Farm to Fridge: Horror behind that juicy steak and tasty chicken wing


Note: The following post may contain disturbing photos.

When I was checking my mail the other day, I came across this email my mom sent me. Rather than the typical letter or newspaper article that she sends me, this time, she only sent me a link. Little did I know, I was in for a shock.


It’s pretty obvious that in order for us to have that pepperoni pizza, hamburger, chicken nugget, or even marshmallow , we kill, whether it’s chickens, cows, pigs, or fishes. First of all, I need to put out a disclaimer, I am not a vegetarian or vegan, and I’m not condemning eating meat whatsoever, more like I’m left in shock and disbelief that I’m doing more damage than I had intended to. I get it, we see so many videos of slaughter houses, we get moved for maybe a day or two, but at the end of the day, when that juicy steak is served right before our eyes, we tend to forget about all the cruelty we had just witnessed. It’s hard to associate something so yummy with something that’s so brutal and cruel.

The short documentary that I watched was made by a non-profit organization called Mercy for Animals, and basically they advocate for vegan diets. Yes, that means no milk and no eggs. Personally, becoming a vegetarian is hard enough, let alone a vegan; however, it’s not impossible. We tend to restrict to what we’ve for that past couple thousands of years, that we need the nutrients from milk, eggs, and meat, but that’s not entirely true! In fact, many vegans are healthier than non-vegans simply through soy protein and supplements. There’s really nothing stopping us from having a vegan diet except for our cravings. Take a look at some of the top celebrities in the world, Ellen DeGeneres, Brad Pitt, Russel Brand, Lea Michele, and even Bill Clinton, have all been reported to have a vegan diet.

In no way am I trying to convince everyone to give up meat, I mean it’s extremely hard. Being a vegetarian means no more gum, gummy bears, most french fries and chips, cheese, and jello, all because of either they contain gelatin or are fried in animal oil. There are lots to look out for to become a total vegan, and the issue I am trying to raise in this post isn’t that eating meat is bad, but that the mistreatment and disrespect to these animals is inhumane and unacceptable.

Next time if you’re buying any animal products, think about these animals at the slaughter houses, think twice before you enjoy your juicy sirloin, honey garlic chicken wings, or even before you bite that head off of the gummy bear.


Please, check out the video down below, I know it may be the most extremes of things, but to know that it even exists sickens me. Imagine yourself as these animals, not only were you raised to be killed, but you were raised in your own excrete and intensely abused. Even if you don’t feel mercy for these poor animals, would you really want to eat meat from an unhealthy animal?

Note: The following videos may contain disturbing content.

For more information on Mercy for Animals, check out their website!

For a list of food with unexpected meat, check out the sites below!!

Unexpected Foods Containing Meat

12 Seemingly Vegan & Vegetarian Foods That Really Aren’t