Write NOW! ~ Opportunity for youth


Is the pen your weapon of choice?  Would you like your world of literary creations… rewritten?  Have a flair for the extrodinaire?

In other words (no pun intended), if you are a youth who is passionate about writing, the Write Now conference is for you.

On March 24, the Calgary Public Library will be hosting a fun writing and literary experience. Head on down to the Central Library (second floor) from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.  This opportunity is absolutely FREE and includes lunch!

So what exactly will this amazing day include?

  • Meet local authors: Annie Sorbie, author of Memoirs of a Good Death and Marcello Di Cintio, author of Poets and Pahlevans: A Journey Into the Heart of Iran and winner of  2007 Wilfred Eggleston Award for Non-fiction
  • Attend a workshop with these incredible authors to build upon your literary skills
  • Work with the Reality is Optional writing group and take poetry and prose to a whole new level, while playing fun writing games
  • Partake in an exiting writing challenge for a chance to win HUGE prizes
  • Participate in a book exchange with other youth


If you have any questions, feel free to email teenservices@calgarypubliclibrary.com and click here for more information.

Hope to see you all on March 24!  Remember to bring a a new or used book to participate in the book exchange.