If you head to any Asian supermarkets in Calgary, you’re likely to see one of these large jars sitting on shelves sitting along with other tea products instead of with jams. The contents are much more reminiscent of a marmalade than something to make “tea” with.
The doubts are definitely reasonable – Citron tea, yujacha (유자차 in Hangul), is a soothing remedy for colds and coughs similar in role in Korea to lemon and honey tea. Yuja, referred in English by the Japanese name as yuzu, redeems its aromatic qualities through preserving its peel with honey or sugar. It is appropriately a herbal tea as it does not contain the tea plant, of course without tea bags!
While fresh yuzu is not something to be found in Calgary, huge jars of ready-to citron tea are used to prepare this drink full of Vitamin C, with other variants such as Jujube tea and Aloe tea also available. Just mix a spoonful and get going with your tea without the sour and bitter taste of the fresh fruit! (Or secretly put it on bread and see how it tastes as a marmalade xD)