Tips for bathing suit confidence


The summer weather is finally here! And you know what that means… Whether this word makes you cringe or ecstatic, it is once again time to break out the swimsuits. There are so many opportunities to go swimming at the pool, lake, beach, or perhaps you want to chill in a bathing suit in your backyard. Wherever you sport your suit, do it in confidence.

I’ve seen so many articles popping up recently about getting your “bikini body ready” or “how to look good in your swimsuit this summer” and I understand that they’re trying to generate morale, but I can’t help but feel that these articles are a bit biased towards women. Yes, you may not fill out your top completely or you may not have “hot dog legs,” but our male counterparts probably feel the pressure too. Everyone deals with insecurity at some point, and I’m not going to lie, I’ve thought almost all these things at one point as well, but eventually I got tired of worrying about how I look and not actually having a good time.

Today’s article is going to remain as gender-neutral as possible in hopes of convincing you to stop dreading going out in the water.


I feel awkward exposing my skin. Well, you don’t have to. Invest in a mumu, wear swimming shorts/trunks and just throw on a shirt over top. Just because everyone else is barely clothed does not make you strange for not wanting to do so.

But I’m just so pale. Last time I checked, tanning was just a sign of skin mutations. I will be joining you in the slathering of sunscreen (which everyone should do, no matter your skin color), my friend. Don’t let your skin tone discourage you from wearing a swimsuit.

Don’t make me sit down, you’ll see my rolls. You can’t stay standing forever, and you definitely can’t hide in the water either. I 100% guarantee that you will not be the only person at a place who has stomach rolls when you sit down. There is nothing wrong with having some fat – everyone does. If it really makes you that uncomfortable, you can wear a loose shirt or use a towel to cover up. But it’s really nothing to be embarrassed about.

The camera adds 10 pounds. Which means that there will be 10 more pounds of you to love. If you naturally shy away from the camera, I guess it’s understandable, but don’t feel like you have to dig yourself a hole whenever someone pulls a camera out. Having fun and goofing off with your friends are times that you will want to remember. Don’t let an insecurity now ruin your memories for years to come.

That person over there looks so much better than me. But they don’t have your amazing friends and family with them, now do they. The people around you love you for who you are already, and if they haven’t left you yet they’re certainly not just going to after seeing you in a swimsuit. I don’t know who your friends are, but if they see a public area as some sort of swimsuit competition, you have more problems than “not looking good” for a few hours.

I forgot to shave. We’re humans, not turtles. If someone comes to the beach expecting not to see a spec of body hair then they should really ask all of the dog owners to leave first.

Finally, I leave you with some quotes to inspire a bit more confidence, not just in a bathing suit but for every day you don’t love yourself to the fullest.

“Life is too short to spend another day at war with yourself.”

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you already are.”