Astrological Phenomenon Explained: Mercury Retrograde




For two weeks now, my life has been off-kilter. Whether it be physically, emotionally or mentally, everything feels weird. As much as I’ve tried to brush it off, there seems to be no way around it. So if you’ve been feeling off recently or something/someone is giving you a hard time, you’re not alone! We both may be going through the pre-effects of a 3-week event astrologists call the Mercury Retrograde.

For anyone already familiar with this topic, it’s known that people handle this period of time optimistically, pessimistically, and even nonchalantly. For those even more confused now than back before they read this post, it’s totally okay because that is exactly what Mercury Retrograde does. It’s a time of confusion and delays, but also for readiness and positivity. Your time spent now is a time for exposure to the highs and lows of the retrograde, and preparation for the next time life is not going according to plan.


Three to four times a year, the planet Mercury passes the Earth during its orbit. During these elliptical orbits, Mercury slows down and appears to stop (station), and then move backwards (retrograde). Be aware that Mercury isn’t REALLY slowing down or moving backwards, but instead is an optical illusion of when the planet is racing along the farther side of the sun rather than on our side. To give more perspective, take a look at the gif below. Depending on where you’re looking, it seems like the train is either moving towards or away from the tunnel:

The stationary and retrograde periods cause miscommunication between people, technology problems, and travel delays as Mercury rules these aspects. In addition, depending on which of the twelve astrological signs Mercury is in during its annual retrogrades, there may be further problems for those 3-4 signs.

For 2015, specifically, Mercury Retrograde will happen in the Air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra:

☿ January 21 – February 11, 2015 in Aquarius

**May 18 – June 11, 2015 in Gemini**

☿ September 17 – October 9, 2015 in Libra

Although the retrograde technically lasts until Mercury is moving forward (direct) again, there are periods before and after the retrograde we have to be aware of. For this reason, Mercury Retrograde can be divided into phases:


  1. Pre-shadow phase: for May & June’s retrograde, the dates highlighted in blue represent Mercury entering the region where it will later go backwards. This phase is when things start to become off-kilter. As for the dates in violet, this is when this phase is intensified. People will often make incorrect assumptions or pay less attention to detail in their work & relationships that will later be accentuated once the retrograde begins.
  2. Retrograde Station: the two dates highlighted in bold red are when Mercury appears to have slowed down and will begin to move backwards. The dates in the two shades of pink are when the retrograde intensifies. Here, we will really start to feel the effects of previous actions. As we are currently in retrograde in Gemini, a sign known for its spontaneity, natural curiosity, and interaction with others through interesting facts and ideas, there will be greater sensitivity to the aspects of communication, traveling, and scheduling. Blunders such as pressing “Reply to All” to private emails, broadcasting too much information, getting stuck in traffic or missing deadlines could happen. However, this also means productivity for anyone with a message to broadcast such as journalists, educators, salespeople, and, of course, bloggers! Revamping of old ideas or having a flourish of new ones are prominent in this period. To see how the retrograde affects the other signs, click here and scroll until you see “Mercury Retrograde and the Sun Signs“!
  3. Direct Station: the date in dark brown signifies the end of the retrograde station when Mercury appears to have stopped moving backwards and is about to move in the same direction as the Earth around the sun. This is when the consequences of our actions, both good and bad, are revealed to us.
  4. Post-shadow phase intensified: the dates in light brown are when Mercury is moving forward again, but at a slow pace. The receding effects are more intense here than in the dates highlighted in grey, which symbolize the official end of this astrological event and the mishaps it could have brought upon us. Consequences are made apparent here and could also be used as a time of reflection.

Shown on the right side of the diagram below from a previous retrograde, the blue lines represent the DIRECT phases, the green and yellow for the PRE and POST SHADOW phases, and the red for when Mercury is in RETROGRADE.



While some people may decide to accept whatever is coming, there are others who like to use this time as a reflection of what they can do in times of adversity. We may not be able to control the galaxy, but we sure can control how much we let it affect us! Here are tips to bring a positive light to the retrograde:

  1. Review tests, emails, and documents before sending/signing/handing them in! Check for any loopholes or mistakes that could cause you trouble in the future.
  2. Leave for flights and special occasions early. You never know what could happen on your journey from point A to point B.
  3. Back up important data like photos, contacts, and files! Your phone or computer could crash anytime so be prepared if it happens.
  4. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box! Though the retrograde is not an ideal time to begin new projects, not subjecting yourself to closed thinking will open doors for projects you have already started. Also, now is a great time to handle unfinished business. Bring forth anything you have put on the back burner.
  5. Use the prefix “-re” to your advantage! Revamp, revisit, reconsider, renew, review, reflect, refresh, redecorate…there are so many ways in which you can go backwards! But instead of causing mishaps, this gives you time to breathe and focus on what needs to be done efficiently.

Life will get crazy in the next few weeks, but make sure not to let it stop you from accomplishing your tasks at hand. And although it does get crazy way beyond the retrograde, who says you still can’t make the best of your situation? It’s all up to you.

“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” – Sigmund Freud

Best wishes,

Kandace  🙂