The AutoBike: The most intuitive bike



Biking: one of the healthiest activities in our current society. However, according to the Comprehensive Cycling Strategy, who did a survey on Calgarians in 2010, only 6 per cent of Calgarians say they ride a bike to school or work. 19 per cent say they ride their bike daily or at least once a week. AutoBike is here to change those trivial numbers. Based in the US, AutoBike wants to change the current bike market from biking gear to the fun of biking. It changes gears for you automatically and seamlessly. Most bikes in the market today glitch for a second and give you a mini-heart attack. AutoBike fixes that, and also changes the gears for you. “The rider always feels like they are in perfect gear,” says founder Sean Simpson.

In addition, AutoBike comes with Bluetooth that can send data from the bike to your phone. This means you can check the speed you were at when you were on the bike and the number of miles you travelled.

Now comes the problem of power. There needs to be power to change the gears, so where does it come from? Well, you don’t need to worry. The AutoBike uses the energy from your pedaling to generate the gear changes. The founder of the AutoBike also says, “it is the most intuitive bike for you.” And it is. It consists of a brain, a gear changer, a rear gear hub, and a self-generation power source (see diagram of the AutoBike Voyage ST). Currently, the AutoBike costs 100 dollars each and plans to sell 2000 more bikes by this time next year.

This is the bike of the century so go check it out at:

Also, watch the video on Youtube at: