How To Be A Better Night Owl


You read that correctly… I want to explain my tips and tricks for being a good night owl and how I optimize the later hours of the evening.


For many years  I have felt pressured to be an early riser and I can definitely see the validity in waking up early and going to sleep at a reasonable time, however since I was never able to conform to that kind of lifestyle I knew I would have to get better at being a late sleeper – late riser.

My Night Owl Tips:

  1. Don’t stay up late if you can’t sleep in:

I work the best in the evening, it is my most productive time but I would not be able to function the next day if I didn’t balance out that time by sleeping in. I use a website called sleep calculator that tells me the best time to wake up the next day. Also, I don’t take much time to get ready in the morning because my appearance is pretty low maintenance. I can comfortably go to sleep between 12-2 AM and wake up between 7-8:3o feeling refreshed enough.

If your iPhone is updated it will also have an application built into clock!!



      2. Refrain from caffeine at least 4/5 hours before bed:

This rule can be impossible to follow but seriously caffeine at night time will only amplify how tired you are. It will make you jittery and unfocused which means it’s better to just work through the last hours of the energy you have – not replace it. I find having a cup of coffee at 8 gives me a boost of energy to get my work done.



        3. Making the morning easier:

After a long night, I find it difficult to wake up to an abrupt alarm. The app sleep cycle has helped wake me up at my lightest sleep level by monitoring me throughout the night. This just makes the morning easier and I feel better than if I was woken by one alarm. You can adjust a ton of stuff on the app like wake-up period, sounds and it also connects with the health app.




        4. Never do homework or watch tv in bed:

I have learned the hard way that watching Netflix in bed is bad. Being in bed indicates sleep which means if you start doing work there as well your brain will be confused on which path its on. It’s best to have a designated study/work station like a desk and stick to it that way once you decide to go to sleep it will feel natural and distraction free!


If you have the ability to be a morning person DO IT!! I can’t stress enough just how much I wish I could go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up like a little productive nugget! But if you feel nighttime is more productive for you then incorporate some of these tips:)

A little AsapSCIENCE comparison video for your viewing pleasure!