Is the fourth dose of Vaccination really that Necessary?


The COVID-19 virus has been active for around 2 years now, and already recommendations for the 4th dose or second booster shot have started to arise. Over the past months, we have encountered new and fatal variants of the Covid-19 virus that may be immune to the present vaccines. With this ongoing situation, it is important to understand whether the 4th dose is actually effective, and if it will it be the next solution to improve public health.

What are HCW saying about the 4th dose of vaccination?

Many healthcare workers are skeptical about the 2nd booster shot, as they believe it is too early to be introduced. Many believe it is not required and does not have full proof of its effects. Experts have also made it clear that there is no evidence available to justify, whether taking the 4th dose would be advantageous for society. Even though, there are people dubious about the 4th booster shot, some well-known doctors and healthcare workers, agree that people vulnerable to the contagious virus would benefit from the new booster shot.

“There are very few, if any, people who, in my opinion, require a fourth dose,” said Dr. Anna Durbin (professor of international health and director of the center for immunization research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).

“In general, it’s too early to recommend the fourth dose, except for those who are immune-compromised,” said Dr. Paul Goepfert (professor of medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and an expert in vaccine design).

A recent case study was also run, based on a small experiment. Many HCW were given the 4th booster shot of either Moderna or Pfizer. Of that group, around 18% (Pfizer) and 20% (Moderna), were recorded to have developed the omicron variant. The results from the latest test were then compared to the third dose group, where 25% of the individuals had developed the new variant. This test reflected how the 4th booster immunizes and protects you better to an extent.

What is happening in Canada today…

Canada has started to roll out fourth doses, and health officials have commenced advising all territories and provinces to begin using them. Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) has also proclaimed to Canada about being prepared for the fourth doses arriving in a few weeks. Although vaccinations are becoming available in Canada again, they are prioritizing individuals over 70 years of age and people from First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Communities. The second booster shot will be provided to those who have taken their first booster dose roughly 6 months prior. 

* Follow the link above to learn more about how each province and territory is introducing the fourth doses.

Sources and Information

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