Tips for dealing with stress


I feel like once winter starts to come around, everyone starts to get a little stressed. In school, midterms are either completed or on their way, and then suddenly after Christmas break, finals roll around. Mixed with holiday get togethers and preparation, the next few months are some of the most stressful in the year for many people. Here I’ve compiled a list of things to do when your feeling stressed, or simply tired and need to relax a bit.

Exercise:  “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” Elle Woods (from the film Legally Blonde) was right! Exercise is good for both stress and anger as the endorphins (chemicals your body releases during exercise) diminish the perception of pain, triggering a positive feeling in the body. They also act as sedatives.

Music: It has a unique link to our emotions (as we all interpret it differently, particularly in meaning) so can be a very  effective stress management tool. Slower music is especially effective. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on your body, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones. As it also absorbs our attention, it acts as a distraction at the same time. For others like me, it might help you focus.

Yoga: Yoga has many benefits; including decreased stress and tension, increased strength and balance, increased flexibility, and lowered blood pressure. Yoga is so good for you! Meditation and breathing exercise help to focus your thoughts and relieve stress, plus the poses are increase your flexibility. Another great thing about yoga is that it requires little to no equipment, and not a large amount of space, so it can be done relativity anywhere.

Reading: If you’re enjoying whatever book you’re reading, you become absorbed in it. The story distracts and takes you away from your own problems and stress for awhile, and it’s nice to not have to think about yourself and your own life for a bit. It also relaxes your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. The best part about it is that it can be done anywhere! You can bring a book around with you read, read with an e-reader, or download one of many apps to your phone or tablet with books as well.

Writing, painting, drawing, playing an instrument, singing, etc: Whatever your talent is/whatever you love to do, do it! Not only will it distract you from what’s going on in your life for awhile, but you’ll also have alot of fun doing it. Things like writing or painting can be therapeutic and a great way to get out your feelings in a safe way.

We can’t avoid stress in our lives, but when things get a little difficult we can find ways to allow ourselves to take a break. I hope you guys find this list helpful and try some of the tips!