What The Hero’s Journey Means To Us


If you reduce Harry PotterPercy Jackson, or The Lion King to their most basic elements, the result is a steadfast, storytelling core known as the hero’s journey. Through twelve stages, the hero must leave one condition, undergo some transformation, and lead a more fulfilling life with their newfound maturity. It’s easy to see how these pieces fit into fantasy and adventure tales, but the hero’s journey is, I’d argue, equally relevant in a realistic context. 

Ordinary World

At this point in the story, the hero’s life is mundane. Their everyday actions are routine and predictable, and they may dream of an escape. This setup allows the audience to feel sympathy for the hero, but it doesn’t always apply to us. We may be content with the ordinary world because it’s a place of warmth and stability or because we can’t imagine living any other way.

Call To Adventure

The call to adventure prompts the hero to abandon their regular affairs and prepare for change. It becomes clear that they cannot continue nesting in the ordinary world, usually due to a conflict. In our lives, the call for adventure is a disruption we cannot elude. We depend on others in our childhood, but soon we’re moving schools, fighting internal battles, and becoming adults.

Refusal Of The Call

Before answering the call, the hero will experience hesitation. Leaving the ordinary world exposes them to uncertainty. For all they know, the world on the other side could be worse than the status quo. Rejecting the call can look like delaying important decisions for as long as possible or dismissing an opportunity out of fear.

Meeting The Mentor

The hero meets a superior who offers them wisdom and strength. They must complete the journey, but not without the help of others. Positive role models can turn an intimidating venture into something manageable. They can inspire us to answer the call. In fiction, the mentor appears in front of the hero. In the real world, you may need to ask for guidance.

Crossing The Threshold

The hero commits to entering a dangerous new world. They part ways with their mentor and take the reins of their journey. The hero must be decisive, willing, and capable enough to cross the threshold alone. By making a bold move despite the potential consequences, individuals can raise their self-responsibility.

Tests, Allies, Enemies

In the unknown world, the hero acquires new skills through tests and trials. Additionally, they encounter many people and must distinguish between friends and foes. The bulk of this stage is a series of close-calls and failures, for it is the only way the hero can develop. It’s easy to be disheartened when you desperately want every action to directly contribute to your goals. It may feel aimless, but the roaming ends up becoming the most valuable part of the journey.


The obstacles preceding the final challenge are demanding. Alongside friends and guardians, the hero proves that they are worthy of the ultimate showdown. By now, anticipation may have replaced your dread, and you eagerly await the ordeal.


The hero rises to the challenge and confronts their deepest fears. In their death and rebirth, they may become unrecognizable from who they once were. The ordeal always has a permanent impact and catalyzes the reevaluation of one’s values.


The reward is a testament to the hero’s triumph. It can be a material treasure or a feeling the hero sought. Personally, I believe the real reward is a moment to breathe.

Road Back

The hero returns to the ordinary world with the reward, retracing their steps from crossing the threshold. The urgency from before is most likely dissolved, but the journey is not over yet.


In the actual climax of the story, the antagonistic force has one last chance to seize victory. The hero must have genuinely learned the lessons of the ordeal to prevail. Outside of school, all tests are unforeseen. The way you respond to unexpected adversity is the most accurate gauge of your growth.


The hero returns as a changed and matured person. The knowledge and insights they gained enable them to enlighten others and improve society. Your journey has the power to brighten the lives of countless others.

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