Lifestyle: How diet and fitness can affect your life



I have been thinking a lot lately. I found out that I wanted to create better habits.

First of all, I hardly exercise. Secondly, I tend to consume processed foods when I am hungry – horrible idea! I believe it’s time for a change. I know a friend who has been creating a better lifestyle for himself. He gave many helpful tips and inspiration that I want to share with you. I have also asked him a couple of questions about his lifestyle, before and after and physically and mentally.

His daily routine looks something like this:

  1. Wake-up
  2. Eat a healthy and nutritional breakfast which may consist of fruits and bread. He consumes a light breakfast to prepare him for a workout.
  3. Do a work-out. Depending on certain days, this may be full of cardio exercises or strength training.
  4. Eat a small post-workout meal that includes protein because the muscles need something to feed off of.
  5. Every 3-4 hours, he will eat small portioned meals to fuel him with energy throughout the day.
  6. Eat a nutrient packed lunch and dinner.
  7. Sleep with satisfaction.


My friend believes in eating clean. That means consuming little to no junk and processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. He enjoys eating nutritional foods full of vitamins and health benefits. For him, exercise is not about losing weight, but rather to have better stamina, strength and endurance.

Before this lifestyle, he had low self-confidence. He tells himself, “You suck”, “You won’t ever have confidence”. It didn’t feel good. He soon found inspiration from a YouTuber, Scooby1961. It’s amazing what inspiration can do. It transformed my friend’s life.

However, after adapting a healthier lifestyle, those negative thoughts melted away. He felt less stressed, became more social and happier, walked with a better posture and had sky rocketing self-esteem. Everything felt better. He liked the way his reflection looked. It increased respect for himself. Improvement is a rewarding feeling. Instead of hiding in a turtle shell, afraid to be looked down upon, he learned to expose himself to the world due to a better diet and exercise.

It gave him strength he thought he never would have. It gave him self-esteem and respect for himself. And, lastly and most importantly, his happiness level increased. He can definitely live a healthy 100 and more years of life! He gave a tip that I found to be absolutely helpful. He told me to imagine myself 20 years from now with my current lifestyle. I did, and I saw an unwanted life. I say myself being a couch potato stuffing processed foods into my mouth. It made me realize that it was time for something different, something better because I deserve better.



Like he says, “Burn like an angel”. You are going to be amazed at what a healthier and active lifestyle can bring you. I’m excited for my unhealthy and low self-esteem phase of my life to end. I’m welcoming this lifestyle with open arms. Let’s be active and eat nutritious foods together!