Food Truck Review: The Perogy Boyz


So you’ve probably heard about the Food Truck pilot project, which started in the summer of 2011. A fleet of food trucks have been driving around, bringing gourmet treats to Calgarians across the city. The fantastic part is that the food trucks are mobile and change their locations every day, making this new part of Calgary culture accessible to all.  It’s easy to see how passion and innovation has lead YYCFoodTrucks to become a municipal success.

I had the privilege of reviewing The Perogy Boyz, serving Eastern European street-food.

Here’s a copy of their tasty menu from their website:


  • Traditional – potato, cottage cheese
  • Sauerkraut – potato, onion, sauerkraut
  • Mexicali – ground beef, chili aioli, tomato ‘tartar’, green onion, cheddar cheese
  • Duck – ground duck, saskatoon berry, chive ponzu
  • Carrot Cake – dessert perogy with raisin, carrot, cream cheese, cinnamon-carmel, icing sugar


  • Kielbasa – traditional pork
  • Tijuana Baba – pork, jalapeño, cheddar
  • Knackwurst – smoked veal, pork
  • Sunday Dinner – beef, red wine & rosemary topped with bacon gravy
  • Cabbage Roll – beef, sauerkraut, rice, marinara sauce
  • Beets, cabbage, dill, creme fraiche
*Now offering soup of the day for our comrades.

Dish #1: Duck Perogies – ground duck, saskatoon berry, chive ponzu

Duck meat usually has a reputation for being a tough meat to chew, but these perogies contained the tenderest, softest duck meat I’ve ever eaten. The shells were just the right texture and had that fresh home-cooked feel to them. If you’re curious what chive ponzu is, it’s a citric Japanese soy sauce. The Ponzu was sharp and full of a flavour that complimented the duck meat quite well.
Dish #2: Mexicali – ground beef, chili aioli, tomato ‘tartar’, green onion, cheddar cheese

The messy looking dish does no justice to its incredible taste. Mexico meets Europe as this dish features all the fixtures of a taco, with fresh beef-filled perogies. This interesting  clash of cultures turned out not to be a choice to regret as letus, grated cheese, tomatoes and sour cream and wonderful editions to classic cheesy treat.


The Perogy Boyz have done an excellent job of putting several interesting twists on such a traditional dish. My only complaint would be that the helpings are quite small compared to the price of the perogies, but more punch packed in each bite I suppose! Also, by no fault of this excellent food truck, the wait for the food was extremely long. In fact, this is a compliment to the Perogy Boyz, whose increasing popularity is taking Calgary by the storm.

Be sure to check out their Facebook page or Twitter @PerogyBoyz.