Youth Week Event: Global Peace Cafe


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a superhero! At the mention of the word “hero,” many would visualize vibrantly coloured capes flapping in the wind while an epic theme song crescendos in the background. Is a hero one who changes into fancy spandex outfits in cramped telephone booths and defeats Evil with superpowers? There are many heroes in our society today worthy of our appreciation who may not necessarily have bullet-proof eyes, but have superpowers of their own level. They may be military personnel, the courageous men and women who defend our country, firemen, policemen… Or even our own family members! So what constitutes one to be a hero, and what can we learn from them?

Join the discussion at the Global Peace Cafe surrounding the theme of heroism, using it as an idea to promote our own leadership roles in the community as well as on a global level!

  • Who: directed at youth from 12 to 17 years old
  • What: Global Peace Cafe, a cafe-like discussion setup with refreshments; “open discussion in groups with some self-reflective questions surrounding the theme of the qualities of a hero” that “provides youth an opportunity to explore values that promote leadership in one’s own life as well as on a global level.” There are also creative elements involved with the discussion, along with a little reward given to those who participate!
  • Where: Crowfoot YMCA (8100 John Laurie Blvd NW Calgary AB,  Canada)
  • When: April 26, 2012, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Don’t miss out on this awesome event!