The Underwear Affair: A Walk To Uncover The Cure For Cancer


On Saturday, June 1st, the Alberta Cancer Foundation hosted the Underwear Affair, which was a walk/run for any cancer below the waist thus the term “under” wear affair. I personally thought this was extremely creative! Over 1000 people attended to “Uncover the Cure for Cancer” and all attended in some sort of undergarment. Their costumes were all very creative, crazy and inspirational.

I had the fabulous opportunity to volunteer with Youth Central, a volunteer organization for youth (and the organization Youth Are Awesome is a program of), and had the opportunity to witness many wonderful people walk for such  an amazing cause.

What stood out to me the most? Probably the one family walking with their daughter who had cancer, they held her up on a float and walked the 5 km. It was  truly inspirational, she seemed happy and content, and she truly seemed full of life. I guarantee you she will kick cancers butt! My prayers are with her.

Another walker, a female lady with a walker had a sign on her back saying “I’m walking for Katie.” This definitely brought tears to my eyes because all though she was struggling her way up and down the pathways she did it with happiness for her daughter.

My job as a Youth Central volunteer was to cheer on the walkers and motivate them, alike to a spirit squad. It was a beautiful day, people were in crazy costumes or just in their undergarments and were all happily walking for such an amazing cause. Without a doubt, The Under Wear Affair raised tons of money for cancer and was a great way to give back to the community.

“Cancer, I hope you get cancer and die.” ~Unknown

Let’s hope and pray one day we shall find the solution for cancer and live cancer free lives, because we deserve it.

The Underwear Affair



  1. such an important cause; i wish though that we’d really integrate healthy living (and perhaps have it enforced on us!!) to try to protect us from ailments as opposed to relying on very expensive research and on pharmaceutical giants. certainly though many cases will not be completely preventable, so we need to keep working for cures. Our gov’ts are very slow to act and our health system is very weak so we need to take actions and accountability on our own.

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