What YAA loves about summer: Self Improvement


Summer is the perfect time to feed your soul, to recreate yourself, to let go of all the stress accumulated through the school year. Summer is your time to do the things you love whether its a sport, an art form, or even meditation. With the school year coming to a close, and a new chapter beginning in your life, you need to put your best foot forward. This is your chance to be whoever you wish to be, I like to think of it like a clean slate, a chance to improve who I am as a human being.

In order to reinvent yourself, there are a number of things you should consider doing:

1) Forget about what society has to say, be free, be you. Step outside the boxes we are confined in, and open your mind, heart and soul to the endless possibilities that life has to give us.

be free

2) Carefully analyze the relationships in your life. Do they help you grow, shower you with love and happiness, do they inspire you? If not, maybe its time to let go of those insignificant relationships that usually cause your grief and pain. Recognize that you are in control of your life, and you chose who hurts you and who doesn’t. 


3) Clear your mind- whether that means mediation, going on a road trip up the Rocky Mountains, travelling, listening to music, playing a sport or indulging in an art form. This is your chance to let your mind be at peace with the world.


4) Try something new, whether it is painting lessons, salsa dancing, tennis, golf… anything, really! This may be your chance to discover hidden talents, or just experience new things. I believe the experiences you have is what shapes you into the person you are.

paint brush

5) Love yourself. Whether that means treating yourself to getting your nails done, fixing your diet, or going for a run everyday. Treat your body right. Occasionally treat yourself to ice cream, do the little things, make the minor adjustments that allow you to feel good about yourself. And don’t forget to compliment yourself when you look into a mirror, you are beautiful on the inside and the outside.

love yourself

6) Meditate. Many may not be able to handle sitting still and concentrating on your breathing, however I guarantee you feel a sense of awakening when you are finished. As if all your senses are intact, it is refreshing and allows you to take time out for just your own self-satisfaction. Meditation allows you to become one with the world for a few minutes, all your pain and stress floats away. You are  no longer sitting down with your eyes closed, you are in a different world.


7) Reflect upon your life. By a journal and just write, whether you consider yourself to be a good writer or not. Reflect upon your life, and realize that life is made up of good days and bad days it all depends on your attitude.



Picture Sources:
http://quotes-lover.com/wp-content/uploads/The-problem-is-not-the-problem.-The-problem-is-your-attitude-about-the-problem.-Do-you-understand-Captain-Jack-Sparrow-quote.jpg, http://casnocha.com/images/2012/07/meditation-6.jpg,http://d.gr-assets.com/quotes/1377803250p8/569193.jpg, http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/dT7/eqp/dT7eqpKXc.jpeg,http://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Clear-Your-Mind.jpg, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dAE1G9ac93g/UvWdtQ7HA-I/AAAAAAAAEGk/rgC1aNNLRpk/s1600/tumblr_m3x110bhQq1rvjgxgo1_1280.jpg, http://s6.favim.com/orig/65/doves-away-be-be-free-Favim.com-590971.jpg