Turn Sunday Into a Day of Balance


Sundays know it or not set up the pace of your entire week to come. Many of us prefer not to think about work or school during the weekend but let’s face it, Sunday is just a prep day. Use it or not, it’s there to help you control your stress levels for the week and do some damage control beforehand. Be efficient and everything becomes slightly easier; if you waste time you will stress out. It is easy to say that Sunday is a day to relax but it is most definitely not a day to procrastinate, for a little bit organization can ensure an easier week. In the end, Sunday is inevitable and all about a balance between work and relaxation.

So here are a few tips of how you can balance relaxation while being efficient: 

1: Make yourself a warm drink whether it is peppermint tea, hot chocolate or coffee, grab a cozy blanket, turn on an instrumental version of your favourite song and do some pre-reading for your classes. You’ll be comfortable and effective by setting up a pace for the rest of your day and week. By pre-reading you’ll already have questions in mind to get clarified and take your understanding to a higher level. Plus the warm drink and blanket will make your experience all the more calming.

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2: Take a few moments to organize your binders, notes, and bag. Make sure everything is in order and get in touch with your planner to write down all you have left to do for the week. Make a plan of what you are hoping to accomplish today and what the rest of the week holds for you. Colour coding always makes for a more fulfilling organizational time. While you are designing your day and week throw on some dance music and get into the rhythm of a clean space and a re-energized mind.

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3: Set goals for your week! Sit on the sofa or outside on a park bench with a healthy snack and a journal. Perhaps turn on your favourite TV show or movie? Or some music that will get you into an excited yet relaxed feel? Write down what you want to accomplish out of this week, physically, emotionally and academically. Ensure that all of your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding, and Timely) so that you can achieve them.

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4: Ok maybe you should actually get those assignments done too hey? Well how do you do that in a relaxing way? It is all about your level of investment and your environment. Get attached to your work and find some meaning and do so in a comfy place, whether it is on a hammock , on your bed, a desk, with your cat, or outside on your deck. Turn on some gentle music to add to the ambience and ensure the lighting works for your mood. Grab a drink, a snack, and some inspiration and hammer through all your work. Take breaks and watch some TV, go for a run, or meditate. But once you get into a rhythm of working, your body will want to continue.

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5: Spend your evening doing something that you love! Play the piano, read a book, watch a movie, journal or meditate. Find some inner peace before a hectic week of ups and downs. Get some downtime with yourself and just listen. Listen to your needs and desires. Ground yourself and breathe because you can without worrying about pending work.

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Efficiency is intelligent laziness. ~Unknown

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