It is a boundless world. Many visualized it as channels and interconnections between sender and receiver – information anxiously speeding along police-free highways to their destination. I’ve always seen it as an ocean, though, where waves lapped at the shore in the fog and sparkled at sunset. Millions and millions of individuals like ourselves trapped and lost in the midst of swarming 1s and 0s, with misspelled yous and ares leaping out of the freezing waters into the fresh breeze; a moment later only to go back into its murky depths, as if one cannot be appreciated enough in another’s mind to bear a three-lettered pronoun. Only a total blackout of our senses could save us from the conniving sirens. But then again, thank goodness you’ve charged your laptop and phone before it all happened.
This is our method of communication now: one-lined texts pregnant of abbreviations and acronyms striving to beat the 140-character limit. It may seem as if we are condensing our thoughts down to the most pertinent, much like how English teachers prefer. Or it could end up to be a tiny sample of your watered-down thoughts. I’m not so sure which is which, but one thing I know for sure is that we underestimate the power of good writing, and the benefits to constant practices of it.

You may say “blogging is not for me.” I would respond, “is thinking ‘not for you’, then?” A lot of us may be intimidated by the process of writing, but there is nothing more to it than putting down your thoughts into a concrete medium. Like typing on a typewriter or writing with a fountain-tip pen, one must not be afraid to make mistakes, to carry on without correction tape. To have patience. Having written more than 100 blogs with Youth Are Awesome, I personally feel like I have grown from sharing interesting pictures or videos to using them as inspiration in forming my own ideas.
And it’s not just so that you can brag to your friends you’re part of “YEAH!” (YAA, that is). It’s not just for the volunteering hours. Blogging with Youth Are Awesome is an amazing experience and a great opportunity. Here are ten (compelling!) reasons on why you should be a part of this awesome team:
- You learn how to open your mind to different ideas and become accepting of new perceptions.
- Get updated on current events: both societal/political AND fun things you can do in your community!
- Meet incredible people and get inspired by their general awesomeness.
- Share stuff you love. Excitement is contagious.
- Advertise your own project. Show off your awesomeness.
- Get insight into how a website works.
- Attend cool events… for free!
- Hone your writing skills (you’ll find that you’ll be able to digest and organize information much easier).
- You don’t have to have any experience with blogging. Really.
- Count toward volunteering hours. (This is more of a bonus than anything).
- (Second?) bonus: It’s fun!

Check out Lisa and Carrie‘s blog posts for their thoughts on blogging with YAA!