What YAA loves about summer: Early morning walks


The birds chirping, the sun shining, the wind whispering, and the grass swaying. What could this be but a gorgeous summer morning!


I don’t know about you, but early morning walks are just about the best things ever, second only to Netflix, maybe. It’s a great way to release all that stress from homework, exams, projects that you have accumulated over the year; a time to just clear your mind and have fun!

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ” In the morning a man walks with whole body…and in the evening, only with his legs.”


The mornings are simply the best times to go for a walk because of the lack of bugs, as well as getting energized for the rest of the day. I feel much more committed and focused to a task or an assignment when I have had some fresh air and a bit of exercise.

So next time you fellow blog readers decide to sleep in on a lazy weekend morning, think of all the benefits you’ll miss.