada,” with $7.6 million invested in more than 220 projects throughout 150 communities. The funding went to museums and heritage sites throughout the province.

The city of Vancouver refers to the anniversary celebrations as Canada 150+, to recognize Indigenous peoples in Canada who lived in Canada before the confederation. The city’s celebrations included the Drum are Calling FestivalGathering of the Canoes, and Walk for Reconciliation. Vancouver is situated on the territories of the Musqueam Nation, Squamish Nation, and Tsleil-Waututh Nation. These three nations provided permission for Vancouver to celebrate the Canada 150+ events.

Newfoundland and Labrador

The Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Garden updated their exhibits and made them bilingual. These changes were put to celebrate the unity of Canada 150.

In honour of Nova Scotian Joshua Slocum (the first person to sail around the globe in the late 1890s), project coastline got two youth groups to build canoes named 1867 and 2017 to sail along Canada’s eastern coastline.

A chair rescued from the side of the road dubbed the “Canada 150 chair” (believed by artisans to be made the same year as confederation) is now being passed around to people and important landmarks, so residents can take a picture of it, and sit on it to tell everyone why they love Canada.


Niagara Falls officially launched its Canada 150 activities at a flag raising ceremony on January 27, 2017.

Many other events are planned for Ottawa 2017. Including many cultural and food events, the 2017 Canadian Video Games Awards, and other sporting events including the Canadian Olympic Curling Trials, and the Canadian Track and Field Championships.

Toronto’s iconic 3D Toronto sign was fitted with a large illuminated 3D structure of a maple leaf prior to 2017 at the end of the sign.

Hundreds of musicians are expected to perform together in Toronto to set a Guinness world record for the largest rock performance, by playing four as-yet-unannounced Canadian rock classics. Organizers of Canada Rocks 150 hope to attract 1,500 musicians.

Dubbed the Great Canadian Flag Project, Windsor, Ontario is erecting a 150-foot (45.7-meter) flagpole to fly 60 feet by 30 feet (18 meters by nine meters) Canadian flag.


Canada 150 in Quebec coincides with celebrations marking the 375th anniversary of Montreal, where notable projects include decorative lights for the Jacques Cartier Bridge and a new headquarters for the National Film Board of Canada in the Quartier des spectacles.

*These events I mentioned are mostly big ones, most of the provinces just encouraged local or backyard celebrations instead of large-scale ones.


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Image sources: 1/2/3/4

This post explored the years 2012-2017 of Canadian history

Do Guns Really Influence Violence Rate?


With the recent number of mass shootings that unfolded in the United States, I thought I’d compile some info and provide a basis for considering political perspectives on gun policy. That being said, I’d like to offer my condolences to those affected by these atrocities.

The US occupies 82% of all gun deaths worldwide.

Number of guns for every 100 people, by country (2014)

It’s clear from this chart that American civilians possess a huge quantity of guns – 1.01 guns per every person, and about 42% of all guns found in the world, while representing only 4.43% of the total populace. (Some context to consider is that the US is one of the only countries in the world permitting unregulated and unlicensed ownership – you just have to be 18 to buy a shotgun or rifle, or 21 for all other firearm types.)


Discussions about gun policies are usually spurred by events such as the Mandalay Bay and Texas church shootings, but mass shootings make up just a fraction of the total firearm victims. And the usual focus when these talks do happen is to regulate military-style rifles, even though 70% of murder from guns were due to handguns. Many argue that restricting gun laws won’t bring this down, and only undermines the ability of citizens to defend themselves, because criminals get their hands on guns regardless of legislation – like in the Paris terrorist attacks.

Gun-related homicides by country (2014)

There is some support behind this argument. If you look at this chart, the US is 20th in the list of gun-related homicides, with its total homicide rate per unit population below the world average. It’s likely that even with heavy gun regulation, the homicide rate wouldn’t change significantly.

But there’s the danger of assuming that’s all there is to it: the US possesses 82% of all the gun deaths worldwide (study). So although American instances of homicides are lower, more fatalities occur in each case. A probable reason is that criminals would be armed better, and with lethal intent, knowing that their targets would have firearms of their own.

A common argument for less gun regulation is the attribution of shootings to the mentally ill; however, a 2010 study found that only 3-5% of violent crimes were due to “serious mental illnesses” – and most didn’t even involve guns. Looking at statistics is always important when it comes to objectively assessing rationale.

As with any controversial topic, there is no straightforward approach to resolving the gun control issue. Real stats supplied by non-partisan organizations are difficult to come by, and media tends to exaggerate and mislead. The best way to reach a conclusion is to think for yourself.

Source: 1/2/3/4

Images: 1/2/3


An Open Letter To My Long Distance Best Friend


To My Best Friend,

To be upfront, I doubted whether our friendship would ever last, but in the year and a half that I’ve known you, I know now that time has no correlation with the strength of a bond. I may have only met you a year and a half ago, but I feel a deep connection to you that can’t be replicated.

So thanks for being you. Thank you for all the times you listened to me. Whether it was during my first heartbreak or during one of many meltdowns over the stress of school, you were always there. Let it be known that your unwavering patience and love has been the greatest gift you’ve ever given me.

I’ve been betrayed and hurt time after time by those that I love and hold dearly to my heart, leaving me sick to my stomach. But you’ve never crossed me in such a way. I’ve told you things I’ve never told anyone before, and you continue to accept me as I am with no prejudice or discrimination. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know that there is somebody I can rely on without fear of judgement. And I hope you know that I’d do the same for you.

Thank you for staying on the phone with me late into the night. Our late night phone calls at the expense of my sleep are some of my favorite memories shared with you. You often listen to me protesting the idea of staying awake to talk to you when the clock strikes two o’clock in the morning, but I think you’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all in jest and that you are worth a few lost hours of sleep.

Thank you for listening to me obsess over my favorite musicians, and even obsessing WITH me sometimes. I’ve always longed for a friend with whom I could share my affinity for indie music with, so I’m pretty convinced that we were destined to be best friends… Even if your taste in music catches me off guard at times.

And thank you for being patient with me. I haven’t been a great friend in the past as a result of my desire to be alone sometimes, which is unfair to you. I’ve learned that communication is key, and I regret the months I took you for granted. So thank you for making me think. Not just about myself, but others. I think sometimes you have to rebel to truly find yourself, but if I’ve learned anything from this friendship, it’s that maybe you don’t need to rebel, but instead have a really good friend.

It’s funny how accurate the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” is, as that’s the exact sentiment I keep revisiting in the time since I’ve last seen you. A year and a half may have gone by since I met you, but I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. I’m so proud of who you are and who you’re going to become. I’m also immensely grateful to have been around to see you grow as a person and I am so excited for the next time I get to see your stupid face. You are a blessing and I can’t believe you tolerate me, but thank god, because I can’t imagine not being your friend.


Love, Your BFF

Featured x

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YVC summit 2017!


It started 30 years ago, June 1987, with a fresh graduate from William’s college, and 90 kids from all walks of life, a summer service program for Kansas youth. That day, Youth Volunteer Corps embarked on a mission to provide youth with opportunities to volunteer, not only addressing issues within their communities, but inspiring a lifetime ethic of service. They’ve come quite some way since then. With over 300,000 youth engaged, and 34 locations across Canada and the United States, Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) has transformed lives all over North America, mine included.

Wow! What a snazzy group of volunteers! (taken from my camera roll)

It was two years ago when I started my journey with YVC; A tiny, timid child, fresh out of elementary school, showing up to a project on the other side of the city, surrounded by grade 12 students. In any other situation, being in the vicinity of anyone that tall, frankly, would have sent me running in panic. But from the very first project, despite the extremely tall volunteers, and the 32 mosquito bites I received in the span of two hours (yes, I did count), Youth Volunteer Corps, and Youth Central, its host organization, felt like a family. 2 years, 700 volunteer hours, and a sizeable stack of volunteer shirts later, YVC has given me so many opportunities, lead me to meet so many incredible youth, and brought me quite a few places, most recently, Kansas City, Missouri (still don’t quite understand American geography?), for YVC summit 2017.

Yes, for Youth Volunteer Corps 30th anniversary, their annual summit was held in Kansas City, where it all began. And Youth Central was so lucky to receive enough funding to send two of our volunteers (myself included!) from the YVC program to attend, along with a super cool Youth Central chaperone!

What kind of nerd travels to the US, and hits up the jazz museums first? This one. (photo taken from my personal camera roll)

Our journey to summit started bright and early, Thursday morning, 4:30 AM at the airport. Now I had admittedly pulled what was essentially an all nighter, so I was a tad bit exhausted from band concert, to last minute packing, to being at the airport nauseatingly early, but nevertheless, I was extremely excited for my first (of, hopefully many) YVC summit(s). From Calgary to Salt Lake City, and then to Kansas City, it was a grueling day of TSA checks, and layovers, but so worth it. Our first day, from watching the sun rise over SLC, to touching down in briefly-warmer-than-Calgary-but-not-for-long Kansas City, to visiting the American Jazz Museum (!!!), and watching a Kansas City jazz band perform, to gorging ourselves on ribs at the legendary Kansas City barbeque, Arthur Bryant’s (Obama ate at this barbeque!), I felt so immersed in the culture, and I was falling for this city before the actual summit even started.

Needless to say, the summit was everything I could have imagined, and so much more. Held in the beautiful Kauffman Conference Center, it was two amazing days of speeches, activities, and workshops, with a mass service project, and a beautiful dinner/awards ceremony to end it off. I met so many inspiring, committed youth and gained many valuable lessons. I really wish I could write about every single person I met, and every new experience I came across, but I’m not sure there are enough words to do it justice. So as per my usual debater structure, here are three things I learned from YVC summit 2017:

a) “Murica” is not as scary as I had built up in my head.

It’s been a while since I’ve stepped foot in the states, and if I’m being totally honest, I wasn’t exactly thrilled about being back for the first time since… certain political changes. Especially with Missouri being considered Midwestern/Southern, and a generally red state, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect in terms of what their attitude towards us technical “foreigners” would be. And frankly, being some weird Chinese kid from Canada probably did not help me blend in; I didn’t dare try to emulate their ever-so-slight Southern drawl, and as it turns out, being in Kansas really brought out the “eh” in all of us Canadians, so a camouflage plan wasn’t exactly a viable one. But it took us about 2 hours within landing to quickly dispel that fear. In fact, one of the first things we remarked about Kansas was how incredibly nice everyone was. It was almost unsettling? Because we came in on our high horse, thinking Canada was the nicest place in the world, and that no one could top us, but somehow, Kansas did. From the doting receptionist at the Country Club Plaza visitor centre, to our Uber driver turned unwitting Kansas historian, to the charming Miles Davis look alike who greeted us at the American Jazz Museum, Kansas was a city that made me feel immediately at home, it just felt like was such a loving, and accepting community, and I was enraptured by everyone I met.

Your favourite Calgary youth delegates representing! (taken from my camera roll)

Funnily enough, being one of two Canadian locations at the summit (fun fact: Youth Central was the first organization in Canada to house the YVC program, making Calgary the first Canadian affiliate, and up until the establishment of YVC Terrace, was the only Canadian location), us Canadians became almost a novelty amongst the American affiliates. It was a weekend of being constantly queried about Canadian stereotypes, from our free healthcare, to our fanatical love of Tim Hortons, hockey, and maple syrup, to our relentless winters, to our “president with the wooshy hair”, and basically being an ambassador to everything Canadian. We definitely felt very special, and as it turns out, I had nothing to be afraid of, being the only 2 Canadian volunteer delegates amongst all the Americans. We even had a few kids from the YVC of Greater Philadelphia ask us to autograph our group photo before we left. So while my original fear was that America was going to swallow us whole, we ended up almost being Canadian celebrities!

b) YVC Calgary is incredibly lucky to be able to function the way it does, but there’s always more that we can do.

The most interesting part, by far, about attending summit, was interacting with all the other YVC affiliates, and seeing just how much their programs differ from Calgary’s. Apart from being one of two Canadian locations, and having one of the biggest programs within Youth Volunteer Corps, we function drastically differently from a majority of the other affiliates I was fortunate enough to work with over the course of the weekend. It was absolutely fascinating to learn about how the YVC programs that preside in smaller towns literally create their own volunteer opportunities to address community issues, and that almost all volunteers are involved in this planning process. Being such a large program, the YVC Calgary doesn’t need to create its own projects in order to have projects; we have agencies contacting us, requesting volunteers, and having all volunteers implicated in the planning process would be nearly impossible with a program of our caliber. Nonetheless, the projects that they had planned were exceptionally carried out, and had impacts that are definitely different from those of our YVC program’s projects. I had never previously realized all the work that goes into creating, and coordinating a project from scratch, and I definitely look forward to hopefully incorporating some of these new types of projects with distinctive impacts into our program.

All of the amazing youth at summit who received a 100 in 1 award, presented to those who dedicated 100 hours or more of service to their community within the span of one year. Can you spot your two Calgary delegates? Courtesy of the YVC Facebook Page

It also stunned me how advanced Calgary’s YVC program is, in comparison to some smaller affiliates. While we were at summit, there was a lot of talk about YDAT (YVC Database), a new, uniform database to make signing up for projects, and tracking hours easier for affiliates. Our YVC program has had a fairly developed database for years now, but as it turns out, for certain locations, volunteers would have to physically sign up at the local headquarters, and hours were tracked manually, as in, by hand. It really helped put into perspective how advanced our program is, and I’m so proud to be a part of such an exceptional affiliate. In fact, while presenting the certificates for the 100 in 1 award, Youth Central had to take home several envelopes with certificates, on account of how expansive our program is!

c) There is absolutely no place I’d rather be than with my amazing YVC family

At the end of the day, YVC summit really reminded me of why I love volunteering so much, and why I am so proud to be part of this amazing group of youth. YVC summit was no doubt one of the most valuable experiences I have ever been lucky enough to participate in, one that cannot be quantified within a single blog post, and it was astounding to meet all the extraordinary youth changing the world in their respects. If I thought the volunteers I met in Calgary were intimidatingly impressive, the youth I met at the summit were jaw-droppingly accomplished. I am so incredibly grateful to have attended, to have been able to partake in all the unique experiences, and to have brought back with me the everlasting friendships, and memories I created there. Youth Volunteer Corps is about more than building houses, it’s about building families, and bonds, and that’s something that I really felt that weekend. This program brought me to Kansas City, it brought me up to be who I am. So there’s only one question left. Where to next?

One of my favourite moments from the weekend, meeting the totally rad mayor of Kansas City, Mayor Sly James (taken from my camera roll)

(featured image courtesy of the Youth Volunteer Corps Facebook page)

The Benefits of Participating in Model United Nations


One of my most favorite extra-curricular activities in Calgary is attending Model United Nations (MUN) conferences. Usually occurring over the course of two days, these events are held by various high schools across the city, draw hundreds of student participants, and are a great way to develop your public speaking skills and knowledge of international relations.

That previous sentence may have scared you. Public speaking? International relations? Doesn’t that make Model UN sound like one of the most stressful and (potentially) boring experiences on the planet? Well, I would admit that the activity isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. However, if arguing over topics like addressing the nuclear threat of North Korea, combating terror in the Middle East, or solving the HIV/AIDS epidemic at all interests you, I guarantee that you will find a MUN conference extremely enjoyable.

You do need at least a slight bit of interest in politics to fully enjoy the experience, however there is absolutely no requirement to be an expert in whatever issue. After all, the rest of the room will be other high school kids, just like you. I also strongly hold the belief that you should never “knock it before you try it”. In Grade 10, I wasn’t really sure if I would like participating in MUN, and the thought of public speaking honestly made me pretty nervous. However, after attending my first conference, I immediately knew that I had found an activity that was truly special. I’ve compiled some of my favorite things about MUN into this post, and I hope that after reading it, you could maybe give Model UN a shot.

1. Develop Your Public Speaking Skills

We’ve all been in the situation before of needing to give a speech, presentation, or interview. It could have been for English class, or even a job application at your local grocery store. Regardless of when we needed it, I think we can all agree that being good at public speaking would be extremely useful. The only problem is that in order to get better, you need to practice. And what if practicing terrifies you? Public speaking often ranks as one of the most common fears that humans share. How can you improve yourself if the thought of attempting to do so petrifies you?

That’s where Model UN comes in. If you really do have a desire to improve your public speaking skills, there is almost no better place to do it. Every conference is a completely judgement-free zone; everyone respects and recognizes the desire of everyone else to learn. Sure, there will be well-practiced delegates who have spoken publicly perhaps for all their lives, but at the same time the majority of the room will be people who may not be as comfortable giving a speech.

That’s why the environment is great to practice your public speaking. It is a safe environment for you to give your best shot, and you learn to further develop your feeling of self-confidence and overcome your fear of speaking. The satisfaction that you feel from having contributed is also amazing. If you are unhappy with your ability to speak in public right now, I promise that if you put your best foot forward in a Model UN conference, by the end of the process you will feel easily a thousand times better.


2. Learn to Convince People

The United Nations is an international body focused on compromise and collaboration. As a delegate, you are tasked with best representing your nation’s interests, and that often means engaging in discussion with other countries to reach an agreeable outcome for everyone. To make something clear, the speaking in Model UN is far from only giving speeches! Even if you aren’t the most comfortable with speaking to an open audience, in parts of committee called “unmoderated caucus”, the entire room is able to get up from their chairs, mingle, and discuss the issue at hand.

This is where you really learn to make good arguments. People are going to disagree with you. Delegates who represent countries that are allied with yours may have your back. Together, you will debate issues, brainstorm solutions, and come to a compromise on contentious issues. A large part of Model UN is convincing people to follow a course of action in your nation’s best interests, but after the conference you will see this skill applied to so many other aspects of life as well.

Wouldn’t you like to be able to better convince your parents to get you something you want? How about an interviewer to give you a job or position? Persuasiveness is an extremely valuable skill to possess, and Model UN is a great way to develop it. I can also vouch for the fact that these skills will also help you once it comes to personal bonding and cooperation skills once you do land a job, or find a relationship – personal or professional – that you value.


3. Learn More About International Politics/Relations

When it comes to information, we live in an age where we are practically overloaded. Go to CNN or CBC News and you can find articles on dozens, if not hundreds of happenings all over the world. How are you supposed to digest it? After all, practically no-one would find multiple hours of just reading the news particularly interesting.

But the beauty of Model UN is that it draws to attention some of the more important issues affecting the world. When a conference releases the topics that each committee will discuss, you know that your scope of reading the news and doing research is narrower. You can find more specific details, likely be a lot more open to learning, and in the process probably end up learning a lot more as well. Rather than being required to know “everything going on in the Middle East”, perhaps your topic would be narrowed to “illegal arms trade in the Middle East”. There is a significantly noticeable difference in the relative levels of knowledge required to talk about the former as opposed to the latter.

However, if the idea of research scares you, don’t worry! MUN is a lot less demanding than you think in terms of what you need to know. I already mentioned that you don’t need to be an expert on any given topic, but beyond even that, the conferences are set up in a way that is meant to be particularly open and accessible for delegates with minimum-level background knowledge. Most of the interesting things that are said come up in committee, rather than from research. The great thing, though, is that you still learn a lot just based on the synthesis of knowledge of every delegate in the room contributing their own knowledge, facts, and views on a topic. Knowing more about international relations could come in very handy for Social Studies, no?


4. Meet New People, and Just Have Fun!

My personal favorite part of Model UN conferences has to be the friends you make and the connections you form. While discussing issues of global relevance you will hear separate perspectives and work with practical strangers. However, usually by the end of the conference these “strangers” have evolved to become great friends!

The MUN community of Calgary is extremely close-knit, yet always extremely open to finding more interested students. You also don’t only connect with high school peers – coaches from across Calgary love to talk about MUN as well! The more you expand your own network, the more people you have to reach out to for help in the future with developing your professional career. Need a reference? Your MUN friend started a student organization and wants you on the team? All of these are potential benefits to be found.

And don’t forget that making new friends also makes things a lot more fun. After attending your first conference, you have people to stay in contact with, hang out with, and work with again at the next conference! While in committee itself, you can collaborate on creating solutions to issues that you can all be proud of. And if you do particularly well, you can also cheer each other on if you win awards by the end of the conference!


Hopefully these benefits can make you consider trying out Model UN. Most high schools in Calgary already have a club that you can join, but if your school does not, it’s just as easy to go to the office and consider starting one! Some popular annual city-wide conferences are the Sir Winston Churchill MUN conference in October, the Westmount Charter School MUN conference in December, the University of Calgary MUN conference in February, and Western Canada High School MUN conference in April! As well, there are often national and international experiences offered within the MUN community, with conferences in cities like Montreal and New York that attract delegates from all over the world.

Finally, another great opportunity if you are interested in getting started with MUN is to attend the Objective Resolution Calgary learning conference which will be held in early 2018, and focuses on curating a fantastic beginner-level MUN experience! For more details, stay tuned to, and you can also follow the Facebook page!


I sincerely hope you give MUN a shot. I promise you won’t regret it.


Image Sources:

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