What do the top seven songs on iTunes mean?


If anyone knows me, they know that I don’t like most of music’s top 40, or even the world’s top 100. But songs are popular for a reason, so I decided to endeavour to listen to these songs and see what they actually mean.  So I went on iTunes to see what the top 7 songs were and analyzed  all of them.

Dark Horse (feat. Juicy J) – Katy Perry imgres

In this song, Katy Perry is basically letting a man know that she doesn’t have to lift a finger to attract him. She is actually telling a man that they better know that, if they get involved with her, that she deserves the best, and that once you get involved with her, there is not going back. She is saying that she requires hard work to be with her, and she expects the best and will accept no less.

imagesSay Something (feat. Christina Aguilera) – A Great Big World

It took me a while to figure out what this song was about, but I think that it one the most intense songs in the industry at the moment. This song is deep and heartfelt and it’s a very raw performance. I personally think that the song is about lost love that wasn’t really appreciated or realized until it was over. Two people were in a relationship, and they decided to move on and give up on it because nobody had said anything. So they parted ways.


Timber (feat. Ke$ha) – Pitbull

Let’s be honest, most Pitbull songs don’t really have much of a meaning, most of his songs are about party, one night stands, and getting drunk, and this song is no exception. Ke$ha is yelling Timber because the party is going down, so don’t miss out!  The song is basically about a really crazy party. Based on the lyrics, most of the people there are gonna be too drunk to remember anything but Ke$ha, because she parties hard.

Hunter-Hayes-2014-300-01Invisible- Hunter Hayes

I was really surprised when I liked this song, mostly because I don’t like country. But this song was actually really deep and relatable. In this song, Hunter Hayes reveals a past of bullying, and he is assuring people that the pain does stop, and it gets better. Teenagers often feel ignored, or invisible, and it hurts. This song is a reminder that things do get better, and no emotion will last forever.


Drunk In Love (feat. Jay Z) – Beyonce

This song features the world class couple, Beyonce and Jay Z. THis entire song is about their relationship and how much they love each other. How they love the passion in their relationship and how they couldn’t be happier with each other. I’m personally not a huge fan of this song, but I must admit that it is incredibly catchy and deserves it rightful spot in the top 10 on iTunes.

Team – Lorde imgres

This song is one of my favourites, seeing as I own Lorde’s entire album. Like a lot of her songs, this song has a lot to do with loyalty to where you are and picking your battles wisely. As she has mentioned before, Lorde is proud of where she is from, and this song has a lot to do with that. Where she comes from, they believe that its better to be poor and beautiful rather than being rich and hollow. This song also talks about working together and being loyal to the people you are surrounded by. Lorde also teaches us that as you get older, there is more at stake, so fight for what you believe in and choose your wars carefully.


Counting Stars – OneRebublic 

Counting Stars is a song about striving to be better. It’s about someone who has lost their way, and wants to achieve their dreams, but must eliminate a huge obstacle to do so. For example, if you wanted to be a writer, but you were also illiterate, like counting stars, trying would be in vain. The song is essentially the sad truth about a lot of people, that some goals may seem unattainable, but are strived for anyways.