Walk So Kids Can Talk


Want to positively impact the lives of youth in Calgary? On Sunday, May 5, 2019 help BMO promote the Kids Help Phone by participating in a five-kilometer walk. Are you up for the challenge? You can either register, donate, fundraise or do all three. At the event, you will unite with thousands of Calgarians in the walk, you have the opportunity to sign up as an individual, a team with your family, your friends, or even your co-workers. Earn rewards. The more you raise, the more you earn! From Custom accessories like water bottles to awesome toys!

How the Kids Help Phone has helped youth around Calgary-

Kids Help Phone

What is Kids Help Phone? Kids Help Phone is a Canadian charitable organization that provides free online counselling services. They also provide information on how to access support services for children and youth. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of Kids Help Phone, and is another year that they have help served youth on the issues that matter to them.

What does this walk do?

As mentioned before the Kids Help Phone is a charitable organization and needs money to function, this walk enables companies to donate and fundraise! Two major organizations, Black Diamond, and Astro are excited to help start off the fundraising this year by matching the initial $40,000 raised online by Walk participants! The impact of fundraising and contributions will be doubled, allowing Kids Help Phone to always be available for youth in need!

Why Now?

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A lot of you may be curious about why this major event is taking place in the month of May. Since the late 1900’s Canada has named May, “Mental Health Awareness Month,” the Kids Help Phone is the vital part in assisting youth with Mental Health from addictions to school stress. Not only do they discuss your issues one on one but have an article on stress and other factors in the life a teenager.


Important Information

Walk Information and Fundraising:

T: 1.800.268.3062 E: info@walksokidscantalk.ca

Kids Help Phone Information

If you are a young person, and are struggling with a problem big or small, please call 1-800-668-6868, or visit kidshelpphone.ca. They are always open.

Festival Plaza Eau Claire Market
139 Barclay Parade SW
Calgary, AB 

Walk Details

Date: May 5th 2019
Registration Opens: 9:30 AM
Walk Start: 11:00 AM
Stroller/Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Pet Friendly: Yes, but must be on leash

