Eating Healthier Begins Here-Mango Salsa


Ate too much candy and/or turkey during the holiday season? Want to make your new year resolution of losing weight come true? No Problem! This mango Salsa is light and simple, yet it is a powerful tool to help you shed a few pounds by not eating moderately (not that you should eat moderately during Christmas haha) because of its high fibre, high vitamin-C but low calories and low fat. The ingredients are pretty flexible, but for the result in the picture, you will need:

  • 6 baby cucumbers
  • a box of grape tomatoes (you can also use the big ones, just make sure they are not very ripe yet)
  • 1-2 big mangoes (use the ones that are still kind of green-ish, not very ripe, for the refreshing crispiness)
  • 5-10 leaves of lemon basil (depends on your taste)
  • 1-2 bundles of cilantro (depends on your taste)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic (or more, depends on your taste)
  • one shallot (optional)
  • 1/2-1 cup of pineapple (optional, if you like it to be more fruity)
  • salt & pepper
  • white-wine vinegar
  • olive oil
  • 1/2-1 lemon.


1. Wash all the fruits and veggies. Cut baby cucumbers into 1cm cubes, marinate with salt to get some water out of them.

2. Cut the tomatoes into 1cm cubes. Peel and cut the mangoes into smaller cubes. If you have pineapple, cube them, too.

3. Drain and rinse the cucumber cubes thoroughly.

4. Mince the garlic cloves. Chop the cilantro and basil very finely. If you have a shallot, cut it into the smallest cubes possible.

5. Dump everything into a bowl. Add salt, pepper, white-wine vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice to taste. (Hint: add by tiny pinches as this is a very light dish)


And now you have a colorful and tasty treat to wash away the grease in your tummy! Enjoy your salsa and good luck!=))


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