Saturday, May 4, 2024
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Youth Are Awesome, commonly referred to as YAA, is a blog written by youth for youth. YAA provides the youth of Calgary a place to amplify their voices and perspectives on what is happening around them. Youth Are Awesome is a program of Youth Central.

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HomeUncategorizedYoung girl's letter prompts dragon fuel inquiry

Young girl’s letter prompts dragon fuel inquiry

Earlier this week, Sophie, a 7-year-old girl, wrote to Australia’s national science organization CSIRO, asking if they could work on making a dragon for her. Yes, a dragon.

The letter read as follows:

Hello Lovely Scientist

My name is Sophie and I am 7 years old. My dad told me about the scientists at the CSIRO. Would it be possible if you can make a dragon for me. I would like it if you could but if you can’t thats fine. 

I would call it toothless if it was a girl and if it is a boy I would name it Stuart. 

I would keep it in my special green grass area where there are lots of space. I would feed it raw fish and I would put a collar on it. If it got hurt I would bandage it if it hurt himself. I would play with it every weekend when there is no school. 

Love from Sophie


The fanmail letter.
The fanmail letter.

In response to this call for the research and development of dragons, the CSIO apologized to Australia for their failure to create a dragon. They did however, promise to do research in alternate fuel sources that could imitate dragon fire.

Sophie's drawing of her dragon.
Sophie’s drawing of her dragon.

In my opinion, I give my thanks to the organisation for keeping the spirit of discovery alive in Sophie, and I’m glad that her mind is creative and open to such great ideas. Well done CISCO! 😀

Eryl David
Eryl David
Hello world! Grade 11 IB student, wandering blogger occasionally going MIA. If lost, most likely found underneath pile of procrastinated undone homework.

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