Wanted: The North American House Hippo


Have you seen these hippos?

Favourite Foods: Chips, raisins and crumbs from peanut butter toast

Domain: Kitchens in North America (Canada and Eastern United States)

Personality: Extremely timid but will defend their territory if provoked

Habits: Nocturnal – will come out at night to search for food and materials for their nests. They build their nests in bedroom closets with mittens, dryer lint and string. They sleep 16 hours a day.

Watch this mini-documentary on these adorable animals:

[youtube YLG2JP0P5JE]

Okay, so you know that house hippos do not exist. They are at most, the figment of a child’s imagination. So why do people continue to believe things on TV and the internet that do not really exist? In this age of technology, it is no longer just enough to be street smart; we have to be ‘media-smart’ as well. This was the simple but true message, broadcasted by the house hippo public service announcement created by Concerned Children’s Advertisers way back in the 90s. If anything, this message has gained even more merit over the past decade.

Along the same lines, here is another one of my favourite ads. It addresses the faux glamour  and appeal that the social media and advertisers tantalize the public with, and carries with it, ultimately, the message that many things you hear or read about should be taken with a grain of salt.