What if you stopped sleeping?

Sleep > Homework Preach it!

As we get later into the school year, the idea of sleep becomes almost comical to some of us. I know you IB and AP kids are out there. Staying up jacked on coffee all night begins to seem like the norm as we burn the midnight oil, reaching our seemingly impossible deadlines. While us zombie kids are roaming around the halls on three to four hours of sleep, we begin to think that it wouldn’t make a difference if we were to just stay awake doing homework for the rest of our lives.

An interesting video posted by AsapSCIENCE discusses the issue of never getting any sleep at all. For the first day, you might be fine, by the second day things will start going downhill.

Thinking about it from a scientific point of view, it doesn’t make sense to leave ourselves completely vulnerable for numerous hours completely unaware of the threats around us.

But humans need sleep (no matter how many of you think you don’t). Teenagers should be getting 9-10 hours (yeah right) each night, while adults need 8-9 hours. But realistically, who has the time? With homework and extra-curricular activities and work and… Well, it’s a shock that more of us aren’t in strait jackets.

No matter how important that essay may seem or how impossible that lab due tomorrow is, without getting enough sleep, you’re wasting all of your efforts. Did you know that it takes us up to two times longer to do something at night when it’s dark as opposed to the day? Staying up until 2 a.m. and spending over four hours on your homework would have only taken you half as long during the afternoon or evening. Obviously, we aren’t all that lucky to be able to get so much time in our days, but sometimes we have to ask if it’s really worth it.

Anyone reading this past 10 p.m., go to bed, you’ll thank me later.

Now, for those of you insomniacs out there, here are some sleeping tips that you may have heard a dozen times before but maybe it’s time to start considering them:

Set a regular bed time, that way it will be easier for you to fall asleep each night as your body will recognize that it’s the time of day when you’re supposed to be sleeping. As well, try to wake up at the same time every day so your body gets into a natural sleep-wake rhythm.

Napping is okay! If you missed out on some sleep, feel free to nap in the extra hours, but don’t overdo it. Your naps shouldn’t last longer than two or three hours, otherwise you’ll sleep the whole day away.

Most important of all DON’T PROCRASTINATE getting enough sleep. It’s probably due to procrastination you’re in this position in the first place. If it’s midnight and you’ve been looking at LOLcats, maybe it’s time to turn the screen off…

(For more sleeping tips, visit this website.)

Goodnight everybody!