Dry land swimming exercises


Most people don’t have time to go to the pool every time they want to swim or practice their skills. So here are some exercises to help you work on your swimming skills while on dry land.

Start out with some simple jumping jacks. These just warm-up your arms and leg muscles for the rest of the workout. You decide how many you do; it’s your workout, your body you know best and your results.

Here are five more exercises I find helpful (and remember, you decide your sets, reps and sometimes weights):

1. Mountain climber:

You’ll get a workout in your core, shoulders, and hip joint (flutter kick and breast kick)


Remember to keep your body as straight as possible. Also, the faster you go, the faster your heart rate goes and this can also turn into a cardiovascular exercise.

2. Squat Jumps:

This is for your leg muscles (both your kicks and your kickoff). And to make this more of a swimming exercise, you could even put your arms in a streamline position.


3. Superman:

I’m sure a lot of people have done this before – this is to workout your core muscles mainly. You could also lift your arms and legs up higher if you want a workout there but remember to eel them as straight as possible. Pick your own time frame (Ex. 30 seconds, one minute, etc), or however many times you do it.


4. Dive Bomber/Hindu pushups:

These are really good for swimming because the movement is like coming up from a dive and also the butterfly motion. Your shoulder muscles will also be strengthened.


5. V-sit Flutterkicks:

This takes an exercise and adds a swimming skill to it. You can definitely work on a perfect flutter kick while you’re at it too.


Now for cool-down, do an ankle mobility exercise because you really your ankles while swimming and this will strengthen your ankles so that you don’t get hurt.
