Even better photos with the iPhone 4/4S


Many of us have iPhones, more specifically, the iPhone 4/4S. The camera on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S is simply amazing, as is already taking stunning pictures that are comparable to point and shoot cameras. Due to it’s huge popularity, the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S are the top two most used cameras on Flickr. However there’s only been one option to further increase its photo taking capabilities, which was with DSLR mounts made by Photojojo (see previous post by Bill). Now Photojojo has made a second viable option for those talented photographers out there.

iPhone Lens Dial

Photojojo has come out with a product called “The iPhone Lens Dial”, which essentially is three different lens’ mounted on a dial that you’re able to turn. It comes complete with a fish eye, wide angle, and telephoto lens, giving iPhone photographers even more flexibility in what types of creative ideas they can come up with. For just $249, it’s quite the bargain for three different lens’ which will give you endless possibilities in taking new astonishing photos.