Weekly Pinterest Top 10 (#10)


Pinterest #10

{Original Image}

This is it! The moment I have been waiting for! The 10th instalment of this series. You have no idea how truly beautiful this moment is to me. Thank you, to those of you who have stuck out with me and this series for these past 10 weeks (probably more considering I didn’t actually post consistently). Alas, since this series has dragged on long enough, I think we’re at a good place to end it off. Life is getting pretty busy from here, and I just don’t have time for Pinterest anymore. If you would still like to see all of these posts, you can always make an account on Pinterest for yourself! For all the previous posts in this series, you can visit the links provided: Weekly Pinterest Top 10 #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8, and #9.



Being able to draw is a wonderful gift, one which I was not bestowed with. I have always marvelled at the amazing things other people have been able to produce with their hands and imaginations. Sometimes, though, artists need to take a step back and not take themselves so seriously. This hilarious Tumblr text post demonstrates that perfectly. Artists know that they have this wonderful power to create, and sometimes they get tired of living up to expectations for beautiful art. But these illustrations are still pretty beautiful in themselves.



One should never underestimate the ability of lipstick to totally transform your face. That extra pop of colour can really highlight your features and give you a bold look, if done right. But the only pitfall to wearing lipstick is having to deal with the smudging and bleeding. This trick is often used in theatrics, and by privy makeup gurus, to help your lip colour stay on all day (without all that smudging and bleeding).



Despite the heavy clouds and constant snow, it is undeniably spring time. Nothing says “spring” more to me than foliage. Potted plants, green leaves on trees, all that good nature stuff that we don’t see too much of anymore. For the most part, flower pots are boring. The more decorative ones, should you ever find them, tend to be quite costly. The obvious solution is to throw in a DIY! The paint-splattered look is super in right now and you can apply this idea to things beyond clay pots. The best part about DIYs is that you can alternate the tutorial however you want, to fit your personal preferences. Maybe this will inspire you to get some good ol’ potted plants in your home.



The weather outside might be horrible right now, but let’s just admit that we all stay indoors most of the time, anyways. I’m the type of person who can never manage a big closet, because I always gravitate towards the same articles of clothing, and then end up wearing the same outfits over and over again. If you are like me, then it is perhaps time to consider making little charts like this with your own clothes. Here, the original poster has taken some very basic tops and bottoms, and some statement jackets, and thrown them into a variety of fashionable combinations. Accessories and shoes are what makes an outfit, not necessarily the clothes themselves. Try something new this spring, and invest in some nice bags and scarves!



Today, we have yet another super simple breakfast recipe. All you need to do is throw together whatever ingredients you like as toppings, and then cook in a skillet. It’s super easy and will result in minimal dishes needing to be washed. If you tend to be lazy in the morning, you could also make these the night before and store them in the fridge. What I love about this recipe is how you can customize it any way you want. You can make it healthier meal or snack option, turn it into a healthy dessert, or some finger food for a college dorm party. The possibilities are limitless. (Disclaimer: The possibilities are limited, don’t get too crazy.)



Knowing how to part your hair can be a tricky ordeal. It’s one of the easiest ways to change up your look without having to change too much. It’s also the most reversible alteration, should you decide that you don’t enjoy your new part. You might have played with your hair before by adding bangs, having no bangs, changing up the colour, the whole nine yards, but a part change may be just what you need to start fresh.



To this day, “my mom said no” is still the ultimate excuse to get out of doing something. You want to go see a movie? Sorry, my mom said no. You want me to help you build a table? Sorry, my mom said no. Nobody would dare defy a “no” from mom, but now, with modern technology, you can make you argument infallible.



Ever since I found this little collage, I have been trying out the stress-relief and Quadratus Lumborum stretches (almost) every day. They really do help to take your mind off of things and limber up. I like to do the stretches when I get home from school, or about halfway through the day on the weekends. Stretching exercises (such as yoga and Pilates) my favourite form of exercise because they don’t require much equipment and are fast and convenient. You don’t have to convince yourself to get dressed up, plan out a route to the gym or to jog along, or worry about anything else. You could literally roll out of bed in your pyjamas, roll out a yoga mat (or not, you don’t even need a yoga mat, to be honest) and just stretch for a good 5-10 minutes. Then, carry on your merry way the rest of the day. If you’re looking for a place to start, check out blogilates and hit the mat!



I hold a special place in my heart for dashes, because they are one of the most overlooked little guys in language. Being the total English nerd that I am, I have chosen to advocate for these forgotten ones. It’s infuriating to me when people don’t use dashes correctly. “You can’t even tell the difference,” many people protest. But I assure you, someone does. And one of those someone’s is me. Those of us with laser, hawk-eye vision are trained to hone in on your dashes when we see them; we have been trained for years in the Himalayas to discern the difference between those three lengths of dashes. Now that you know the difference, I’m sure that it will come to haunt you. Sooner or later. It will haunt you…



Nail polish is all fun and games the first few days. You pick out a design, slave over getting the right colours, prep and paint, then wait to dry. But eventually, that nail polish starts to chip, no matter what heavy-duty top coat you use. Within a week, all that hard work is reduced to a chipping mess. Then, you have to go through the process of taking off all that nail polish and starting again. This last part, the nail polish removal, is what deters me from ever wanting to paint my nails. It’s damaging, time consuming, and smells bad. Luckily, the original poster devised a way to make the process a bit easier and less arduous.

Hopefully you were able to find something in this post that made you laugh, inspired you, or just wasted a good few minutes of your time! Again, you can check out all of the other top 10 lists I’ve made these past few weeks by clicking the links at the beginning. I will have a lot more, different and better, content coming out now that my time isn’t being used on these posts so look for them in the near future!

FTC: This is not a sponsored post, and all opinions are completely genuine. ♥