Tips on Boosting Confidence and Self Esteem


Being a teenager is hard, even being a human is hard! You get pushed by media so much to be perfect and skinny, but there is never enough push to be happy. No one will ever be 100% confident with themselves and no one will ever love themselves 100% and that’s a fact. Sometimes it’s not enough to fake it till you make it, so here are some tips to help you get rid of those negative comments to yourself.

– When you have multiple sizes to try on at the store, try on the biggest size first. That way you aren’t hoping you can fit into those tiny size 2 pants that you try on first, you can focus on what works and celebrate every time the piece of clothing is too big for you.  So instead of being bummed that the first three pairs are to small, you can be happy that the first 3 pairs were too big.

– Feeling unmotivated and bummed during the school day, well you can’t hide in the bathroom stall all day. At the beginning of the school year write motivational words onto pieces of paper and tape them to the inside of your locker with the text facing down. Every time you feel like you need an extra push to make it through the day, flip a piece over and read the comment.

– Don’t surround yourself with all of the negativity. Don’t read magazines, there are a ton of adverts that show “skinny” and “flawless” models in them that can give you unreal expectations that will stick with you throughout your life.

– If you are really self conscious about your face or anything on it, and you feel like everyone is staring at it (which they most likely aren’t), you can draw the attention away from it. Try wearing shirts with sayings on them or something sparkly, whatever you like, that way people will be drawn to see what’s on it.

Also just remember, no body is perfect. You’re not perfect, Kim Kardashian is not perfect, David Beckham is not perfect, the most popular girl in school is not perfect!  Looks are not everything, they will not get you into university or get you a job. I know it all sounds cheesy but it is true, you are all beautiful. Whether you believe it or not, that’s your own choice.
